Documentation for the OBI4wan BOTS API.
This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 1.0.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen
PHP 5.5 and later
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
"require": {
Then run composer install
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
composer install
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
$apiInstance = new OpenAPI\Client\Api\AuthenticationApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$login_credentials = new \OpenAPI\Client\Model\LoginCredentials(); // \OpenAPI\Client\Model\LoginCredentials |
try {
$result = $apiInstance->loginPost($login_credentials);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling AuthenticationApi->loginPost: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AuthenticationApi | loginPost | POST /login | Returns JWT token |
AuthenticationApi | registerPost | POST /register | Creates an user account givin a registration |
AuthenticationApi | userChangepasswordPost | POST /user/changepassword | Changes your password |
BusinessRulesApi | chatbotChatbotIDRulesDelete | DELETE /chatbot/{chatbotID}/rules | Delete a all rules |
BusinessRulesApi | chatbotChatbotIDRulesGet | GET /chatbot/{chatbotID}/rules | Returns all rules |
BusinessRulesApi | chatbotChatbotIDRulesPost | POST /chatbot/{chatbotID}/rules | Create a specific rules |
BusinessRulesApi | chatbotChatbotIDRulesRuleIDDelete | DELETE /chatbot/{chatbotID}/rules/{ruleID} | Delete a specific rule |
BusinessRulesApi | chatbotChatbotIDRulesRuleIDGet | GET /chatbot/{chatbotID}/rules/{ruleID} | Get a specific rules |
ChatApi | chatbotChatbotIDChatSessionIDGet | GET /chatbot/{chatbotID}/chat/{sessionID} | Continue a chat given a sessionID |
ChatApi | chatbotChatbotIDUnderstandGet | GET /chatbot/{chatbotID}/understand | Get a understanding response |
ChatApi | publicGet | GET /public | Chat |
ChatbotApi | chatbotChatbotIDDelete | DELETE /chatbot/{chatbotID} | Delete a chatbots |
ChatbotApi | chatbotChatbotIDDeployPost | POST /chatbot/{chatbotID}/deploy | Deploys a chatbot |
ChatbotApi | chatbotChatbotIDExportGet | GET /chatbot/{chatbotID}/export | Creates an export of the chatbot including all the examples, expressions and regex |
ChatbotApi | chatbotChatbotIDGet | GET /chatbot/{chatbotID} | Returns a specific Chatbot |
ChatbotApi | chatbotChatbotIDPut | PUT /chatbot/{chatbotID} | Modiefies an existing chatbot |
ChatbotApi | chatbotGet | GET /chatbot | Returns all Chatbots |
ChatbotApi | chatbotImportPost | POST /chatbot/import | Create a complete chatbot from a dictionary |
ChatbotApi | chatbotPost | POST /chatbot | Create an empty chatbot |
ConversationsApi | chatbotChatbotIDConversationsConversationIDDelete | DELETE /chatbot/{chatbotID}/conversations/{conversationID} | Delete a specific Conversations |
ConversationsApi | chatbotChatbotIDConversationsConversationIDGet | GET /chatbot/{chatbotID}/conversations/{conversationID} | Get a specific Conversations |
ConversationsApi | chatbotChatbotIDConversationsConversationIDPut | PUT /chatbot/{chatbotID}/conversations/{conversationID} | Returns a specific Conversations |
ConversationsApi | chatbotChatbotIDConversationsDelete | DELETE /chatbot/{chatbotID}/conversations | Delete a all Conversations |
ConversationsApi | chatbotChatbotIDConversationsGet | GET /chatbot/{chatbotID}/conversations | Returns all Conversations |
ConversationsApi | chatbotChatbotIDConversationsPost | POST /chatbot/{chatbotID}/conversations | Create a specific Conversations |
ConversationsApi | chatbotChatbotIDTurnsTurnIdPut | PUT /chatbot/{chatbotID}/turns/{turnId} | Modifies a turn |
ExamplesApi | chatbotChatbotIDEntityStatisticsGet | GET /chatbot/{chatbotID}/entity_statistics | Get statistics per entity |
ExamplesApi | chatbotChatbotIDExamplesDelete | DELETE /chatbot/{chatbotID}/examples | Delete a all training examples |
ExamplesApi | chatbotChatbotIDExamplesExampleIDDelete | DELETE /chatbot/{chatbotID}/examples/{exampleID} | Delete a specific training example |
ExamplesApi | chatbotChatbotIDExamplesExampleIDGet | GET /chatbot/{chatbotID}/examples/{exampleID} | Get a specific training example |
ExamplesApi | chatbotChatbotIDExamplesExampleIDPut | PUT /chatbot/{chatbotID}/examples/{exampleID} | Returns a specific examples |
ExamplesApi | chatbotChatbotIDExamplesGet | GET /chatbot/{chatbotID}/examples | Returns all training examples |
