Releases: openimis/policies_android_app_java
What's Changed
- Niger improvements by @edarchis in #125
- OP-187: IMIS web and policies app: Renewal extracts dont work by @malinowskikam in #126
- Java version in github worflows updated to 11 by @malinowskikam in #127
- OTC-504: Disable request CNs button with timer when fetching new from GePG by @malinowskikam in #128
- build.gradle cleaned by @malinowskikam in #129
- Added missing string key by @malinowskikam in #130
- OTC-510: Allow to max threshold for CNs any time by @malinowskikam in #131
- OTC-508: Test insuree image upload from Android 7 by @malinowskikam in #133
- OTC-498 Updated picasso library to 2.71828 by @malinowskikam in #134
- OTC-374: XMLexport function renamed. Obsolete code removed. by @wzglinieckisoldevelo in #135
- OTC-529 Remove logging framework from release version of the app by @malinowskikam in #136
- OTC-344: Dialog button labels no longer hardcoded. by @wzglinieckisoldevelo in #137
- OTC-546: AllowFamilyWithoutPolicy not implemented by @malinowskikam in #139
- OTC-536: Added check for empty value of phone number of an insuree by @wzglinieckisoldevelo in #140
- Release URL update by @malinowskikam in #142
- OTC-566: Resetting EO credentials after typing different EO code. by @wzglinieckisoldevelo in #141
- Removed unused permissions by @malinowskikam in #143
- OTC-344: Vulnerability field moved to match webapp position. by @wzglinieckisoldevelo in #144
- OTC-575 Updated version code by @malinowskikam in #145
- OTC-582: Input checks for new renewals now are displayed properly. by @wzglinieckisoldevelo in #146
- OP-764 Prepare a solution for file IO for mobile apps compliant with Google's external storage permissions by @malinowskikam in #147
- Fixes release/2.2.0 by @dragos-dobre in #148
- OP-768: Policies: Remove MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission and convert all features to use appropriate file APIs by @malinowskikam in #149
- OTC-596: Fixed checking photos after validation by @malinowskikam in #150
- OTC-581: Custom message is now displayed when no policy is active. by @wzglinieckisoldevelo in #152
- Release Log class fixed by @malinowskikam in #153
- OTC-640 The app freezes when using "Modify Family" by @malinowskikam in #155
- OTC-642: Fixed XML enrolment export by @malinowskikam in #157
- OTC-651 Implemented default language, fixed saved language by @malinowskikam in #158
- OTC-683 The CHF-ID number was seen Null I on the status by @malinowskikam in #160
- OTC-683 Added policy check to insuree page by @malinowskikam in #161
- OP-703: Policy status is displayed in the Enquire menu. by @wzglinieckisoldevelo in #164
- OTC-662 Policy application can not retrieve client data for modification by @malinowskikam in #162
- Updated SDK to 33, updated strings by @malinowskikam in #165
- OP-705: Message added when no insuree is found in Enquire. by @wzglinieckisoldevelo in #166
- OP-687: No renewals found message added. by @wzglinieckisoldevelo in #167
- OTC-696: Restart on QR code scan in Enrolment by @malinowskikam in #168
- OTC-708 The newly registered EO can be viewed on IMIS web but when try to log in IMIS mobile application it gives an error "Incorrect Enrollment Officer Code" by @malinowskikam in #169
- Compile resource fix by @malinowskikam in #170
- OP-940 Test mobiles apps on release server (22.10 Release) by @malinowskikam in #173
- Develop by @dragos-dobre in #174
- Release/2.2.0 by @dragos-dobre in #171
New Contributors
- @wzglinieckisoldevelo made their first contribution in #135
Full Changelog: v2.1.0...v2.2.0
What's Changed
- OP-244: Integrate PoliciesApp from Exact into Master version by @dborowiecki in #27
- OP-244: Restored activity classes, corrected requests calls paths by @druchniewicz in #28
- OP-244: Corrected columns names for ConfirmationTypes by @druchniewicz in #29
- OP-262: Catch app breaking exception and display information about missing photo by @dborowiecki in #31
- OP-190: Missing marital status has same value as in webapp by @dborowiecki in #32
