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feat: Trace Ingress Port
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dassheladiya committed Nov 14, 2024
1 parent db08815 commit 783ea21
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Showing 6 changed files with 283 additions and 3 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions core/Flist.cva6
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -192,4 +192,10 @@ ${CVA6_REPO_DIR}/core/cva6_mmu/

//For TIP

// end of manifest
47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions core/
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Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,20 @@ module cva6
rvfi_probes_instr_t instr;

parameter bit IsTIP = bit'(1),

parameter type tip_instr_t = struct packed {
logic [config_pkg::NRET-1:0] iretire;
logic [config_pkg::NRET*riscv::XLEN-1:0] iaddr; //PC address
logic [config_pkg::NRET*riscv::XLEN-1:0] time_t;
logic [config_pkg::NRET*3-1:0] priv;
logic [config_pkg::NRET*riscv::XLEN-1:0] cause;
logic [config_pkg::NRET*riscv::XLEN-1:0] tval;
logic [config_pkg::NRET*(riscv::XLEN/2)-1:0] itype;

// branchpredict scoreboard entry
// this is the struct which we will inject into the pipeline to guide the various
// units towards the correct branch decision and resolve
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -293,6 +307,8 @@ module cva6
input logic debug_req_i,
// Probes to build RVFI, can be left open when not used - RVFI
output rvfi_probes_t rvfi_probes_o,
//TIP interface
output tip_instr_t [CVA6Cfg.NrCommitPorts-1:0] tip_o,
// CVXIF request - SUBSYSTEM
output cvxif_req_t cvxif_req_o,
// CVXIF response - SUBSYSTEM
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1656,4 +1672,35 @@ module cva6
//pragma translate_on

if (IsTIP) begin

//CVA6 Trace Ingress Port
cva6_tip #(
.CVA6Cfg (CVA6Cfg),
.exception_t (exception_t),
.scoreboard_entry_t (scoreboard_entry_t),
.rvfi_probes_csr_t (rvfi_probes_csr_t),
.rvfi_probes_t (rvfi_probes_t)
) i_cva6_tip (
.clk_i (clk_i),
.ex_commit_i (ex_commit),
.priv_lvl_i (priv_lvl),
.eret_i (eret),
.resolved_branch_i (resolved_branch),


endmodule // ariane
139 changes: 139 additions & 0 deletions core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
module cva6_tip
import ariane_pkg::*;
parameter config_pkg::cva6_cfg_t CVA6Cfg = config_pkg::cva6_cfg_empty,
parameter type exception_t = logic,
parameter type scoreboard_entry_t = logic,
parameter type rvfi_probes_csr_t = logic,
parameter type bp_resolve_t = logic,
parameter type rvfi_probes_instr_t = logic,
parameter type rvfi_probes_t = logic,
parameter type tip_instr_t = logic

) (
input logic clk_i,
input scoreboard_entry_t [CVA6Cfg.NrCommitPorts-1:0] commit_instr_i,
input exception_t ex_commit_i,
input riscv::priv_lvl_t priv_lvl_i,
input logic [CVA6Cfg.NrCommitPorts-1:0] commit_ack_i,
input logic debug_mode_i,
input rvfi_probes_csr_t csr_i,
input logic eret_i,
input logic ipi_i,
input logic debug_req_i, // debug request (async)
input bp_resolve_t resolved_branch_i,
input rvfi_probes_t rvfi_probes_i,
output tip_instr_t [CVA6Cfg.NrCommitPorts-1:0] tip_o

rvfi_probes_instr_t instr= rvfi_probes_i.instr;
logic debug_mode;

logic [15:0] itype_signals[0:1];
reg [3:0] itype_o[0:1];

riscv::priv_lvl_t priv_lvl;
assign debug_mode = instr.debug_mode;
assign priv_lvl = instr.priv_lvl;

logic [63:0] taken_branch_pc_reg,not_taken_branch_pc_reg,uninforable_jump_pc_reg;

// branch
always@(posedge clk_i) begin
if(resolved_branch_i.cf_type == Branch && resolved_branch_i.is_taken == 1) begin
taken_branch_pc_reg <= resolved_branch_i.pc;// taken branch
else if(resolved_branch_i.cf_type == Branch && resolved_branch_i.is_taken == 0)begin
not_taken_branch_pc_reg <= resolved_branch_i.pc; //not taken branch
else if(resolved_branch_i.cf_type == JumpR)begin
uninforable_jump_pc_reg <= resolved_branch_i.pc; //JumpR

