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ogrand committed May 17, 2019
1 parent c02b725 commit 0b14d96
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Showing 21 changed files with 174 additions and 365 deletions.
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions .gitignore

This file was deleted.

235 changes: 98 additions & 137 deletions Dockerfile

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

43 changes: 15 additions & 28 deletions
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@@ -1,39 +1,32 @@
# Cloud Foundry Docker Bosh Cli [![Docker Automated build](docker_automated.svg)](
The `cf-bosh-cli` project helps you to deploy bosh cli with tools through docker image:

### Programming packages
* `ruby` - Ruby Programming Language (
* `go` - Go Programming Language (
* `node` - NodeJS Programming Language (

### Generic tools
* `git` - Git client
* `spruce` - YAML templating tool, for BOSH deployment manifests generation (
* `jq` - JSON processing tool (
* `cerstrap` - Simple certificate manager (
* `spruce` - YAML templating tool, for BOSH deployment manifests generation (
* `yarn` - Package manager (

### Bosh deployments tools
* `bosh` - Bosh directors V2 CLI (
* `bosh-gen` - Generators for BOSH releases creation (
* `cf` - Cloud Foundry CLI (
* `uaac` - Cloud Foundry UAA CLI (
* `uaa` - UAA CLI go (
* `credhub` - Credhub CLI (
* `fly` - Concourse CLI (
* `terraform` - Provides a common configuration to launch infrastructure (
* `terraform-provider-cloudfoundry` - Terraform plugin for Cloudfoundry (

### Backup and Storage tools
* `shield` - Shield CLI (
* `bbr` - Bosh Backup and Restore CLI (
* `gof3r` - Client for fast, parallelized and pipelined streaming access to S3 bucket (
* `mc` - Minio S3 CLI (
* `shield` - Shield CLI (

### Kubernetes tools
* `smctl` - Service Manager CLI (
* `kubectl` - Kubernetes CLI (
* `helm` - Kubernetes Package Manager (
* `smctl` - Service Manager CLI (

### BDD tools
* `mysqlsh` - MySQL shell CLI (
Expand All @@ -59,19 +52,19 @@ Then, build the image: <code>docker build -t cf-bosh-cli .</code>
Launch the image. Don't miss to assign an host port to the container ssh port (22) :
<code>docker run --name cf-bosh-cli -d -p 2222:22 -v /home/bosh -v /data orangecloudfoundry/orange-cf-bosh-cli</code>

Then, log into the container with ssh : <code>ssh -p 2222 bosh@</code>
Then, log into the container with ssh : <code>ssh -p 2222 bosh@localhost</code>

The password at first logon is "welcome" (you have to change your password). When you are logged into the container, you must add your ssh public key into the file <code>~/.ssh/authorized_keys</code> (RSA format). This last step will make the container secure after each restart/update (password auth will be disabled).
The password at first logon is "welcome" (you have to change this password). When you are logged into the container, you must add your ssh public key into the file <code>~/.ssh/authorized_keys</code> (RSA format). This last step will make the container secure after each restart/update (password auth will be disabled).

#### With public ssh key provided to the container
It's also possible to add your public key to the container threw an environment variable.

Launch the image. Don't miss to assign an host port to the container ssh port (22) :
<code>docker run --name cf-bosh-cli -d -p 2222:22 -v /home/bosh -v /data -e "SSH_PUBLIC_KEY=<put here your ssh-rsa public key>" orangecloudfoundry/orange-cf-bosh-cli</code>

Then, log into the container with ssh : <code>ssh -p 2222 -i <path to your rsa private key> bosh@</code>
Then, log into the container with ssh : <code>ssh -p 2222 -i <path to your rsa private key> bosh@localhost</code>

The password in this case is completely disabled. By default, the file containing the public key <code>~/.ssh/authorized_keys</code> is overwrited after container restart or update. By setting the variable <code>SSH_PUBLIC_KEY_DONT_OVERWRITE=true</code>, this file is not overwrited if it already exists and is not empty.
The password in this case is completely disabled. By default, the file containing the public key <code>~/.ssh/authorized_keys</code> is overwrited after container restart or update.

