A Backbone and Bootstrap settings page, allowing users to configure a web application through a simple, easy to use UI.
This project exposes AMD modules. The path to the project root directory must be aliased as settings. The module names in the documentation reflect this.
Documentation can be found here.
This repo uses git-flow. develop is the development branch. master is the last known good branch.
bower install hp-autonomy-settings-page
- grunt : runs the lint, test, and coverage tasks
- grunt test : Runs the Jasmine tests in Phantom JS
- grunt browser-test : Starts a server on localhost:8000, which can be used to run the Jasmine tests in the browser
- grunt coverage : Generates code coverage statistics
- grunt lint : Runs js-lint and coffeelint
- grunt doc : Generates project documentation
(c) Copyright 2013-2018 OpenText or one of its affiliates.
Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this project except in compliance with the License.