// itype signals encoding
for (genvar i = 0; i < cva6_config_pkg::CVA6ConfigNrCommitPorts; i++) begin
assign itype_signals [i][1] = commit_instr_i[i].valid && ex_commit_i.valid;
assign itype_signals [i][2] = ( ipi_i || debug_req_i ); //time_irq_i (commit_ack_i[0] && !ex_commit_i.valid) &&
assign itype_signals [i][3] = eret_i;
assign itype_signals [i][4] = ((not_taken_branch_pc_reg == commit_instr_i[i].pc) && ~(commit_instr_i[i].pc == 0));
assign itype_signals [i][5] = ( (taken_branch_pc_reg == commit_instr_i[i].pc) && ~(commit_instr_i[i].pc == 0));
assign itype_signals [i][6] = ( (uninforable_jump_pc_reg == commit_instr_i[i].pc) && ~(commit_instr_i[i].pc == 0));

for (genvar i = 0; i < cva6_config_pkg::CVA6ConfigNrCommitPorts; i++) begin

encoder_16_4 ec_0(.in(itype_signals[i]),.out(itype_o[i]),.valid());


//TIP signals
always_comb begin
for (int i = 0; i < cva6_config_pkg::CVA6ConfigNrCommitPorts; i++) begin
logic exception, mem_exception;
exception = commit_instr_i[i].valid && ex_commit_i.valid;
mem_exception = exception &&
(ex_commit_i.cause == riscv::INSTR_ADDR_MISALIGNED ||
ex_commit_i.cause == riscv::INSTR_ACCESS_FAULT ||
ex_commit_i.cause == riscv::ILLEGAL_INSTR ||
ex_commit_i.cause == riscv::LD_ADDR_MISALIGNED ||
ex_commit_i.cause == riscv::LD_ACCESS_FAULT ||
ex_commit_i.cause == riscv::ST_ADDR_MISALIGNED ||
ex_commit_i.cause == riscv::ST_ACCESS_FAULT ||
ex_commit_i.cause == riscv::INSTR_PAGE_FAULT ||
ex_commit_i.cause == riscv::LOAD_PAGE_FAULT ||
ex_commit_i.cause == riscv::STORE_PAGE_FAULT);
tip_o[i].iretire = (commit_ack_i[i] && !ex_commit_i.valid) ||
(exception && (ex_commit_i.cause == riscv::ENV_CALL_MMODE ||
ex_commit_i.cause == riscv::ENV_CALL_SMODE ||
ex_commit_i.cause == riscv::ENV_CALL_UMODE));
tip_o[i].iaddr = commit_instr_i[i].pc;
tip_o[i].time_t = csr_i.cycle_q;
tip_o[i].priv = (((CVA6Cfg.DebugEn && debug_mode) ? 2'b10 : priv_lvl) == 2'b10) ? 2'b01:((CVA6Cfg.DebugEn && debug_mode) ? 2'b10 : priv_lvl) ;//(CVA6Cfg.DebugEn && debug_mode) ? 2'b10 : priv_lvl;//debug_mode_i ? 3'b100 : priv_lvl_i;
tip_o[i].cause = ex_commit_i.cause;
tip_o[i].tval = csr_i.mtval_q;
tip_o[i].itype = itype_o[i];


//*************************** TIP Signal dumping **************************//

// int fd = $fopen("./tip_port_0_signals_dump.txt", "w");
// int fj = $fopen("./tip_port_1_signals_dump.txt", "w");

// always@(tip_o[0].iretire == 1) begin

// if (fd) begin
// $fwrite(fd, "tip_o_[0].iretire= 0x%h, tip_o_[0].iaddr= 0x%h, tip_o_[0].time_t= 0x%h, tip_o_[0].priv= 0x%h, tip_o_[0].cause= 0x%h, tip_o_[0].tval= 0x%h, tip_o_[0].itype= %h\n", tip_o[0].iretire, tip_o[0].iaddr,tip_o[0].time_t, tip_o[0].priv, tip_o[0].cause, tip_o[0].tval, tip_o[0].itype );
// end else begin
// $display("Error opening the file.");
// end
// end

// always@(tip_o[1].iretire == 1) begin

// if (fj) begin
// $fwrite(fj, "tip_o_[1].iretire= 0x%h, tip_o_[1].iaddr= 0x%h, tip_o_[1].time_t= 0x%h, tip_o_[1].priv= 0x%h, tip_o_[1].cause= 0x%h, tip_o_[1].tval= 0x%h, tip_o_[1].itype= %h\n", tip_o[1].iretire, tip_o[1].iaddr,tip_o[1].time_t, tip_o[1].priv, tip_o[1].cause, tip_o[1].tval, tip_o[1].itype );
// end else begin
// $display("Error opening the file.");
// end
// end

65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
module encoder_16_4 (
input logic [15:0] in, // 16-bit input
output logic [3:0] out, // 4-bit output
output logic valid // Indicates if there is any active input

always_comb begin
// Initialize output and valid signal
out = 4'b0000;
valid = 1'b0;

