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This contract provides an anchor for an appchain of Octopus Network. It is in charge of managing the necessary data of an appchain in NEAR protocol, , providing security and interoperability for the appchain.

Each appchain of Octopus Network will be bonded to an instance of this contract, which is deployed to a subaccount of octopus-appchain-registry.



  • owner: The owner of this contract, that is the Octopus Network.
  • appchain registry: A NEAR contract which manage the lifecycle of appchains of Octopus Network, controlled by Octopus Network.
  • appchain owner: The owner of an appchain.
  • appchain state: The state of an appchain, the state staging, booting, active, frozen, broken and dead will be managed in this contract.
  • account id in appchain: The account id in the appchain, which is usually the public key of an account in the appchain. The id is bonded to an account id in NEAR protocol in this contract.
  • validator: A person who wants to act as a validator on the appchain corresponding to this contract. The person has to deposit a certain amount of OCT token in this contract.
  • delegator: A person who wants to act as a delegator in the corresponding appchain. The person has to deposit a certain amount of OCT token in this contract, to indicate that he/she wants to delegate his/her voting rights to a certain validator of the appchain.
  • validator set: A set of validators and delegators of the corresponding appchain. This set may change in every era of appchain, based on the actions happened in this contract during the period of last era of corresponding appchain.
  • era: A certain period in the corresponding appchain that the reward distribution and validator set switching need to be performed.
  • OCT token: The OCT token is used to stake for the validators of corresponding appchain.
  • NEAR fungible token: A token which is lived in NEAR protocol. It should be a NEP-141 compatible contract. This contract can bridge the token to the corresponding appchain.
  • wrapped appchain token: The wrapped token of the appchain native token, which is managed by a contract in NEAR protocol.
  • wrapped appchain NFT: The wrapped appchain native non-fungible token asset, which is managed by a contract in NEAR protocol.
  • appchain notification: The appchain notification generated in this contract. Appchain will query these data to complete cross-chain asset transfer. It has the following types:
    • Near fungible token is locked in appchain anchor contract.
    • Wrapped appchain token is burnt in NEAR protocol.
  • staking history: The staking history happens in this contract. These data will be used to recover the status of validator set at a certain time.
  • appchain message: The message which is relayed to this contract by octopus relayer.
  • octopus relayer: A standalone service which will relay the appchain message to this contract.
  • appchain settings: A set of settings for booting corresponding appchain, which includes chain_spec, raw_chain_spec, boot_nodes, rpc_endpoint, era_reward and other necessary field(s).
  • anchor settings: A set of settings for current appchain anchor, which includes token_price_maintainer_account and other necessary field(s).
  • protocol settings: A set of settings for Octopus Network protocol, maintained by the owner, which includes the following fields:
    • minimum_validator_deposit: The minimum deposit amount for a validator to register itself to this contract.
    • minimum_delegator_deposit: The minimum deposit amount for a delegator to delegate his voting weight to a certain validator.
    • minimum_total_stake_for_booting: The minimum value of total stake in this contract for booting corresponding appchain.
    • maximum_market_value_percent_of_near_fungible_tokens: The maximum percentage of the total market value of all NEAR fungible tokens to the total market value of OCT token staked in this contract
    • maximum_market_value_percent_of_wrapped_appchain_token: The maximum percentage of the total market value of wrapped appchain token to the total market value of OCT token staked in this contract.
    • minimum_validator_count: The minimum number of validator(s) registered in this contract for booting the corresponding appchain and keep it alive.
    • maximum_validators_per_delegator: The maximum number of validator(s) which a delegator can delegate to.
    • unlock_period_of_validator_deposit: The unlock period (in days) for validator(s) can withdraw their deposit after they are removed from the corresponding appchain.
    • unlock_period_of_delegator_deposit: The unlock period (in days) for delegator(s) can withdraw their deposit after they no longer delegates their stake to a certain validator on the corresponding appchain.
    • maximum_era_count_of_unwithdrawn_reward: The maximum number of historical eras that the validators or delegators are allowed to withdraw their rewards.
  • sender: A NEAR transaction sender, that is the account which perform actions (call functions) in this contract.

