Essential software that must be installed on your computer
Software | Versi |
PHP | 8.2.18 |
MariaDB | 8.0.30 |
Step 1:
Download or clone this repo by using the link below:
Step 2:
Go to project root and execute the following command in console to get the required dependencies:
composer install
Step 3:
set up configuration
create local database, you can use phpmyadmin,laragon(heidesQL) ect adjust config on .env as
DB_CONNECTION=your_connection example (mysql) DB_HOST=your_host example (
DB_PORT=your_port example (3306)
Step 4:
run the code
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
for create all table on your database local'.
on factory in defauld project laravel 11 use for create fake data
for run servie can use
php artisan serve
check where the server is running
open the url and can use user in bellow for login
username: [email protected]
pwd :123456
template admin stisla
example use add page route on (app/Providers/FortifyServiceProvider.php) in fuction boot() Fortify::loginView(function(){ return view('pages.auth.login'); });
- login and logout
- crud users
-- config pagination 'app\Providers\AppServiceProvider.php' add the code Paginator::useBootstrapFour(); on function boot()
if what is your changes not uptodate when service is running please try run this code 'php artisan optimize:clear' for clear all chace.