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gc committed Jul 5, 2024
1 parent c6001d4 commit 964dfe0
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Showing 17 changed files with 1,813 additions and 305 deletions.
1,256 changes: 1,256 additions & 0 deletions src/apexcharts.d.ts

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

299 changes: 142 additions & 157 deletions src/lib/util/chart.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,179 +1,164 @@
import { exec } from 'node:child_process';
import { promises as fs } from 'node:fs';
import * as os from 'node:os';
import * as path from 'node:path';
import { miniID } from '@oldschoolgg/toolkit';
import { randFloat } from '../util';

function randomHSLColor(num = randFloat(0, 1)): string {
const hue = num * 137.508;
return `hsl(${hue},50%,75%)`;
import type { ApexOptions } from 'apexcharts';
import deepmerge from 'deepmerge';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';

const colors = [
function getWrappedArrayItem<T>(array: T[], index: number): T {
const wrappedIndex = ((index % array.length) + array.length) % array.length;
return array[wrappedIndex];

function nextNiceNumber(value: number) {
const exponent = Math.floor(Math.log10(value));
const fraction = value / Math.pow(10, exponent);
let niceFraction = -1;

if (fraction <= 1) {
niceFraction = 1;
} else if (fraction <= 2) {
niceFraction = 2;
} else if (fraction <= 5) {
niceFraction = 5;
} else {
niceFraction = 10;

return niceFraction * Math.pow(10, exponent);
function randomHexColor(value: number): string {
return getWrappedArrayItem(colors, Math.floor(value));

function randomHexColor(): string {
const hsl = randomHSLColor();
const [h, s, l] = hsl.match(/\d+/g)!.map(Number);
const hNorm = h / 360;
const sNorm = s / 100;
const lNorm = l / 100;

const a = sNorm * Math.min(lNorm, 1 - lNorm);
const f = (n: number, k = (n + hNorm * 12) % 12) => lNorm - a * Math.max(Math.min(k - 3, 9 - k, 1), -1);

const rgb = [f(0), f(8), f(4)].map(x =>
Math.round(x * 255)
.padStart(2, '0')
async function renderChart(url: string) {
console.log('RENDERING CHART---------');
const response = await fetch(url, {
method: 'GET',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }

return `#${rgb.join('')}`;
return response.buffer();

function createGnuplotScript(
type: 'pie' | 'line' | 'bar',
format: ChartType,
title: string,
values: [string, number, string?][]
): string {
let script = `
set terminal png enhanced font 'Arial,10' size 1100,550
set output 'chart.png'
set title "${title}"
export interface ChartOptions {
type: 'pie' | 'line' | 'bar';
title: string;
values: ([string, number] | [string, number, string])[];
format: ChartNumberFormat;

if (format === 'percent') {
// Make the values show as percentages
script += `\nset format y "%.0f%%";`;
// Set min/max Y to 0-100%
script += '\nset yrange [0:100]';
export function createApexChartConfig({ type, title, values, format }: ChartOptions) {
const categories =[label]) => label);
const seriesName = title;

const formatter = (formatList.find(f => === format) ?? formatList[0]).format;

let config: ApexOptions = {
chart: { type },
title: { text: title },
series: [
name: seriesName,
data:[label, value, color]) => ({
x: label,
y: value,
fillColor: color ?? randomHexColor(value)
xaxis: { categories },
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
style: {
colors: ['#000']
// @ts-expect-error
formatter: 'FORMATTER'
// @ts-expect-error
yaxis: {
labels: {
formatter: 'FORMATTER'

if (type === 'pie') {
script += `
set style data histograms
set style fill solid 1.00 border -1
set boxwidth 0.5
plot '-' using 2:xtic(1) title columnheader linecolor rgb variable
} else if (type === 'line') {
script += `
set xlabel "Category"
set ylabel "Value"
plot '-' using 1:2 with linespoints title columnheader linecolor rgb variable
} else if (type === 'bar') {
const lowestValue = Math.min( => v[1]));
const highestValue = Math.max( => v[1]));
const numTics = 9

const roundedMaxY = nextNiceNumber(highestValue);
const steps = Math.ceil(roundedMaxY / numTics);

if (format === 'kmb') {
script += `# Custom tics for y-axis
set yrange [0:${roundedMaxY}]
unset ytics
do for [i=${steps}:${roundedMaxY}:${steps}] {
if (i >= 1e9) {
set ytics add (sprintf("%.1fB", i/1e9) i)
} else if (i >= 1e6) {
set ytics add (sprintf("%.1fM", i/1e6) i)
} else if (i >= 1e3) {
set ytics add (sprintf("%.1fK", i/1e3) i)
} else {
set ytics add (sprintf("%d", i) i)
config = deepmerge(config, {
plotOptions: {
pie: {
dataLabels: {
offset: 10
script += `
set style data histograms
set style histogram cluster gap 1
set style fill solid
set boxwidth 0.5
set xlabel "Category"
set ylabel "Value"
set xtics rotate by 30 right font ", 8"
${[_label, _value, color = randomHexColor()], i) => `set style line ${i + 1} lc rgb "${color}"`).join('\n')}