### How to use it using "Docker Bosh Release"
Another option is to deploy the container threw the "Docker Bosh Release" (
Expand All @@ -84,16 +77,13 @@ In the following example:

Example of bosh deployment manifest:
director_uuid = 'fa2a0823-b875-4fe3-9bf1-3de6a9bdddb8'
deployment_name = 'bosh-cli'
static_ip = ''
dns_servers = ''
http_proxy = 'http:/proxy:3128'
https_proxy = 'http://proxy:3128'
docker_image = 'orangecloudfoundry/orange-cf-bosh-cli'
docker_tag = 'latest'
name: <%= deployment_name %>
director_uuid: <%= director_uuid %>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -159,38 +149,35 @@ jobs:
- <%= static_ip %>
http_proxy: "<%= http_proxy %>"
https_proxy: "<%= https_proxy %>"
- name: data_container
image: <%= docker_image %>:<%= docker_tag %>
- "/data"
- /data
- "/etc/ssl/certs:/etc/ssl/certs:ro"
- name: user1_bosh_cli
image: <%= docker_image %>:<%= docker_tag %>
hostname: user1_bosh_cli
- "http_proxy=<%= http_proxy %>"
- "https_proxy=<%= https_proxy %>"
#This container will be provisioned with a publioc key. The other containers will use standard password authentication
- "SSH_PUBLIC_KEY=<put here your ssh-rsa public key>"
- "2222:22"
- "????:22"
- /home/bosh
- data_container
- data_container
- name: user2_bosh_cli
image: <%= docker_image %>:<%= docker_tag %>
hostname: user2_bosh_cli
- "http_proxy=<%= http_proxy %>"
- "https_proxy=<%= https_proxy %>"
- "SSH_PUBLIC_KEY=<put here your ssh-rsa public key>"
- "2223:22"
- "????:22"
- /home/bosh
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions scripts/check_ssh_security → bosh-cli/
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Expand Up @@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
# This script is installed in "/usr/local/bin"

if [ -f /home/<username>/.ssh/authorized_keys ] && \
[ `cat /home/<username>/.ssh/authorized_keys | grep "^ssh-rsa" | wc -l` -ne 0 ] && \
[ `cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep "^PasswordAuthentication yes" | wc -l` -eq 1 ] ; then
if [ -f /home/bosh/.ssh/authorized_keys ] && \
[ $(cat /home/bosh/.ssh/authorized_keys | grep "^ssh-rsa" | wc -l) -ne 0 ] && \
[ $(cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep "^PasswordAuthentication yes" | wc -l) -eq 1 ] ; then

if [ "$1" != "container_init" ] ; then
supervisorctl restart sshd
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions scripts/disable_ssh_password_auth → bosh-cli/
100755 → 100644
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Expand Up @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
# This script is installed in "/usr/local/bin"

echo "Disabling ssh password auth..."
echo "Disabling ssh password authentication..."
sed -i 's/^PasswordAuthentication .*/PasswordAuthentication no/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sudo sh -c "echo \"<username>:\`date +%s | sha256sum | base64 | head -c 32 ; echo\`\" | chpasswd"
chage -I -1 -m 0 -M 99999 -E -1 <username>
echo "Disabling ssh password auth done."
sudo sh -c "echo \"bosh:\$(date +%s | sha256sum | base64 | head -c 32 ; echo\)\" | chpasswd"
chage -I -1 -m 0 -M 99999 -E -1 bosh
echo "Disabling ssh password authentication done."
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
15 changes: 8 additions & 7 deletions scripts/log-uaac → bosh-cli/
100755 → 100644
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Expand Up @@ -47,12 +47,12 @@ else
while [ ${flag} = 0 ] ; do
printf "%bTarget UAA :%b\n\n" "${REVERSE}${GREEN}" "${STD}"
printf "%b1%b : cf\n" "${GREEN}${BOLD}" "${STD}"
printf "%b2%b : micro\n" "${GREEN}${BOLD}" "${STD}"
printf "%b3%b : master\n" "${GREEN}${BOLD}" "${STD}"
printf "%b4%b : ops\n" "${GREEN}${BOLD}" "${STD}"
printf "%b5%b : kubo\n" "${GREEN}${BOLD}" "${STD}"
printf "%b6%b : coab\n" "${GREEN}${BOLD}" "${STD}"
printf "%b1%b : cf (master-depls/cf)\n" "${GREEN}${BOLD}" "${STD}"
printf "%b2%b : micro (micro-depls/credhub-ha)\n" "${GREEN}${BOLD}" "${STD}"
printf "%b3%b : master (micro-depls/bosh-master)\n" "${GREEN}${BOLD}" "${STD}"
printf "%b4%b : ops (master-depls/bosh-ops)\n" "${GREEN}${BOLD}" "${STD}"
printf "%b5%b : kubo (master-depls/bosh-kubo)\n" "${GREEN}${BOLD}" "${STD}"
printf "%b6%b : coab (master-depls/bosh-coab)\n" "${GREEN}${BOLD}" "${STD}"
printf "\n%bYour choice :%b " "${GREEN}${BOLD}" "${STD}" ; read choice
case "${choice}" in
1) getCredhub "SYSTEM_DOMAIN" "/secrets/cloudfoundry_system_domain"
Expand All @@ -68,13 +68,14 @@ else