Function specification

Generally speaking, this contract has the following responsibilities:

  • Manage the settings data related to corresponding appchain, this contract itself and the predefined protocol of Octopus Network.
  • Manage the lifecycle of corresponding appchain.
  • Manage the cross-chain assets for corresponding appchain. Including the NEAR fungible token(s) and wrapped appchain token.
  • Handle the staking actions happened in NEAR protocol.
  • Manage the validator set for corresponding appchain.
  • Manage the rewards of validators and delegators of corresponding appchain.

This contract provides a set of view functions for querying the status of the contract and necessary history data related to the above business.

Manage appchain settings

This contract has a set of functions to manage the value of each field of appchain settings.

Manage anchor settings

This contract has a set of functions to manage the value of each field of anchor settings.

Manage protocol settings

This contract has a set of functions to manage the value of each field of protocol settings.

Manage NEAR fungible token

This contract can bridge multiple NEAR fungible tokens to the corresponding appchain. The limitation is: the total market value of all NEAR fungible token bridged to the corresponding appchain, cannot exceed the market value of a certain percent of all OCT token staked in this contract. The percentage is managed by maximum_market_value_percent_of_near_fungible_tokens of protocol settings.

This contract should provide the following public interfaces related to NEAR fungible token management:

  • Register NEAR fungible token.
  • Set price of a NEAR fungible token. This action can only be performed by token_price_maintainer_account which is managed in anchor settings.
  • Open bridging for a NEAR fungible token.
  • Close bridging for a NEAR fungible token.

When this contract receives a deposit of a certain amount of a registered NEAR fungible token, this contract should check the limitation and then generate appchain notification for corresponding appchain to mint equivalent amount of the NEAR fungible token.

Transfer NEAR fungible token to appchain

When this contract receives an appchain message which indicates that the appchain has burnt a certain amount of a registered NEAR fungible token, this contract should unlock equivalent amount of the NEAR fungible token and transfer them to the proper account in NEAR protocol.

Transfer NEAR fungible token back to NEAR protocol

Manage wrapped appchain token

The contract of wrapped appchain token in NEAR protocol should be deployed before the appchain go active. The owner of the token contract should be set to this contract. The initial total supply of wrapped appchain token should be minted to an account belongs to the appchain team.

The limitation of wrapped appchain token is: the market value of wrapped appchain token in NEAR contract cannot exceed the market value of a certain percent of all OCT token staked in this contract. The percentage is managed by maximum_market_value_percent_of_wrapped_appchain_token of protocol settings.

This contract should provide the following public interfaces related to wrapped appchain token management:

  • Set metadata of wrapped appchain token.
  • Set contract account of wrapped appchain token.
  • Set initial balance of wrapped appchain token.
  • Set price of wrapped appchain token. This action can only be performed by token_price_maintainer_account which is managed in anchor settings.
  • Burn wrapped appchain token. Which will generate an appchain notification for corresponding appchain to mint equivalent amount of native token.

Transfer wrapped appchain token back to appchain

When this contract receives an appchain message which indicates that the appchain has locked a certain amount of wrapped appchain token, this contract should mint equivalent amount of wrapped appchain token in the corresponding NEAR fungible token contract.

Transfer appchain native token to NEAR protocol

Manage wrapped appchain NFT

Like the wrapped appchain token, this contract can also manage the wrapped appchain NFT asset(s) for the corresponding appchain.

The contract of wrapped appchain NFT in NEAR protocol should be deployed before the appchain go active. The owner of the token contract should be set to this contract. (Only this contract has rights to mint NFT asset in the contract of wrapped appchain NFT.)

This contract should provide the following public interfaces related to wrapped appchain token management:

  • Register a NFT class. Each class of NFT will be mapping to a wrapped appchain NFT contract in NEAR protocol. The metadata of the NFT class should be set when register it in this contract. This must be done, before users can transfer NFT asset of the certain class.
  • Change the metadata of a NFT class.
  • Open bridging for a NFT class. (Allow transferring NFTs of a certain class of appchain native NFT tokens from appchain to NEAR protocol, and allow transferring them back to appchain.)
  • Close bridging for a NFT class. (Refuse transferring NFTs of a certain class of appchain native NFT tokens between appchain and NEAR protocol.)

