Releases: oaijs/koa-oai-router
Sorry, 1.x can not be easily upgraded to 2.0 for the sake of simplicity, elegance, maintainability, and extendibility. I want to build a good project, to solve some of the problems we actually encounter better.
If you are using the following features, please migrate as the document says.
- Built-in Swagger-UI, easy to view and debug
- Support OpenAPI/Swagger2.0 specification with yaml or json file
- More friendly and convenient api doc splitting solution
- Plugin system. Middleware loader, form validator, response handler, error handler supported as plugin
- Inherit from [Koa-Router][koa-router], maintain the original function, features and performance
If you are not a 1.x user, please skip this section directly.
If you are a 1.x user and want to upgrade to version 2.0, I'm sorry that you will not upgrade to version 2.0 easily. Please read this Migration carefully and follow the operation manual to upgrade.
Feat: add apiCooker option to handle api before register route
Feat: swagger-ui showExtensions=true defaultModelsExpandDepth=0
Refactor: Parse and mount route when routes was called.
To avoid plugin not mount finish, but the route was mounted.
Refactor: Plugin system change to class style and add support asynchronous function init
, before
, handler
, after
Fix: remove limit of plugin arguments types
Chore: remove lib directory
Big changes
- New usage
- New plugin system
- New swagger-ui
Not support smooth upgrade, must migrate
Enables support for path parameters with hyphens in them.