plot ${[_label, _value, _color], i) => `'-' using 1:3:xtic(2) with boxes linestyle ${i + 1} title ''`).join(', ')}
${[label, value], i) => `${i + 1} "${label}" ${value}\ne`).join('\n')}
if (type === 'bar') {
config = deepmerge(config, {
plotOptions: {
bar: {
dataLabels: {
position: 'top'

return script;

async function saveGnuplotChart(script: string): Promise<Buffer> {
const scriptID = miniID(10);
const imageID = miniID(10);
script = script.replace("'chart.png'", `'${path.join(os.tmpdir(), `chart.${imageID}.png`)}'`);
const scriptPath = path.join(os.tmpdir(), `plot_script.${scriptID}.gp`);
const outputPath = path.join(os.tmpdir(), `chart.${imageID}.png`);

await fs.writeFile(scriptPath, script);

return new Promise<Buffer>((resolve, reject) => {
exec(`gnuplot ${scriptPath}`, async (error, _stdout, stderr) => {
if (error) {
throw new Error(error);
if (stderr) {
throw new Error(stderr);
try {
const buffer = await fs.readFile(outputPath);
} catch (readError) {
if (format === 'percent') {
config = deepmerge(config, {
yaxis: {
min: 0,
max: 100

const types = [
{ name: 'percent', format: '%' },
{ name: 'kmb', format: 'idk' },
{ name: 'rank', format: 'idk' },
{ name: 'number', format: 'idk' }
] as const;
type ChartType = (typeof types)[number]['name'];
const encoded = JSON.stringify(config).replaceAll('"FORMATTER"', formatter.toString());

export async function pieChart(title: string, format: ChartType, values: [string, number, string?][]): Promise<Buffer> {
const script = createGnuplotScript('pie', format, title, values);
return await saveGnuplotChart(script);
if (encoded.includes('FORMATTER')) {
throw new Error('Failed to encode chart config');
return {
url: `${encodeURIComponent(encoded)}`

export async function lineChart(
title: string,
format: ChartType,
values: [string, number, string?][]
): Promise<Buffer> {
const script = createGnuplotScript('line', format, title, values);
return await saveGnuplotChart(script);
const formatList = [
name: 'kmb',
format: (v: number) => {
if (v > 999_999_999 || v < -999_999_999) {
return `${Math.round(v / 1_000_000_000)}b`;
} else if (v > 999_999 || v < -999_999) {
return `${Math.round(v / 1_000_000)}m`;
} else if (v > 999 || v < -999) {
return `${Math.round(v / 1000)}k`;
return Math.round(v);
{ name: 'percent', format: (v: number) => `${v}%` },
{ name: 'hours', format: (v: number) => `${v}hrs` },
{ name: 'delta', format: (v: number) => (v === 0 ? '0' : v > 0 ? `+${v}` : `-${v}`) }
] as const;
type ChartNumberFormat = (typeof formatList)[number]['name'];

export async function barChart(title: string, format: ChartType, values: [string, number, string?][]): Promise<Buffer> {
const script = createGnuplotScript('bar', format, title, values);
return await saveGnuplotChart(script);
export async function createChart(options: ChartOptions) {
const res = createApexChartConfig(options);
return renderChart(res.url);
14 changes: 8 additions & 6 deletions src/mahoji/commands/ge.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import { GrandExchange, createGECancelButton } from '../../lib/grandExchange';
import { marketPricemap } from '../../lib/marketPrices';
import { prisma } from '../../lib/settings/prisma';
import { formatDuration, itemNameFromID, makeComponents, returnStringOrFile, toKMB } from '../../lib/util';
import { lineChart } from '../../lib/util/chart';
import { createChart } from '../../lib/util/chart';
import getOSItem from '../../lib/util/getOSItem';
import { handleMahojiConfirmation } from '../../lib/util/handleMahojiConfirmation';
import { deferInteraction } from '../../lib/util/interactionReply';
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -432,11 +432,13 @@ ORDER BY
if (result[0].average_price_per_item_before_tax <= 1_000_000) {
result = result.filter(i => i.total_quantity_bought > 1);
const buffer = await lineChart(
`Price History for ${}`,
'number', => [new Date(i.week).toDateString(), i.average_price_per_item_before_tax]),
const buffer = await createChart({
title: `Price History for ${}`,
format: 'kmb',
values: => [new Date(i.week).toDateString(), i.average_price_per_item_before_tax]),
type: 'line'

return {
content: baseMessage,
files: [buffer]
Expand Down
40 changes: 0 additions & 40 deletions src/mahoji/lib/abstracted_commands/minionKill.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1192,46 +1192,6 @@ export async function monsterInfo(user: MUser, name: string): Promise<string | I
const deathChancePercent = calculateSimpleMonsterDeathChance({, currentKC });
values.push([currentKC.toString(), round(deathChancePercent, 1)]);
const options = {
type: 'line',
data: {
labels: => `${i[0]}KC`),
datasets: [
data: => i[1])
options: {
plugins: {
title: { display: true, text: 'Death Chance vs Kill Count' },
datalabels: {
font: {
weight: 'bolder'
formatter(value) {
return `${value}%`;
legend: {
display: false
scales: {
y: {
min: 1,
max: 100,
ticks: {
callback(value) {
return `${value}%`;
const chart = await generateChart(options);
response.files = [chart];

return response;
Expand Down

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