if [ ${flagError} = 0 ] ; then
uaac token delete --all
uaac target ${UAA_TARGET} --ca-cert ${BOSH_CA_CERT} > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
uaac token client get admin -s ${ADMIN_PASSWORD}
printf "\n%bERROR : Connexion failed.%b\n\n" "${RED}" "${STD}"
printf "\n"
31 changes: 15 additions & 16 deletions scripts/profile → bosh-cli/profile
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Expand Up @@ -4,12 +4,11 @@

#--- Check ssh security
sudo /usr/local/bin/check_ssh_security "user_login"
sudo /usr/local/bin/ "user_login"

#--- Modify home user (on shared disk)
export MY_BOSH_USER=`hostname`
export HOME=/data/shared/${MY_BOSH_USER}

#--- Create user directory
if [ ! -d ${HOME} ] ; then
Expand All @@ -25,9 +24,6 @@ export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${HOME}
#--- Redefine command history file path
export HISTFILE=${HOME}/.bash_history

#--- GO environment
export GOPATH=${HOME}/go

#--- CF cli environment
export CF_COLOR=true
#export CF_STAGING_TIMEOUT=15 #--- Time wait for buildpack loading (in minutes)
Expand All @@ -45,28 +41,31 @@ else
if [ ! -L ${HOME}/.cf/plugins ] ; then
rm -fr ${HOME}/.cf/plugins > /dev/null 2>&1
ln -s /home/<username>/.cf/plugins ${HOME}/.cf/plugins
ln -s /home/bosh/.cf/plugins ${HOME}/.cf/plugins

#--- Redefine Path to binary
export PATH=.:/data/shared/${MY_BOSH_USER}/bin:${DATA_SHARED_TOOLS_DIR}:${PATH}:/usr/local/go/bin:${GOPATH}/bin
export PATH=.:/data/shared/${MY_BOSH_USER}/bin:${PATH}

#--- Init ".bash_aliases"
echo "#--- Aliases" > ${HOME}/.bash_aliases
echo "alias f='function __f() { printf \"\n\";find . ! -regex \".*[/]\.git[/]?.*\" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep -I -i --color \"\$1\";unset -f __f;printf \"\n\"; }; __f'" >> ${HOME}/.bash_aliases
echo "alias diff='colordiff'" >> ${HOME}/.bash_aliases
echo "alias fly='fly -t concourse-micro'" >> ${HOME}/.bash_aliases
echo "alias log-bosh='. log-bosh'" >> ${HOME}/.bash_aliases
echo "alias log-credhub='. log-credhub'" >> ${HOME}/.bash_aliases
echo "alias log-fly='. log-fly'" >> ${HOME}/.bash_aliases
echo "alias log-mc='. log-mc'" >> ${HOME}/.bash_aliases
echo "alias log-openstack='. log-openstack'" >> ${HOME}/.bash_aliases
echo "alias log-uaa='. log-uaa'" >> ${HOME}/.bash_aliases
echo "alias log-uaac='. log-uaac'" >> ${HOME}/.bash_aliases
echo "alias switch='. switch'" >> ${HOME}/.bash_aliases
echo "alias gitlog='git log --graph --pretty=format:'\''%C(yellow)%H%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cn %ci)%Creset'\'' --abbrev-commit'" >> ${HOME}/.bash_aliases
echo "alias log-bosh='.'" >> ${HOME}/.bash_aliases
echo "alias log-cf='.'" >> ${HOME}/.bash_aliases
echo "alias log-credhub='.'" >> ${HOME}/.bash_aliases
echo "alias log-fly='.'" >> ${HOME}/.bash_aliases
echo "alias log-mc='.'" >> ${HOME}/.bash_aliases
echo "alias log-openstack='.'" >> ${HOME}/.bash_aliases
echo "alias log-uaac='.'" >> ${HOME}/.bash_aliases
echo "alias switch='.'" >> ${HOME}/.bash_aliases
echo "alias tools='.'" >> ${HOME}/.bash_aliases
echo "alias os='openstack'" >> ${HOME}/.bash_aliases