When this contract receives an appchain message which indicates that the appchain has locked a certain NFT, this contract should mint a new one in the corresponding wrapped appchain NFT contract in NEAR protocol. The processing sequence is similar to transfer appchain native token to NEAR protocol, which is mentioned in Manage wrapped appchain token.

When transfer a certain wrapped appchain NFT back to the corresponding appchain, the owner of the wrapped appchain NFT can transfer it to this contract with a particular message attached to the calling of funtion nft_transfer_call of the contract of the corresponding wrapped appchain NFT class. Then this contract will generate an appchain notification for corresponding appchain to unlock it. The processing sequence is similar to transfer NEAR fungible token to appchain, which is mentioned in Manage NEAR fungible token.

Manage staking

Register validator

Any user in NEAR protocol can deposit a certain amount (not less than minimum_validator_deposit of protocol settings) of OCT token to this contract to register his/her account as a validator of next era of corresponding appchain. The user should also specify the validator account id which will be used in the corresponding appchain, and specify the flag which indicates that 'whether the validator wants to be delegated to'.

Increase stake of validator

Any user in NEAR protocol can deposit a certain amount of OCT token to this contract to increase his/her stake as a validator in next era of corresponding appchain. The user must be already a registered validator and the validator must not be unbonded.

Register delegator

Any user in NEAR protocol can deposit a certain amount (not less than minimum_delegator_deposit of protocol settings) of OCT token to this contract to register his/her account as a delegator of next era of corresponding appchain. The user should also specify the validator account id (in the corresponding appchain) that he/she want to delegate to.

Increase delegation of delegator

Any user in NEAR protocol can deposit a certain amount of OCT token to this contract to increase his/her delegation as a delegator in next era of corresponding appchain. The user must be already a registered delegator of a certain validator and the delegator must not be unbonded.

Unbond validator

A registered validator can unbond himself/herself from corresponding appchain. The contract will mark this validator as unbonding, and apply this action while generating validator set for the next era.

Unbond delegator

A registered delegator can unbond himself/herself from a specific validator of corresponding appchain. At this case, this contract should remove the delegator from the validator set of next era of corresponding appchain. The lock period of the unbonded delegation will start from the start time of next era and last for the duration of unlock_period_of_delegator_deposit of protocol settings, before the delegator can withdraw the unbonded delegation.

Decrease stake of validator

A validator can decrease his/her stake while the validator is still active (not unbonded) in corresponding appchain. The deposit of the validator after the reduction cannot be less than minimum_validator_deposit of protocol settings, and the total stake of the validator set of next era after the reduction cannot be less than 2/3 of the total stake of the validator set of last era. The lock period of the decreased stake will start from the start time of next era and last for the duration of unlock_period_of_validator_deposit of protocol settings, before the validator can withdraw the decreased stake.

Decrease delegation of delegator

A delegator can decrease his/her delegation while the delegator is still active (not unbonded) in corresponding appchain. The deposit of the delegator after the reduction cannot be less than minimum_delegator_deposit of protocol settings, and the total stake of the validator set of next era after the reduction cannot be less than 2/3 of the total stake of the validator set of last era. The lock period of the decreased delegation will start from the start time of next era and last for the duration of unlock_period_of_delegator_deposit of protocol settings, before the delegator can withdraw the decreased delegation.

Staking history

Each of the above actions will generate a corresponding staking history that is stored in this contract. These staking histories are used to restore the validator set of a certain era.

Enable/disable delegation

A validator can also change the flag which is set at registering time and stored in this contract, the flag indicates that 'whether he/she wants to be delegated to'. After this flag is set to false, delegators cannot delegate to this validator any more. But those delegators already delegated to this validator will be kept.


The staking actions also depend on the state of corresponding appchain:

Staking action AppchainState: Staging AppchainState: Booting AppchainState: Active AppchainState: Frozen AppchainState: Broken
register_validator allowed allowed
increase_stake allowed allowed
register_delegator allowed allowed
increase_delegation allowed allowed
decrease_stake allowed
decrease_delegation allowed
unbond_stake allowed allowed
unbond_delegation allowed allowed

Manage beefy light client

This contract manages a stateful beefy light client for the verification of appchain message. The state of the light client is periodically synced by octopus relayer (the state data relayed must be verified first, of course). All appchain message s relayed by octopus relayer must be verified by the light client before they are applied in this contract.