- OP-284: Fixed IDs overlaping by @dborowiecki in #36
- OP-188: Added accurate connectivity error messages by @dborowiecki in #33
- OP-283: Exclude unnecessary permissions in manifest by @dborowiecki in #35
- OP-264: Adjusted enquire variables names by @dborowiecki in #37
- OP-264: Fix display names for enquire values by @dborowiecki in #38
- Added custom build variants by @dborowiecki in #41
- OP-269: Photos included in creating XML Enrolment by @dborowiecki in #40
- OP-194: Ensure user logged in report activity by @dborowiecki in #39
- OP-220: Added missing field for enquiry function by @dborowiecki in #42
- OP-290: Select language can be done for currently selected one by @malinowskikam in #43
- OP-194: Ensure user logged in report activity by @malinowskikam in #44
- OTC-238: Policies app name changed to "Barcode Scanner" in unsupported languages by @malinowskikam in #46
- OP-315: Android 10/11 compatibility by @malinowskikam in #45
- OP-322: fixed add a new member to a family by @sniedzielski in #47
- OTC-242: Automatically update version in About in Mobile Apps by @malinowskikam in #50
- OP-324: delete an existing member of a family - problem on family list by @sniedzielski in #49
- OP-325: Test case: update the master data in offline mode by @malinowskikam in #48
- OTC-75: Flexibility of loading of the Master Data off-line by @malinowskikam in #51
- OTC-260: added new build variant for PORALG-UAT by @sniedzielski in #53
- OP-353: Add additional error handling to IMIS Policies reports by @malinowskikam in #58
- OP-354: Fix assigning photos to insurees in IMIS Policies by @malinowskikam in #59
- OTC-265: Fixed multiple policies selection in CN Request by @dborowiecki in #55
- OP-348: Added SMS Logic to Policies App by @dborowiecki in #56
- OP-352: Update logos in Policies mobile app by @malinowskikam in #60
- OTC-24: Renewal was sent succesfully but does not reflect in the web by @malinowskikam in #52
- OTC-267: Enforce Send SMS to yes in CN request by @malinowskikam in #62
- OTC-266: Renamed Control Number menu to Payment by @malinowskikam in #61
- OTC-296: Prepare Policies mobile app for REST API integrated solution by @malinowskikam in #63
- Fix token condition in searching families by @dborowiecki in #64
- OTC-313: Fixed issue with saving families pulled from server by @dborowiecki in #67
- OTC-309: If picture is taken with Acquire, it is not displayed with Enrol a new insuree with same CHFID by @malinowskikam in #66
- OTC-312: added progress dialog in sync by @sniedzielski in #68
- OTC-314: Fixed issue with sending empty confirmationType as "null" by @dborowiecki in #69
- @malinowskikam OTC-306: Select all button and routine added by @dborowiecki in #65
- OTC-317: Query breaking XML Enrollments fixed by @dborowiecki in #71
- OTC-310: if contribution is same amount as policy, a message is displayed saying the price of the policy not covered yet and policy remains in idle state by @malinowskikam in #72
- OTC-320: only one productCode should be in list of unique codes by @sniedzielski in #73
- OTC-322: Fixed CN endpoint, rename Code to ControlNumberId by @dborowiecki in #74
- OTC-316: hide button 'Select All' by @sniedzielski in #76
- OTC-322: Fixed NULL value for ControlNumberId by @dborowiecki in #75
- OTC-324: Fix check commission functionality by @malinowskikam in #78
- OTC-137: Cleaning code in, build.gradle by @malinowskikam in #77
- OTC-331: Fix searching for online policies form by @malinowskikam in #79
- OTC-332: Fixed search in Overview CN, code cleaning by @malinowskikam in #80
- OTC-325: If there is an error when requesting CN, the state of policies should remain the same by @malinowskikam in #81
- OTC-334: Add “Vulnerability” field in Policies app by @malinowskikam in #82
- OTC-153: Changed alert on policy value exceeded to dialog by @malinowskikam in #83
- OTC-351: Add support for self signed SSL certificate to the mobile aps by @malinowskikam in #84
