A remake of R-type shoot em up game for Computer games class at the UNI of Iceland
Control keys: WASD Fire: SPACE Hold fire to charge up laserbeam
4 Kinds of powerups:
Blue: More bullets
Red: Shield
Gray: Speed
Green: Missiles
Powerups can stack.
Other keys:
R: reset the ship
K: kill the ship
T: start the game
M: mute the game (off by default)
L: allow mixed actions (on by default)
P: pause the game
O: frame by frame mode
X: see hitboxes (off by default)
N: quit game
C: clear canvas (on by default)
R: render game
F: flip flop (frame counter)
H: halt the ship (deprecated)
1: spawn a new ship a mouse location (disabled)
2: spawn a new ship a mouse location (disabled)
G: enable gravity (deprecated)
Hoai Nam Duc Tran
Kristjana Eir Jónsdóttir
Pedro Luis Carvalho
Ólafur Magnússon