This is the development repository for the Open edX Notification subsystem. This repository is unsupported and archived. For more details, please see #253
Please see the github repository for developer's documentation
Please always run tests before committing code back to origin. It is required that all contributions have 100% (or close) unit test coverage and no code convention violations (pep8/pylint).
$ ./run_tests
Add desired commit hash (tip of master) from github code repository
- edx-platform/requirements/github.txt
- "Our libraries" section
Add required configuration in your settings file, e.g.
# add to the INSTALLED_APPS list
# make sure that 'django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader' is
# in the list of TEMPLATE_LOADERS
# for now we just support SQL backed stores
"class": "edx_notifications.stores.sql.store_provider.SQLNotificationStoreProvider",
"options": {
# By default django looks for migrations in migrations package for each app but
# we can override this on per-apps basis by updating MIGRATION_MODULES setting.
# This setting already exists in the LMS, please update it
'djcelery': 'ignore',
'edx_notifications': 'edx_notifications.stores.sql.migrations',
# to prevent run-away queries from happening
# a mapping table which is used by the MsgTypeToUrlLinkResolver
# to map a notification type to a statically defined URL path
# To serve as a test exampe this will convert
# msg type 'open-edx.edx_notifications.lib.tests.test_publisher'
# to /path/to/{param1}/url/{param2} with param subsitutations
# that are passed in with the message
'open-edx.edx_notifications.lib.tests.test_publisher': '/path/to/{param1}/url/{param2}',
'open-edx.edx_notifications.lib.tests.*': '/alternate/path/to/{param1}/url/{param2}',
'open-edx-edx_notifications.lib.*': '/third/way/to/get/to/{param1}/url/{param2}',
# list all known channel providers
'durable': {
'class': 'edx_notifications.channels.durable.BaseDurableNotificationChannel',
'options': {
# list out all link resolvers
'link_resolvers': {
# right now the only defined resolver is 'type_to_url', which
# attempts to look up the msg type (key) via
# matching on the value
'msg_type_to_url': {
'class': 'edx_notifications.channels.link_resolvers.MsgTypeToUrlLinkResolver',
'config': {
# A null channel basically implements the Channel interface, but does not
# do anything. This is useful for when you want to not dispatch certain notification
# types.
'null': {
'class': 'edx_notifications.channels.null.NullNotificationChannel',
'options': {}
# list all of the mappings of notification types to channel
'*': 'durable', # default global mapping
This repository comes with a simple development and test server so that is possible to develop and test in an isolated environment (i.e. not have to run the LMS in edx-platform). In order to use the test server, it is recommended that you make a new dedicated Python virtual-environment:
virtualenv edxnotifications_env (just do this once)
source edxnotifications_env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements/base.txt
pip install -r requirements/testing.txt
./ syncdb --settings=testserver.settings
./ migrate --settings=testserver.settings
./ runserver --settings=testserver.settings (run the test server)
The development server will provide very raw basic login/register functionality in order to allow for authentication. Overall, the testserver is not meant to be styled, it is merely to provide a development environment, plus to act as a HTTP server for all automated UI test frameworks.
Bok-choy tests are present in the directory
To run these tests just use the following command
To run an individual test use the above command with test name at end, for example
bash test_00_show_notification_pane
Before running Jasmine tests you need to install node.js, you can get it from here
After installing node.js just run the following command, it install all the required software for running jasmine tests.
npm install
To run the tests in normal mode with coverage enabled use following command
gulp test
- or (depending on search paths) -
node node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js test
To run the tests in debug mode use
gulp debug
This will start the tests in debug mode, coverage is turned off in debug mode so it will always show coverage of 0/0 in debug mode
Writing Jasmine Tests
Jasmine tests are present in the directory
While creating a new test file make sure that file name ends in _Spec.js
Note: Jasmine checks the presence of js files in the folder mentioned in karma.config.js file, if any new directory is added in the code, it's path should be added to karma.config
Contributions are very welcome, but please note that edx-notifications is currently an early stage work-in-progress and is changing frequently at this time.
See our CONTRIBUTING file for more information -- it also contains guidelines for how to maintain high code quality, which will make your contribution more likely to be accepted.
Please do not report security issues in public. Please email [email protected].
You can discuss this code on the edx-code Google Group or in the
IRC channel on Freenode.