Resources for 70-533 certification exam
The idea here is to map the exam objectives to online resources for self-study, in a similar way of Anders Eide’s blog post, but based on the updated exam as November 22, 2016.
The exam is now aligned on the new Azure Portal and resource manager model, which differs from the classic Windows Azure management portal and its Cloud Service model.
Even if the exam has been refreshed in late 2016, so far I haven’t found much resources covering the new exam objectives. Most third party online courses seem to be still based on the old model and not updated to match the new exam objectives. That will probably change soon, but for now I don’t really see other alternatives than studying directly from the official Azure documentation and free online video courses and demo from Microsoft.
Open an issue to create your own progress tracking list.
- Design and implement Azure App Service apps (15–20%)
- Create and manage Azure Resource Manager Virtual Machines (20–25%)
- Design and implement a storage strategy (20–25%)
- Implement an Azure Active Directory (15–20%)
- Implement virtual networks (10–15%)
- Design and deploy ARM templates (10–15%)
Deploy Web Apps
- define deployment slots
- roll back deployments
- implement pre and post deployment actions (not found related content)
- create, configure, and deploy packages (ambiguous)
- create App Service plans
- migrate Web Apps between App Service plans
- create a Web App within an App Service plan
Configure Web Apps
- define and use app settings
- connection strings, handlers, and virtual directories
- configure certificates
- configure custom domains
- configure SSL bindings
- configure runtime configurations (PHP, Java, Python)
- manage Web Apps by using Azure PowerShell and Xplat-CLI
Video: Custom domain certificate
Configure diagnostics, monitoring, and analytics
- retrieve diagnostics data
- view streaming logs
- configure endpoint monitoring (Application Insights replacing endpoint monitoring as 31 October 2016, not sure about the exam update)
- configure alerts
- configure diagnostics
- use remote debugging
- monitor Web App resources
Video: Ignite
Configure Web Apps for scale and resilience
- configure auto-scale using built-in and custom schedules
- configure by metric
- change the size of an instance
- configure Traffic Manager
Deploy workloads on Azure Resource Manager (ARM) virtual machines (VMs)
- identify workloads that can and cannot be deployed (Linux)
- run workloads, including Microsoft and Linux
- create VMs Windows / Linux
- connect to a Windows / Linux VM
Perform configuration management
- automate configuration management by using PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) and VM Agent (custom script extensions)
- configure VMs using a configuration management tool, such as Puppet or Chef
- enable remote debugging
Design and implement VM storage
- configure disk caching (should be host caching, clear instructions not found in documentation)
- plan storage capacity
- configure operating system disk redundancy (not sure managed disks are part of the exam)
- configure shared storage using Azure File service (Linux)
- configure geo-replication
- encrypt disks
- implement ARM VMs with Standard and Premium Storage
Monitor ARM VMs
Monitor ARM VM availability
- configure multiple ARM VMs in an availability set for redundancy
- configure each application tier into separate availability sets
- combine the Load Balancer with availability sets
Scale ARM VMs
- scale up and scale down VM sizes Windows / Linux
- deploy ARM VM Scale Sets Windows / Linux
- configure ARM VMSS auto-scale Windows / Linux
Implement Azure storage blobs and Azure files
- read data, change data, set metadata on a container
- store data using block and page blobs
- stream data using blobs
- access blobs securely
- implement async blob copy (might be better to know how to actually use this with AzCopy or PowerShell)
- configure a Content Delivery Network (CDN)
- design blob hierarchies
- configure custom domains
- scale blob storage (ambiguous as we don’t really have to worry about it)
Manage access
- create and manage shared access signatures
- use stored access policies
- regenerate keys (PowerShell Get and New)
Configure diagnostics, monitoring, and analytics
Implement Azure SQL Databases
- choose the appropriate database tier and performance level
- configure point-in-time recovery, geo-replication, and data sync
- import and export data and schema
- design a scaling strategy
Implement recovery services
- create a backup vault (recovery services vault in Azure RM)
- deploy a backup agent
- back up and restore data
Integrate an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) with existing directories
- implement Azure AD Connect and single sign-on with on-premises Windows Server 2012 R2
- add custom domains (classic portal as Azure AD is still in preview in the new portal)
- monitor Azure AD (ambiguous)
Configure Application Access
- configure single sign-on with SaaS applications using federation and password based
- add users and groups to applications
- revoke access to SaaS applications (link to new Azure Poral, but if you know how to add, you should know how to remove anyway)
- configure access (could also be conditional access and MFA)
- configure federation with Facebook and Google ID (could be the other way around; Google G Suite and Facebook Workplace)
Integrate an app with Azure AD
- implement Azure AD integration in web and desktop applications
- leverage Graph API (Microsoft Graph API)
Implement Azure AD B2C and Azure B2B
- create an Azure AD B2C Directory
- register an application
- implement social identity provider authentication
- enable multi-factor authentication
- set up self-service password reset
- implement B2B collaboration
- configure partner users (by user)
- integrate with applications
Configure virtual networks
- deploy a VM into a virtual network
- configure external and internal load balancing
- implement Application Gateway
- design subnets
- configure static, public, and private IP addresses
- set up Network Security Groups (NSGs) (plan NSGs)
- DNS at the virtual network level
- HTTP and TCP health probes
- public IPs
- User Defined Routes (UDRs)
- firewall rules, and direct server return
Modify network configuration
- modify subnets, NSGs, and UDRs (I think covered by above)
Design and implement a multi-site or hybrid network
- choose the appropriate solution between ExpressRoute, site-to-site, and point-to-site (not so recent but seems not much changed about this)
- choose the appropriate gateway
- identify supported devices and software VPN solutions
- identify networking prerequisites
- configure virtual networks and multi-site virtual networks
Implement ARM templates
- author ARM templates
- create ARM templates to deploy ARM Resource Providers resources
- deploy templates with PowerShell, CLI, and REST API
Check also my ARM templates 101 article.
Control access
- leverage service principles with ARM authentication
- use Azure Active Directory Authentication with ARM
- set management policies
- lock resources
Design role-based access control (RBAC)
- secure resource scopes, such as the ability to create VMs and Azure Web Apps
- implement Azure role-based access control (RBAC) standard roles
- design Azure RBAC custom roles
Microsoft Azure Certifications (new certification system for 2017)
Channel 9 Cert Exam Prep 70–533 (interesting but published in October 2016 so not based on the current exam version)
Microsoft Virtual Academy Certification Exam Overview: 70–533 (Avril 2017, current exam)
Microsoft IT Pro Cloud Essentials (benefits for IT Pros like 25$/month Azure Credit for 1 year)
Microsoft Visual Studio Dev Essentials (benefits for Developers, few more freebies compared to IT Pros)
Azure Benefit for Microsoft Partner Network (benefits from Microsoft Action Pack if your company is in the partner network)
Azure training and certifications offers (free online courses, 1 exam pack at 99$ and 3 exams pack at 279$ until June 30, 2017)
Microsoft Virtual Academy Azure for IT Pros (focus on the most recent videos)
Free eBooks from Microsoft Press (look for Fundamentals of Azure Second Edition)
Get started guide for Azure IT operators
Microsoft’s Enterprise Cloud Roadmap (overview of all Microsoft Cloud Services, Saas / PaaS / IaaS)
How I passed the 70–533 exam by Adding Ermie
Preparing to pass Azure 70–533 by Andres Nava
Good study!
PS: Some links are missing and some might not be so accurate, please comment, sumbit issue or pull request.