[CS2] Game-Manager (1.0.5)
-Added "DisableRadio": 0,// (1) = Disable Radio Completely || (2) = Make it Cooldown [DisableRadioThreshold] + [DisableRadioTime]
-Added "DisableRadioThreshold": 6, // if DisableRadio (2) How Much Threshold Radio
-Added "DisableRadioTime": 5, // if DisableRadio (2) Time In Sec Give Cooldown + added to lang "Radio_WarningCooldown"
-Added "DisableChatWheel": 0, // (1) = Disable ChatWheel Completely || (2) = Make it Cooldown [DisableChatWheelThreshold] + [DisableChatWheelTime]
-Added "DisableChatWheelThreshold": 6, // if DisableChatWheel (2) How Much Threshold Radio]
-Added "DisableChatWheelTime": 5, // if DisableChatWheel (2) Time In Sec Give Cooldown + added to lang "ChatWheel_WarningCooldown"
-Added "DisableKillfeed" // (1) = Disable Killfeed Completely || (2) = Disable Killfeed And Show Who I Killed Only
-Added "CustomJoinTeamMessages" To lang "CustomJoinTeamMessages_SPEC" "CustomJoinTeamMessages_T" "CustomJoinTeamMessages_CT"
-Added "DisableBotRadio"
-Added "DisableMPVSound"
-Added "DisableBomb"
-Added "DisableDeadBody"
-Added "IgnoreTeamMateAttackMessages"
-Fix "DisableSvCheats"