Please read the beta Terms of Service (, NFT.Storage) for more details.
Open an issue on the repo or reach out to the #web3-storage channel on IPFS Discord if you have any questions!
This repo contains reusauble UI modules for the w3up beta in your favourite UI framework, and a set of example apps to see them dance.
Sign up / Sign in React | Solid | Vue | Vanilla
Demonstrates email authentication flow for the service, including private key creation and email validation.
Single File Upload React | Solid | Vue | Vanilla
The simplest file upload using a file input. Includes the auth flow from "Sign up / Sign in".
Multiple File Upload React | Solid | Vanilla
Slightly more complicated file and directory upload. Includes the auth flow from "Sign up / Sign in".
Uploads List React | Solid | Vue | Vanilla
A demo of the list of uploads that have been made to an account.
To run w3console, a full-featured console for and demonstration of our React components, run:
cd examples/react/w3console
pnpm start
Feel free to join in. All welcome. Please read our contributing guidelines and/or open an issue!
To contribute to this project, clone the w3ui repository and enter the w3ui
git clone
cd w3ui
Install dependencies and build:
pnpm install
Then pick an example app from the list, cd
into it's directory and run pnpm start
to try it out.
Dual-licensed under MIT + Apache 2.0