Xcode 14.0+ Programming Language Swift Minimum Deployment Support iOS Deployment Target iOS 12.0
- Drag and drop the RNGBLE.framework file into your project.
- Ensure that RNGBLE.framework is present in TARGETS -> General -> Frameworks, Libriaies and Embedded Content, if not click on the + button and select Add RNGBLE.framework from the file.
- Create a
file and import the headerRNGBLE
import RNGBLE
- Create an instance of
class ViewController: UIViewController {
private let bleManager = RNGBLEManager()
class ViewController: UIViewController {
private let bleManager = RNGBLEManager(serviceCharacteristic: .init(notiService: "FFF0", notiCharacteristic: "FFF1", readWriteService: "FFD0", readWriteCharacteristic: "FFD1"))
Where RNGBLEServiceCharacteristic
supports custom notification/read/write service and characterization value attributes, FFF0
is the notification service characterization value attribute FFD0
read/write service characterization value attribute
- Setting the proxy
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
bleManager.delegate = self
- Create an array of receiving Bluetooth
and implement thescanDevice()
method inviewDidAppear
class ViewController: UIViewController {
private let bleManager = RNGBLEManager()
/// List of scanned bluetooths without duplicates
/// * Empty: every time scanning is resumed / Bluetooth is turned off.
/// * New: when broadcasting
private var scanPeripherals = [RNGPeripheral]()
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
private func scanDevice() {
scanPeripherals.removeAll() // rescan and reset the device.
- Implementing the
extension ViewController: RNGBLEManagerDelegate {
func centralManagerDidUpdateState(_ central: RNGCentralManager) {
switch central.state {
case .poweredOn: scanDevice()
case .poweredOff: // Turning off Bluetooth doesn't go to the Bluetooth disconnect callback, it needs to be handled again
scanPeripherals.removeAll() // turn off bluetooth reset
// Handle your code here. Update scanPeripherals and update the page at the same time, e.g. call UITableView.reload() to refresh the page
default: break
func centralManager(_ central: RNGCentralManager, didDiscover peripheral: RNGPeripheral, advertisementData: [String : Any], rssi RSSI: NSNumber ) {
if !scanPeripherals.contains(where: { $0.identifier.uuidString == peripheral.identifier.uuidString }) {
// Process your code here. Render the scanPeripherals to display on the UITableView
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
Monitor the state of the Bluetooth center RNGCentralManager.state
indicates successful turn-on
extension ViewController: RNGBLEManagerDelegate {
func centralManagerDidUpdateState(_ central: RNGCentralManager) {
switch central.state {
case .poweredOn: break
case .poweredOff: // Bluetooth is off.
print("Bluetooth is not powered on")
case .unauthorized: // Bluetooth is not authorized.
if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
switch central.authorization {
case .denied: // Bluetooth authorization is not enabled
print("You are not authorized to use bluetooth")
case .restricted: // Bluetooth is restricted, usually turned on/off in iPhone/iPad settings.
print("Bluetooth is restricted")
case .restricted: // Bluetooth authorization is not available. print("Bluetooth is restricted")
print("Unexpected bluetooth authorization")
case .unsupported: // Bluetooth is not supported on this device.
print("Bluetooth is not supported on this device")
default: break
- Get the target Bluetooth from the
array and store it ascurrPeripheral
var currPeripheral: RNGPeripheral!
- Implementing a Bluetooth connection method
- Confirm successful Bluetooth connection in
for successful notification turn-on
func peripheral(_ peripheral: RNGPeripheral, didUpdateNotificationStateFor characteristic: RNGCharacteristic, error: Error?) {
guard currPeripheral.identifier.uuidString == peripheral.identifier.uuidString else {
// Process your code here. Bluetooth successfully connected
- Implementing the Disconnect Bluetooth method
- Confirm successful Bluetooth disconnection in
Bluetooth disconnect methoddidDisconnectPeripheral
func centralManager(_ central: RNGCentralManager, didDisconnectPeripheral peripheral: RNGPeripheral, error: Error?) {
guard currPeripheral.identifier.uuidString == peripheral.identifier.uuidString else { return }
// Handle your code here. Bluetooth disconnected
- Disconnecting Bluetooth is also handled in the
for Bluetooth center state changes
func centralManagerDidUpdateState(_ central: RNGCentralManager) {
switch central.state {
case .poweredOff.