#--- Adapt user prompt and terminal name
if [ -f ${DATA_SHARED_TOOLS_DIR}/bosh_cli_env ] ; then
export BOSH_CLI_ENV=`cat ${DATA_SHARED_TOOLS_DIR}/bosh_cli_env`
Expand All @@ -78,7 +77,7 @@ else

echo ". ~/.bashrc" > ${HOME}/.bash_profile
cp /home/<username>/.bashrc ${HOME}/.bashrc
cp /home/bosh/.bashrc ${HOME}/.bashrc

echo "#--- User prompt and terminal name" >> ${HOME}/.bashrc
printf "export PS1='\${debian_chroot:+(\$debian_chroot)}\[\\\033[01;32m\]\h@${BOSH_CLI_ENV}\[\\\033[00m\]:\[\\\033[01;34m\]\w\[\\\033[00m\]$ '\n" >> ${HOME}/.bashrc
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File renamed without changes.
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions bosh-cli/
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@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# Entry point for docker container startup

#--- Push the public key if required
if [ -n "${SSH_PUBLIC_KEY}" ] ; then
if [[ "${SSH_PUBLIC_KEY}" != "ssh-rsa"* ]] ; then
SSH_PUBLIC_KEY="ssh-rsa ${SSH_PUBLIC_KEY} public.key@pushed"
echo "${SSH_PUBLIC_KEY}" > /home/bosh/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 600 /home/bosh/.ssh/authorized_keys
chown bosh:users /home/bosh/.ssh/authorized_keys

#--- Check ssh security
/usr/local/bin/ "container_init"

#--- Launch ssh daemon
echo "Starting sshd..."
/usr/bin/supervisord -c /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions scripts/switch → bosh-cli/
100755 → 100644
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Switch to Bosh deployment within bosh director
# Switch to Bosh deployment within the same bosh director

#--- Colors and styles
Expand All @@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ export STD='\033[0m'
export BOLD='\033[1m'
export REVERSE='\033[7m'

result=$(bosh env | grep "not logged in" 2>&1)
if [ "${result}" != "" ] ; then
result=$(bosh env > /dev/null 2>&1)
if [ ${result} != 0 ] ; then
printf "\n\n%bERROR : You are not connected to bosh director.%b\n\n" "${RED}" "${STD}"
#--- Select specific deployment (BOSH_DEPLOYMENT variable)
Expand Down
12 changes: 5 additions & 7 deletions scripts/tools → bosh-cli/
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Expand Up @@ -10,21 +10,19 @@ export BOLD='\033[1m'
export REVERSE='\033[7m'

display() {
flag=$(which $1)
if [ "${flag}" != "" ] ; then
printf "%b%-15s%b: %s\n" "${GREEN}${BOLD}" "$1" "${STD}" "$2"
printf "%b%-15s%b: %s\n" "${GREEN}${BOLD}" "$1" "${STD}" "$2"

printf "%bTOOLS%b\n" "${GREEN}${BOLD}${REVERSE}" "${STD}"
display "f" "String search in the sub-trees"
display "gitlog" "Display git commits in nice format"
display "log-bosh" "Log with bosh CLI V2"
display "log-cf" "Log with cf CLI"
display "log-credhub" "Log with credhub CLI"
display "log-fly" "Log with concourse CLI"
display "log-mc" "Log with minio/OBOS S3 CLI"
display "log-openstack" "Log with openstack CLI tools"
display "log-uaa" "Log with uaa go CLI tools"
display "log-uaac" "Log with uaac ruby CLI tools"
display "switch" "Switch to bosh deployment"
printf "\n"
display "switch" "Switch to new bosh deployment in the same director"
printf "\n"
18 changes: 0 additions & 18 deletions scripts/bosh_completion

This file was deleted.


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