All of The OpenGov Foundation's legal docs in one externals-linked repo.
Here is an all-in-one download of all of OpenGov's legal documents, bundled together. This repo itself is licensed CC0, as are all the documents contained within it except where explicitly noted. Feel free to use these documents and share them!
This repo bundles the following:
- HR Manual - Our Human Resources Manual for employees. (CC0)
- HR Resources - Additional Human Resources documents. (CC0)
- Legal Information - All of our legal docs, staff salary information, IRS & tax information, etc.
- Site Policy - Includes our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and Copyright notices for use on websites. (CC0)
- Work for Hire - Our fork of the ContractKiller for hiring contractors. (CC-BY-SA)
This was created based on United States law, and if you're not in the US the policies here might not be legal wherever you are.
We are not lawyers, and cannot give you legal advice or tell you what is best for your organization. You should have an actual lawyer review these documents before you use them in the first place. If you have any questions, ask a lawyer.
We cannot be held responsible for any legal trouble that these documents get you into. You're using them of your own accord. We're providing them as-is with no warranty. Seriously, please don't sue us.