// Handle your code here. Bluetooth is disconnected
default: break
Basic Bluetooth communication, you need to parse it yourself, for direct calls, see Controller identification and communication.
- Instruction function codes
public enum RNGCommandFuncCode {
case `get`(_ length: UInt16)
case `set`(_ newValue: UInt16)
public var value: UInt8 {
switch self { case `get`(_ length: UInt16)
case .get: return 0x03
case .set: return 0x06
- Command Protocol
public protocol RNGCommandProtocol {
/// Function codes
var funcCode: UInt8 { get }
/// PDU command address
var pdu: UInt16 { get }
/// Data sent by the command Parameters sent by RNGPeripheral.write
/// Address + function code + PDU + read/write length + ModbusCRC16 converted to Data to send
var writeData: Data { get }
/// Hexadecimal string
var writeData16HStr: String { get }
/// Maximum command response time (timeout)
var maxReceivedTime: TimeInterval { get }
/// Minimum command response time
var minReceivedTime: TimeInterval { get }
/// Whether a timeout is required
/// - No timeout is needed to indicate that the command was sent "successfully".
var needSendTimeOut: Bool { get }
/// Data length is exceeded, proxy returns in two passes.
var hasTwiceResponse: Bool { get }
var is2000Inverter: Bool { get }
var isOTAInfo: Bool { get }
var characteristicWriteType: RNGCharacteristicWriteType { get }
- Controller directives, the
parameter defaults to0xFF
, and directives with thefuncCode
parameter indicate support for reads and writes, otherwise read operations are supported
public enum RNGCommandController: RNGCommandProtocol {
case SKU(_ address: UInt8 = 0xFF)
case address(_ address: UInt8 = 0xFF, funcCode: RNGCommandFuncCode = .get(0x01))
For an example of the write address address
command operation, see #### send command to device - set system voltage of controller
for implementation details.
RNGCommandController.address(0xFF, funcCode: .set(0x01))
- Call the
method of theRNGBLEManager
instance, passing theRNGPeripheral
instance and theRNGCommandProtocol
array as parameters, e.g., to send the commandRNGCommandController.SKU(address)
to read the controller SKU:
let address: UInt8 = 0xFF
bleManager.send(currPeripheral, commandList: [RNGCommandController.SKU(address)]) { singleSuccess, commandIdx, command, receivedList in
guard singleSuccess, let receivedList, receivedList.count > 3 else { return }
let sku = RNGBLETools.getASCII(with: Array(receivedList[3...]))
- Read the controller and address:
Let address: UInt8 = 0xFF
bleManager.send(currPeripheral, commandList: [
) { singleSuccess, commandIdx, command, receivedList in
guard singleSuccess, let receivedList else { return } return
// The first way to write commandIdx is to determine if commandIdx == 0.
If commandIdx == 0, receivedList.count > 3 {
let sku = RNGBLETools.getASCII(with: Array(receivedList[3...]))
} else if commandIdx == 1, receivedList.count > 4 {
let address = receivedList[4])
// second write command judgment: // second write command judgment: // second write command judgment: // second write command judgment: // second write command judgment: // second write command judgment
switch command {
case RNGCommandController.SKU:
SKU: guard receivedList.count > 3 else { return }
let sku = RNGBLETools.getASCII(with: Array(receivedList[3...]))
case RNGCommandController.address:
guard receivedList.count > 4 else { return }
let address = receivedList[4]
Default: disconnect
- Set the controller's system voltage
let address: UInt8 = 0xFF, newSystemVolt = ControllerSystemVolt._24 // set the new system voltage to 24V
bleManager.send(currPeripheral, commandList: [
RNGCommandController.voltSystem(address, funcCode: .set(newSystemVolt.setData))
]) { singleSuccess, commandIdx, command, receivedList in
// singleSuccess sets up success/failure handling
- Implement the
feature value return methoddidUpdateValueFor
func peripheral(_ peripheral: RNGPeripheral, didUpdateValueFor characteristic: RNGCharacteristic, error: Error?) {
print(characteristic.value as Any, error as Any)
// Process your code here. Grab the return content and error message directly and troubleshoot and analyze it as appropriate
- Call the
method, passing inRNGBLEManager
as a parameter
currPeripheral.isController(bleManager) { isController, SKU in
guard isController, let x = SKU else {
print("Not a controller")
// Handle your code here.
