quickbooks online oauth2 and API wrapper for Yii2
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist omcrn/yii2-quickbooks "*"
or add
"omcrn/yii2-quickbooks": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json
Save the following values in .env file:
QB_BASE_URL = https://quickbooks.api.intuit.com/
QB_DISCOVERY_DOCUMENT = https://developer.intuit.com/.well-known/openid_sandbox_configuration/
QB_CLIENT_ID = ****************************************
QB_CLIENT_SECRET = ****************************************
QB_OAUTH_SCOPE = com.intuit.quickbooks.accounting
QB_REALM_ID = ****************************************
You must have Yii::$app->keyStorage
configured, because the extension
uses KeyStorage to save quickbooks authorization tokens.
Also you need to save your redirect-url in KeyStorage as a key quickbooks.redirect-url
Now you can initialize the extensions like this:
$qb = new Quickbooks([
'authMode' => "oauth2",
'clientId' => getenv("QB_CLIENT_ID"),
'clientSecret' => getenv("QB_CLIENT_SECRET"),
'baseUrl' => getenv("QB_BASE_URL"),
'realmId' => getenv("QB_REALM_ID"),
'discoveryDocumentUrl' => getenv("QB_DISCOVERY_DOCUMENT"),
'oauthScope' => getenv("QB_OAUTH_SCOPE")
Implement the 'Connect to Quickbooks' button as in Intuit's Docs:
Basically you need to include their .js file and run the following script:
grantUrl: '/redirect-url', //the one you saved in KeyStorage
datasources: {
quickbooks : true,
payments : true
intuitReferred : true
You need to implement your redirect-url handler action, initialize Quickbooks extension there and call the connect method:
Now you need to click that button, to obtain auth tokens. Tokens are automatically refreshed each request, so this is one time operation.
When the configuration is done, you can create your custom action, initialize the extension there and call required methods, e.g. for creating a customer you can do the following in your action:
$newCustomer = $qb->createCustomer([
"BillAddr" => [
"Line1" => $address->address,
"Line2" => $address->address2,
"City" => $address->town,
"Country" => $address->country->name,
"CountrySubDivisionCode" => $address->country->iso_code_2,
"PostalCode" => $address->postcode
"Notes" => $notes,
"Title" => $title,
"GivenName" => $name,
"MiddleName" => "",
"FamilyName" => $surname,
"Suffix" => $suffix,
"FullyQualifiedName" => $this->name . " " . $this->surname,
"CompanyName" => $companyName,
"DisplayName" => $displayName,
"PrimaryPhone" => [
"FreeFormNumber" => $mobile
"PrimaryEmailAddr" => [
"Address" => $email