This is intended to be a simple and efficient framework for context free grammar (CFG) parsing.
Can be used to code a symbolic mathematical kernel, a source-to-source transcompiler or whatever.. The sky is the limit (along with the established expressive power of type 2 grammars)
boost1.40 and cmake3.5 (at least) are required as a dependency to build the project.
PyCpp is an extensible gateway language between Python and C++. It is designed to generate ctypes interfaces of C++ code automatically using a subset of C++ language.
Python 3.7< (for GUI & CLI) and PyQt6 (for GUI) are required
cd parselibcpp
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Make sure when using PyCpp to link the shared object (*.so file) appropriately to the ctype interface (
Main executable parses source code files using specified grammar and stores results in json files (should be injected in a template engine or whatever). To test it, the following shell command can be used
cd parselibcpp
#globs all java files in data/ folder and parses them
#following the rules of the grammar @data/grammar.grm
#result is stored in .json files where the globed files are
build/parcexlib --gsrc=data/grammar.grm --ext=java --dir=data
#launch python script tessting pyCpp
Check ParseLib.
Check PyCpp.
Let G be a CFG, such as G = (NT, T, Pr, AXIOM) with
- NT : Set of non terminals
- T : Set of terminals (alphabet)
- Pr : Set of production rules ⊆ NT×(NT ∪ T)*, ∪ being the union operator and * the Kleen star operator
- AXIOM : The start symbol
example :
Let G = ({S}, {a,b}, {R1}, AXIOM) be a CFG such as :
R1 : S → a S b | ε
The language described by the grammar is L(G) = { anbn }.
written following the parselib convention in a text file would look like :
AXIOM -> S //this is a comment
S -> //S is a non terminal.
a. S b. | // This is a production rule, '|' is the OR operator
'' // epsilone/empty production rule
a.("a") //terminals/tokens are regex for efficiency/convenience purposes
b.("b") //{a., b.} are terminals
Every terminal node can be written as a regex terminalnodename.("w*")
They are used in production rules like terminalnodename.
Non terminals are defined in a grammar as non terminal node. As an example :
nonterminal -> nonterm1 nonterm2 term. | term.
Here we define a non terminal node named nonterminal
as the concatenation of non terminal nodes nonterm1, nonterm2
and a terminal node term.
alone is also accepted.
Each operand associated with the operators !
or label=
in a production rule tells the parser to save the data in a data structure formed by the production rule non terminals.
Example :
let S=(a S b | eps) our grammar. We want to save each parsed S
in a data structure containing the informations we need from S.
We write the grammar as follows :
S ->
tokena=a. !S tokenb=b. |
The string aabb
, accepted by this grammar, generates a data structure similar to this
"S" : [
"tokena" : "a",
"S" : [
"tokena" : "a",
"S" : [
"tokenb" : "b",
"tokenb" : "b"
in which a correctly parsed source code will eventually be stored.
operators have been implemented in the grammar's accepted syntax.
Example :
aListNode ->
element1. element2. anotherNode |
aListNode aListNode | '' //this line define the node as a list
Can become
aListNode ->
element1. element2. anotherNode |
__list__ // [] is also accepted
The list operator basically generates a rule to be used as a loop guard for the list parsing.
For example, to parse an array of arbitrary length :
array ->
!element |
It is possible to break a grammar in submodules, importable using :
%import "submodule.grm"
AXIOM -> //...
The preprocessor is protected against nested imports.
All nodes in imported modules can be scoped from any other module file, as long as the 2 modules are included in the grammar project.
To convert a non terminal node's value to str instead of catching a strucutre, the s:
operator can be used to convert the node to a string.
someHeader -> s:complexNodeToConvert theRestofit | '' //...
This is mainly to catch strings that regexs can't, like nested template declaration in C++ as an example.