- Getting the device address
RNGCommandController.getAddress(bleManager, peripheral: currPeripheral) { address in
// Handle your code here. Subsequent communication can take this address for read/write, or it's fine to use 0xFF as the default address, which is valid in HUB mode
- Get device SKU
RNGCommandController.getSKU(manager, peripheral: currPeripheral, address: 0xFF) { success, SKU in
guard success, let x = SKU else { return }
// Process your code here. You need to call the currPeripheral.isController method first to validate it, otherwise the SKU may be returned as a phoenix or DCC, which you need to deal with yourself
- Set the battery type
RNGCommandController.setBatteryType(bleManager, peripheral: currPeripheral, address: address, newValue: .Li) { success in
// success sets up success/failure handling
For more information about the controller, please refer to the SDK interface directly, for example, to get the battery SOC/battery voltage/battery current, etc. read as follows
- Get Battery SOC
RNGCommandController.getBatterySOC(bleManager, peripheral: currPeripheral, address: 0xFF) { SOC in
// do something
- Get battery voltages
RNGCommandController.getBatteryChargingVolts(bleManager, peripheral: currPeripheral, address: 0xFF) { batteryChargingVolts in
// do something
- Get battery currents
RNGCommandController.getBatteryChargingAmps(bleManager, peripheral: currPeripheral, address: 0xFF) { batteryChargingAmps in
// do something
- Parsing data using the controller model
and theRNGCommandController.getData
let currControlelrModel = BLEControllerModel() // create the data receiving container
bleManager.send(currPeripheral, commandList: [
]) { singleSuccess, commandIdx, command, receivedList in
guard singleSuccess, let command = command as? RNGCommandController, let receivedList else { return }
let model = command.getData(currControlelrModel, deviceSku: sku, receivedList: receivedList)
let batterySOC = model.batterySOC
let batteryChargingVolts = model.batteryChargingVolts
let batteryChargingAmps = model.batteryChargingAmps
// Handle your code here. The model can be used directly for page rendering, see the list of BLEControllerModel properties for more information.
- Use the controller history model
to read the history of a particular day, e.g. read the day's record informationtargetDay: 0
, read the previous day's record informationtargetDay: 1
, read the previous two days' record informationtargetDay: 2
, and so on targetDay: 2``. And so on targetDay increments: (if you want to read data within as many consecutive days or within a specified interval of days, use a for loop to achieve this on your own for the time being)
let address: UInt8 = 0xFF
RNGCommandController.getHistory(bleManager, peripheral: currPeripheral, address: address, targetDay: 0) { model in
/// Power consumption for the day
let powerGenerate = model.powerGenerate
/// The amount of power generated for the day
let powerUse = model.powerUse
- Call the
method, passingRNGBLEManager
as a parameter
currPeripheral.isInverter(bleManager) { isInverter, address_deviceSku in
guard isInverter, let (address, deviceSku) = address_deviceSku else {
print("Not an inverter")
print("Inverter address and SKU:", address, deviceSku)
// Process your code here. Due to the special nature of the 1000w inverter, the address is also checked when the inverter is recognized, and here the method returns data in the form of address+SKU
Inverter communication, please refer to SDK interface for information reading, sample data reading is as follows:
- Get device address
RNGCommandInverter.getAddress(bleManager, peripheral: currPeripheral) { address in
// Handle your code here. Subsequent communication can take this address for read/write, or it's fine to use 0xFF as the default address, valid in HUB mode
- Get the device SKU
RNGCommandInverter.getSKU(manager, peripheral: currPeripheral, address: 0xFF) { success, SKU in
guard success, let SKU else { return }
// Handle your code here.
Parsing data using the inverter model
and theRNGCommandInverter.getData
method -
Get the inverter output voltage
let address: UInt8 = 0xFF
var model = BLEInverterModel()
bleManager?.send(currPeripheral, commandList: [
], commandsAllSend: true) { singleSuccess, commandIdx, command, receivedList in
guard singleSuccess, let command = command as? RNGCommandInverter, let receivedList else { return }
model = command.getData(model, receivedList: receivedList)
print("Inverter output voltage", model.outputVoltage)
let address: UInt8 = 0xFF
var model = BLEInverterModel()
bleManager?.send(currPeripheral, commandList: [
], commandsAllSend: true) { singleSuccess, commandIdx, command, receivedList in
guard singleSuccess, let command = command as? RNGCommandInverter, let receivedList else { return }
model = command.getData(model, receivedList: receivedList)
// Process your code here.