Refer to the implementation of octopus beefy light client.

Process appchain messages

This contract can verify (by using beefy light client) and stage appchain message s relayed by octopus relayer. As the gas consumption of a appchain message may exceed the gas limitation in NEAR protocol, the processing of staged appchain message s may cost multiple transactions to finish. This contract has a permissionless function to process staged appchain message s. This function will be called repeatedly by octopus relayer until all staged messages are applied in this contract.

The appchain message s which can be applied in this contract have the following types:

Switch validator set

When this contract receives an appchain message which indicates that the corresponding appchain has switched to a new era, this contract should:

  • Create a new (empty) validator set for the given era.
  • Copy the whole state of the validator set of the previous era of the given era.
  • Unbond the validators who are marked as unbonding:
    • Remove all delegators of the validator from the validator set. The lock period of the decreased delegation will start from the start time of next era and last for the duration of unlock_period_of_delegator_deposit of protocol settings, before the delegator can withdraw the unbonded delegation.
    • Remove the validator from the validator set. The lock period of the unbonded stake will start from the start time of next era and last for the duration of unlock_period_of_validator_deposit of protocol settings, before the validator can withdraw the unbonded stake.
  • Unbond the validators who are marked as auto_unbonding (refer to Distribute reward of era):
    • Remove all delegators of the validator from the validator set. The lock period of the decreased delegation will start from the start time of next era and last for the duration of unlock_period_of_delegator_deposit of protocol settings, before the delegator can withdraw the unbonded delegation.
    • Remove the validator from the validator set. The lock period of the unbonded stake will start from the start time of next era and last for the duration of unlock_period_of_validator_deposit of protocol settings, before the validator can withdraw the unbonded stake.
  • Restore the state of the validator set by sequentially applying all staking histories happened by the time of this appchain message is received (that is the staking histories happened from the last era was switched).

During this process:

  • Generate a copy of the status of all validator(s) in the validator set of the given era. It is for the query of appchain nodes. (Because the data struct for query of appchain nodes may be defferent with the internal storage of this contract.)
  • Generate the history of unbonded stake if stake decreased, delegation decreased, validator unbonded or delegator unbonded happened in last era of the given era. The rule is described in Manage staking.

The validator and delegator need to withdraw the unbonded stakes manually.

Notice that, due to the gas limit of a transaction, the whole process may cost more than one transaction to complete.

Switch validator set

Distribute reward of era

When this contract receives an appchain message which indicates that the corresponding appchain has finished an era and needs to distribute the reward of the era, this contract should:

  • Store the unprofitable validator id list carried by the appchain message in the validator set of the given era.
  • Mint a certain amount of wrapped appchain token in the corresponding token contract. The amount is era_reward of appchain settings.
  • Distribute the era_reward proportionally to all profitable validators and delegators, and store the results in this contract.
  • Mark validators who should be auto_unbond:
    • If a validator did not receive reward in a certain amount of consecutive eras, it will be marked as auto_unbonding. The count of consecutive eras is maximum_allowed_unprofitable_era_count of protocol_settings.

The validator and delegator need to withdraw the rewards manually.

Notice that, due to the gas limit of a transaction, the whole process may cost more than one transaction to complete.

Distribute reward of era

Withdraw reward

A validator or deleagtor can withdraw their reward in latest eras at any time. The earliest era in which they can withdraw is limited by maximum_era_count_of_unwithdrawn_benefit of protocol settings.

Withdraw unbonded stake

A validator or delegator can withdraw the unbonded stake which is belonged them. Each unbond action will be recorded in this contract, and the unlock period of these unbonded stakes is calculated separatly (as described in Manage staking).

Manage appchain lifecycle

The owner of appchain anchor can manually change the state of corresponding appchain. These actions need to check necessary conditions before changing the state of corresponding appchain. And after changing the state, this contract will call function sync_state_of of appchain registry contract to synchronize the state to appchain registry. (The appchain registry will ensure the caller account of this function is <appchain_id>.<appchain registry account>.)

