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@sorentwo sorentwo released this 28 Sep 01:24

Optionally Use Meta for Unique Jobs

It's now possible to use the meta field for unique jobs. Unique jobs have always supported worker, queue, and args fields. That was flexible, but forced applications to put ad-hoc unique values in args when they should really be in meta.

The meta field supports keys, just like args. That makes it possible to use highly efficient fingerprint style uniqueness (and possibly drop the index on args, if desired).

Here's an example of using a single "fingerprint" key in meta for uniqueness:

defmodule MyApp.FingerprintWorker do
  use Oban.Worker, unique: [fields: [:worker, :meta], keys: [:fingerprint]]

  @impl Worker
  def new(args, opts) do
    fingerprint = :erlang.phash2(args)

    super(args, Keyword.put(opts, :meta, %{fingerprint: fingerprint}))

For backward compatiblity meta isn't included in unique fields by default.

Expanded Start and Scale Options

After extensive refactoring to queue option management and validation, now it's possible to start and scale queues with all supported options. Previously start/stop functions only supported the limit option for dynamic scaling, reducing runtime flexibility considerably.

Now it's possible to start a queue in the paused state:

Oban.start_queue(queue: :dynamic, paused: true)

Even better, for apps that use an alternative engine like the SmartEngine from Oban Pro, it's possible to start a dynamic queue with options like global concurrency or rate limiting:

Oban.start_queue(queue: :dynamic, local_limit: 10, global_limit: 50)

All options are also passed through scale_queue, locally or globally, even allowing you to reconfigure a feature like rate limiting at runtime:

Oban.scale_queue(queue: :dynamic, rate_limit: [allowed: 50, period: 60])


  • [Oban] Add Oban.cancel_all_jobs/1,2 to cancel multiple jobs at once, within an atomic transaction. The function accepts a Job query for complete control over which jobs are cancelled.

  • [Oban] Add Oban.retry_all_jobs/1,2 to retry multiple jobs at once, within an atomic transaction. Like cancel_all_jobs, it accepts a query for fine-grained control.

  • [Oban] Add with_limit option to drain_queue/2, which controls the number of jobs that are fetched and executed concurrently. When paired with with_recursion this can drastically speed up interdependent job draining, i.e. workflows.

  • [Oban.Telemetry] Add telemetry span events for all engine and notifier actions. Now all database operations are covered by spans.

  • [Oban.Migrations] Add create_schema option to prevent automatic schema creation in migrations.


  • [Oban] Consistently include a :snoozed count in drain_queue/2 output. Previously the count was only included when there was at least one snoozed job.

  • [Oban.Testing] Default to attempt: 1 for perform_job/3, as a worker's perform/1 would never be called with attempt: 0.


  • [Oban.Queue.Supervisor] Change supervisor strategy to :one_for_all.

    Queue supervisors used a :rest_for_one strategy, which allowed the task supervisor to keep running when a producer crashed. That allowed duplicate long-lived jobs to run simultaneously, which is a bug in itself, but could also cause attempt > max_attempts violations.

  • [Oban.Plugins.Cron] Start step ranges from the minimum value, rather than for the entire set. Now the range 8-23/4 correctly includes [8, 12, 16, 20].

  • [Oban.Plugins.Cron] Correcly parse step ranges with a single value, e.g. 0 1/2 * * *

  • [Oban.Telemetry] Comply with :telemetry.span/3 by exposing errors as reason in metadata