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Abdelrahman Mohamed Taha MAHMOUD Abdelrahman-Mohamed-Taha-MAHMOUD
M.Sc. Student (S-DISCO) International Master of Science in Sustainable Drug Discovery

Ghent, Belgium.

Oluwagbade Odimayo tekolujoe
Data Engineering || Data Science || Bionformatics


Sarkaft Ghareeb omer Sarkaft
Biomedical scientist, jonior bioinformtician Erbil

Paul L. Maurizio mauriziopaul
Bioinformatics Scientist at the NIH. Former postdoc at UChicago, Barreiro lab. PhD in Bioinformatics & Computational Biology with @williamvaldar & Mark Heise.

NIAID Bethesda, MD

George Kitundu EorgeKit
A Biologist with a passion for using Bioinformatics to answer different biological questions. Metagenomics and Pathogen evolution enthusiast.

International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE)