whirlpool-sdk 0.0.33
Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @orca-so/whirlpool-sdk@0.0.33
Install via package.json:
"@orca-so/whirlpool-sdk": "0.0.33"
About this version
Note: This is a pre-release. The public APIs are subject to change in the coming weeks.
The Orca Whirlpool SDK contains a set of simple to use APIs to allow developers to interact with the Orca concentrated liquidity pools.
Learn more Orca here.
- Swap on the new Whirlpools.
- Manage your Whirlpool positions. (ex. Open/close position, add/remove liquidity, collect fees & rewards)
- Get offchain pool data (ex. price history, TVL, APR)
Supported Orca Pools
- As part of the Whirlpool Beta launch, we support
Coming Soon
- The API will be modified to improve developer experience.
- Open-sourcing the inner
so power-users can construct Whirlpool instruction calls directly. (Feel free to take a look when you pull down this module!)
Use your environment's package manager to install @orca-so/whirlpool-sdk and other related packages into your project.
yarn add @orca-so/whirlpool-sdk
npm install @orca-so/whirlpool-sdk
import { Provider } from "@project-serum/anchor";
import { Connection, PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js";
// NOTE: The following code will work currently but the API will change in upcoming releases.
// You can use Anchor.Provider.env() and use env vars or pass in a custom Wallet implementation to do signing
const provider = new Provider(connection, wallet, Provider.defaultOptions());
// Derive the Whirlpool address from token mints
const orca = new OrcaWhirlpoolClient({ network: OrcaNetwork.MAINNET });
const poolAddress = await orca.pool.derivePDA(ORCA_MINT, USDC_MINT, false)
// Fetch an instance of the pool
const poolData = await orca.getPool(poolAddress);
if (!poolData) {
// Open a position
const openPositionQuote = await orca.pool.getOpenPositionQuote({
tokenMint: ORCA_MINT,
tokenAmount: new u64(1_000_000_000),
refresh: true,
tickLowerIndex: priceToTickIndex(new Decimal(0), 6, 6),
tickUpperIndex: priceToTickIndex(new Decimal(100), 6, 6),
const openPositionTx = await orca.pool.getOpenPositionTx({
quote: openPositionQuote,
const openPositionTxId = await openPositionTx.tx.buildAndExecute();
// Construct a swap instruction on this pool and execute.
const swapQuote = await orca.pool.getSwapQuote({
tokenMint: ORCA_MINT,
tokenAmount: new u64(1_000_000),
isInput: true,
refresh: true,
const swapTx = await orca.pool.getSwapTx({
quote: swapQuote,
const swapTxId = swapTx.buildAndExecute();
If you are using Provider.env(), you can invoke with the following:
ANCHOR_PROVIDER_URL=https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com ANCHOR_WALLET=<Path to your keypair> ts-node <Path to file>.ts
Code is not stable
This repo is in a pre-release state. The public API will undergo a major refactor prior to our beta release.
Integration Questions
You are welcome to source-dive into the SDK and the inner @orca-so/whirlpool-client-sdk
to interact with the Whirlpool contract. However,we will not be able to provide integration support at this moment.
Issues / Bugs
If you found a bug, please message the team over at @integrations on Discord.