Pause or resume asset transfer

The owner account of this contract can pause or resume asset transfer in this contract. The actions that will be limited should be:

  • Transfer OCT token into this contract by function ft_transfer_call of OCT token contract, with a certain message attached (to register a validator).
  • Transfer registered NEAR fungible token into this contract by function ft_transfer_call of the registered NEAR fungible token contract, with a certain message attached (to transfer to a certain account in appchain).
  • Burn wrapped appchain token (to transfer back to a certain account in appchain).
  • Mint wrapped appchain token (by a verified cross-chain message to transfer native appchain token to a certain account in NEAR protocol).
  • Withdraw unbonded stake (of a validator or a delegator) with OCT token.
  • Withdraw rewards of a validator with wrapped appchain token.
  • Withdraw rewards of a delegator with wrapped appchain token.

Pause or resume rewards withdrawal

The owner account of this contract can pause or resume rewards withdrawal in this contract. The actions that will be limited should be:

  • Withdraw rewards of a validator with wrapped appchain token.
  • Withdraw rewards of a delegator with wrapped appchain token.

Stage appchain challenges

This contract can stage 2 kinds of appchain challenges on chain for further process (automatically or manually).

  • Equivocation challenge - A certain validator of appchain signed 2 versions of voting data for a block with the same height in appchain. The implementation in this contract refers to the pallet finality-grandpa of Substrate primitives.
  • Conspiracy MMR - A certain amount of validators of appchain conspired to forge a new version of MMR. This contract only stage the submitter account and the block height for further manully checking in appchain.

Initial deployment

We should take the following steps to initialize this contract and all related contract:

  • Prepare the OCT token contract. (Deploy a new one in testnet or use the one created by Aurora Rainbow Bridge in mainnet.)
  • Prepare the appchain registry contract. Refer to Octopus Appchain Registry.
  • Conclude an appchain in Appchain Registry. After this, the anchor account, that is the account for this contract will be created automatically. The first full access key of anchor account will also be created in this action, with the public key of the owner account of Appchain Registry contract.
  • To deploy the contract code to anchor account by near-cli, we need to do the following actions:
    • Copy the key pair file of the owner of Appchain Registry contract, which is used to call the function new to initialize the Appchain Registry contract. (The public key of owner can be queried by view funcion get_owner_pk of Appchain Registry contract.) The key pair file can be found in folder ~/.near-credentials/testnet.
    • Change name of the key pair file copy to <appchain id>.<contract account of appchain registry>.json, and change the value of account_id inside the json file to <appchain id>.<contract account of appchain registry>.
  • Deploy this contract on account <appchain id>.<contract account of appchain registry> with parameters appchain id, contract account of OCT token and contract account of appchain registry by near-cli.
  • Determine the account id of wrapped appchain token contract, and store it in this contract. (By calling function set_account_of_wrapped_appchain_token.)
  • Determine the premined beneficiary and premined balance. (Normally decided by the appchain team.)
  • Deploy the wrapped appchain token contract with parameters premined beneficiary, premined balance, contract account of appchain anchor (this contract) and FungibleTokenMetadata. (These initial parameters will be synced to this contract by calling function sync_basedata_of_wrapped_appchain_token at construction time of wrapped appchain token contract. Refer to Octopus Wrapped Appchain Token.)


This contract has completed auditing by:


To run all tests:

./ test

To run a certain test:

./ test <test name>

And for running all tests, the following wasm files are needed in folder res (the folder will be created automatically after running

  • appchain_anchor.wasm - Automatically generated by running
  • wat_faucet.wasm - Automatically generated by running
  • mock_appchain_registry.wasm - Automatically generated by running
  • mock_oct_token.wasm - Automatically generated by running
  • wrapped_appchain_nft.wasm - This wasm can be built from Octopus wrapped appchain NFT template.
  • wrapped_appchain_token.wasm - This wasm can be built from Octopus wrapped appchain token template.
  • appchain_anchor_<version>.wasm - The history version of this contract. The testing of current version may need its previous version. Also refer to the code of function initialize_contracts_and_users in testing module tests/simulator/common/