The term MAC address is an acronym for Media Access Control Address. The MAC Address refers to a unique identifier that gets assigned to a Network Interface Card/ Controller (NIC). It has a 64-bit or 48-bit address linked and connected to the concerned network adapter. The MAC Address can exist in a hexadecimal format. This type of address exists in six separate sets of two characters/ digits – separated from each other using colons.
Changing the assigned MAC address may allow the user to bypass access control lists on servers or routers, either hiding a computer on a network or allowing it to impersonate another network device.
Clone the github repository and change the directory
$ git clone
$ cd MAC-Address-Changer
Run python3 to executive the file
$ python3 -i (interface) -m (mac address)
$ python3 --interface i (interface) --mac (mac address)
To get help about the commands use the help command
$ python3 --help
$ python3 -h
- subprocess
- optparse
- regex