building fast food fast: A food delivery service application for a restaurant, to enable a restaurant manage customer orders better and deliver fast food items to customers in a 'Split Second'as a mobile app
FFF- Mobile has 1 category of users for now - The Customers
- Create an account and log in
- Ability to order for food
- Ability to see history of ordered foods
- Ability to delete an order
Frontend -
- ReactJs - Frontend javascript library for building user interfaces
- React-Native - Frontend javascript library for building user interfaces on mobile devices
- Redux (for state management) - It is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps
- React Native stylesheet
- Expo cli - For creating the app
- Expo Client - For rendering the mobile app on your mobile device while in development
- Node Js - It's an open source server environment built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine
- Express js - A minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications. This is used in this application for routing to endpoints.
// Clone the app
git clone
// Switch to directory
cd fast-food-fast-mobile
// Install Package dependencies
yarn add
// Start the application
yarn start
Launch the Expo app with the link given from the Expo server
To test the app Run yarn test
- Jest - An open JavaScript testing library maintained by facebook
- Enzyme - A testing utility for React that makes it easier to test your React Components' output