- OTC-362: Standardize compression of images from different sources in Policies app by @malinowskikam in #86
- Changed release server uri to https by @malinowskikam in #89
- OTC-354: Premiums wrongly assigned to policies during enrolment by @malinowskikam in #85
- OTC-329: REST API POST Family should return HTTP 200 with db UUIDs in payload by @malinowskikam in #91
- OTC-368: Add nessesary views to manage bulk control numbers by @malinowskikam in #88
- OTC-367: tblBulkControlNumbers added by @malinowskikam in #87
- MV build upgraded to use APIv3 by @malinowskikam in #92
- OTC-369: Add fetching bulk control numbers to ControlNumberService by @malinowskikam in #90
- OTC-372: Add auto-assigning of pre-fetched control numbers to policy during enrolment by @malinowskikam in #93
- GitHub action by @malinowskikam in #94
- Fixed case specific queries for bulk CN by @malinowskikam in #95
- OTC-337: MV app IMIS Policies: return frm the page Acquire doesn't funcion by @malinowskikam in #96
- OTC-376: MV app Policy: photos are not retrived by the Enquiry function by @malinowskikam in #97
- OTC-378: MV;IMIS Policies not possible to save a policy by @malinowskikam in #98
- OTC-414: The dates of expiry of policies are not displayed (there is 0 instead) by @malinowskikam in #99
- OTC-430: Moved default date format to AppInformation by @malinowskikam in #100
- OTC-441: Adapt Policies app to include Base64 image from api/family/{CHFID} by @malinowskikam in
April 2020 Release
Release notes
Android 9 compatibility
The mobile application is now compatible with Android 9 (Pie).
Enrolment Officer code is case-insensitive
Enrolment Officers can enter their code independent of the case.
Added build variants in gradle file
The application build.gradle file now contains build variants allowing to easily build different versions of the application.
Dependency / compatibility
Details on openIMIS Software Components page.
Release notes
Integration of the Policies application with the new improved REST API
The REST API provides improved security for mobile applications.
Added support for the ePayment module implementation
The ePayment module is integrated into the REST API. From the Policies application, the user can overview policies, overview control numbers and check the commission.
Offline synchronisation password can be customized directly in the application
New settings screen added to configure the offline RAR file password. The password needs to be the same on both Web Application and Policies application
Dependency / compatibility
Release notes
Integration of Legacy renewal application with Policies application
Adjustability and further enhancements of Policies mobile app
- Policies can be configured to enforce the submission of a photo and/or a policy while registering a new insuree from the mobile app.
- Search insurees to be renewed from the mobile app
- Search feedback to be collected from the mobile app
- Head of a family is in the list of members of the family highlighted in an appropriate way (different colouring)
- When a family is downloaded for editing purposes, the insurance number is disabled so that the user is not able to change the insurance number
- On the home page of the mobile app, two figures show the Total premiums in the form /
- When working offline on the mobile app, an external XML file can be copied on the phone to update the phone to the latest configuration.
- The mobile app user can see his/her own statistics:
- number of families/insures with active policies
- number of families/insures with expired policies
- number of families/insures with idle policies
- number of families/insures with suspended policies
Optimisation of contributions entry
The field Contribution Paid in the form Premium will be initially populated by the amount needed for full coverage of the value of the policy. The field can be edited. So, if the policy value is 10000 and one contribution 4000 has been already entered, the field will be initially populated with the value 6000 for the second contribution.