JHOVE 2020 is an Electron application.
You'll need the following for developing Electron apps:
- NodeJS as a JavaScript runtime v12.14.1-LTS; and
- Node Package Manager (NPM).
Electron, Node and their dependencies can make for a complicated stack. To avoid
contaminating a development environment it's best to use
Node virtual environments. This Python
utility creates discrete Node environments with their own installation directories
and shared libraries. While NodeEnv can be installed globally using Python's pip
package manager it can also be installed in a Python virtual environment. This
means running a Node virtual environment within a Python virtual environment
but avoids unnecessary local installations.
You'll need:
- Python (2.6+ or 3.3+)
- Virtualenv for Python virtual environments
A virtual development environment can then be set up, e.g. fi:
$ virtualenv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
(.venv) $ pip install nodeenv
(.venv) $ nodeenv --version
To get a list of available node.js versions:
(.venv) $ nodeenv --list
To install and activate a node.js 12.14.1-LTS environment:
(.venv) $ npmnodeenv --node=12.4.1 .node-12.4
(.venv) $ source .node-12.4/bin/activate
(.node-12.4) (.venv) $ node --version
(.node-12.4) (.venv) $ npm --version
From the project root directory type npm install