// Priority encoding (highest priority at the highest bit)
if (in[15]) begin
out = 4'b1111;
valid = 1'b1;
end else if (in[14]) begin
out = 4'b1110;
valid = 1'b1;
end else if (in[13]) begin
out = 4'b1101;
valid = 1'b1;
end else if (in[12]) begin
out = 4'b1100;
valid = 1'b1;
end else if (in[11]) begin
out = 4'b1011;
valid = 1'b1;
end else if (in[10]) begin
out = 4'b1010;
valid = 1'b1;
end else if (in[9]) begin
out = 4'b1001;
valid = 1'b1;
end else if (in[8]) begin
out = 4'b1000;
valid = 1'b1;
end else if (in[7]) begin
out = 4'b0111;
valid = 1'b1;
end else if (in[6]) begin
out = 4'b0110;
valid = 1'b1;
end else if (in[5]) begin
out = 4'b0101;
valid = 1'b1;
end else if (in[4]) begin
out = 4'b0100;
valid = 1'b1;
end else if (in[3]) begin
out = 4'b0011;
valid = 1'b1;
end else if (in[2]) begin
out = 4'b0010;
valid = 1'b1;
end else if (in[1]) begin
out = 4'b0001;
valid = 1'b1;
end else if (in[0]) begin
out = 4'b0000;
valid = 1'b1;
end else begin
valid = 1'b0; // No active input
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion corev_apu/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ module ariane import ariane_pkg::*; #(
logic csr;
logic instr;
parameter type tip_instr_t = logic,
parameter int unsigned AxiAddrWidth = ariane_axi::AddrWidth,
parameter int unsigned AxiDataWidth = ariane_axi::DataWidth,
parameter int unsigned AxiIdWidth = ariane_axi::IdWidth,
Expand All @@ -45,6 +46,10 @@ module ariane import ariane_pkg::*; #(
// RISC-V formal interface port (`rvfi`):
// Can be left open when formal tracing is not needed.
output rvfi_probes_t rvfi_probes_o,

//Tracing port: TIP
output tip_instr_t [CVA6Cfg.NrCommitPorts-1:0] tip_o,

// memory side
output noc_req_t noc_req_o,
input noc_resp_t noc_resp_i
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,7 +81,8 @@ module ariane import ariane_pkg::*; #(
.cvxif_req_o ( cvxif_req ),
.cvxif_resp_i ( cvxif_resp ),
.noc_req_o ( noc_req_o ),
.noc_resp_i ( noc_resp_i )
.noc_resp_i ( noc_resp_i ),
.tip_o (tip_o )

if (CVA6Cfg.CvxifEn) begin : gen_example_coprocessor
Expand Down
21 changes: 19 additions & 2 deletions corev_apu/tb/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,6 +55,17 @@ module ariane_testharness #(
rvfi_probes_instr_t instr;

//TIP parameter
parameter type tip_instr_t = struct packed {
logic [config_pkg::NRET-1:0] iretire;
logic [config_pkg::NRET*riscv::XLEN-1:0] iaddr; //PC address
logic [config_pkg::NRET*riscv::XLEN-1:0] time_t;
logic [config_pkg::NRET*3-1:0] priv;
logic [config_pkg::NRET*riscv::XLEN-1:0] cause;
logic [config_pkg::NRET*riscv::XLEN-1:0] tval;
logic [config_pkg::NRET*(riscv::XLEN/2)-1:0] itype;

// disable test-enable
logic test_en;
logic ndmreset;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -625,14 +636,16 @@ module ariane_testharness #(
rvfi_probes_t rvfi_probes;
rvfi_csr_t rvfi_csr;
rvfi_instr_t [CVA6Cfg.NrCommitPorts-1:0] rvfi_instr;
tip_instr_t [CVA6Cfg.NrCommitPorts-1:0] tip_out;

ariane #(
.CVA6Cfg ( CVA6Cfg ),
.rvfi_probes_instr_t ( rvfi_probes_instr_t ),
.rvfi_probes_csr_t ( rvfi_probes_csr_t ),
.rvfi_probes_t ( rvfi_probes_t ),
.noc_req_t ( ariane_axi::req_t ),
.noc_resp_t ( ariane_axi::resp_t )
.noc_resp_t ( ariane_axi::resp_t ),
.tip_instr_t ( tip_instr_t )
) i_ariane (
.clk_i ( clk_i ),
.rst_ni ( ndmreset_n ),
Expand All @@ -649,7 +662,8 @@ module ariane_testharness #(
.debug_req_i ( debug_req_core ),
.noc_req_o ( axi_ariane_req ),
.noc_resp_i ( axi_ariane_resp )
.noc_resp_i ( axi_ariane_resp ),
.tip_o ( tip_out )

`AXI_ASSIGN_FROM_REQ(slave[0], axi_ariane_req)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -823,4 +837,7 @@ module ariane_testharness #(


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