ExamplesApi | chatbotChatbotIDExamplesPost | POST /chatbot/{chatbotID}/examples | Create a specific training example |
ExamplesApi | chatbotChatbotIDIntentStatisticsGet | GET /chatbot/{chatbotID}/intent_statistics | Get statistics per intent |
ExpressionApi | chatbotChatbotIDExpressionsDelete | DELETE /chatbot/{chatbotID}/expressions | Delete a all training Expression |
ExpressionApi | chatbotChatbotIDExpressionsExpressionIDDelete | DELETE /chatbot/{chatbotID}/expressions/{expressionID} | Delete a specific training expression |
ExpressionApi | chatbotChatbotIDExpressionsExpressionIDGet | GET /chatbot/{chatbotID}/expressions/{expressionID} | Get a specific training expression |
ExpressionApi | chatbotChatbotIDExpressionsExpressionIDPut | PUT /chatbot/{chatbotID}/expressions/{expressionID} | Returns a specific Expression |
ExpressionApi | chatbotChatbotIDExpressionsGet | GET /chatbot/{chatbotID}/expressions | Returns all training Expression |
ExpressionApi | chatbotChatbotIDExpressionsPost | POST /chatbot/{chatbotID}/expressions | Create a specific training expression |
KTOApi | chatbotChatbotIDKtoAnswersDelete | DELETE /chatbot/{chatbotID}/kto_answers | Delete all KTO results for this chatbot |
KTOApi | chatbotChatbotIDKtoAnswersGet | GET /chatbot/{chatbotID}/kto_answers | Get all KTO results |
KTOApi | chatbotChatbotIDKtoAnswersResultKTOResultDelete | DELETE /chatbot/{chatbotID}/kto_answers/result/{KTOResult} | Delete a specific KTO result for this chatbot |
KTOApi | chatbotChatbotIDKtoQuestionsDelete | DELETE /chatbot/{chatbotID}/kto_questions | Delete all questions for this chatbot |
KTOApi | chatbotChatbotIDKtoQuestionsKTOquestionIDDelete | DELETE /chatbot/{chatbotID}/kto_questions/{KTOquestionID} | Delete all questions for this chatbot |
KTOApi | chatbotChatbotIDKtoQuestionsPost | POST /chatbot/{chatbotID}/kto_questions | Create all KTO questions |
KTOApi | chatbotChatbotIDKtoStatisticsGet | GET /chatbot/{chatbotID}/kto_statistics/ | Get the KTO statistics |
KTOApi | ktoAnswersPost | POST /kto_answers | Post an answer to a KTOQuestion (Public) |
KTOApi | ktoQuestionsGet | GET /kto_questions | Get all defined KTO questions for this chatbot |
ProjectsApi | chatbotChatbotIDProjectsProjectIDGet | GET /chatbot/{chatbotID}/projects/{projectID} | Get a specific project |
ProjectsApi | projectsPost | POST /projects | Create a project with a username, password and role definition |
RegexApi | chatbotChatbotIDRegexDelete | DELETE /chatbot/{chatbotID}/regex | Delete a all training regex |
RegexApi | chatbotChatbotIDRegexGet | GET /chatbot/{chatbotID}/regex | Returns all training regex |
RegexApi | chatbotChatbotIDRegexPost | POST /chatbot/{chatbotID}/regex | Create a specific training regex |
RegexApi | chatbotChatbotIDRegexRegexIDDelete | DELETE /chatbot/{chatbotID}/regex/{RegexID} | Delete a specific training regex |
RegexApi | chatbotChatbotIDRegexRegexIDGet | GET /chatbot/{chatbotID}/regex/{RegexID} | Get a specific training regex |
RegexApi | chatbotChatbotIDRegexRegexIDPut | PUT /chatbot/{chatbotID}/regex/{RegexID} | Returns a specific Regex |
RoleDefinitionManagementApi | chatbotChatbotIDRulesRuleIDPut | PUT /chatbot/{chatbotID}/rules/{ruleID} | Modifies a role definition |
RoleDefinitionManagementApi | projectProjectIDRolesGet | GET /project/{projectID}/roles | Returns all role definitions |
RoleDefinitionManagementApi | projectProjectIDRolesPost | POST /project/{projectID}/roles | Creates an empty role definition |
RoleDefinitionManagementApi | projectProjectIDRolesPut | PUT /project/{projectID}/roles | Modifies a role definition |
RoleDefinitionManagementApi | projectProjectIDRolesRoleIDDelete | DELETE /project/{projectID}/roles/{roleID} | Delete a role definition |
SessionsApi | chatbotChatbotIDSessionsGet | GET /chatbot/{chatbotID}/sessions | Returns all training sessions |
SessionsApi | chatbotChatbotIDSessionsPost | POST /chatbot/{chatbotID}/sessions | Create a session |
SessionsApi | chatbotChatbotIDSessionsSessionIdDelete | DELETE /chatbot/{chatbotID}/sessions/{sessionId} | Delete a specific session |
SessionsApi | chatbotChatbotIDSessionsSessionIdGet | GET /chatbot/{chatbotID}/sessions/{sessionId} | Get a specific session |
SessionsApi | chatbotChatbotIDSessionsSessionIdPut | PUT /chatbot/{chatbotID}/sessions/{sessionId} | Returns a specific sessions |
SessionsApi | publicPost | POST /public | Create a session |
TestExamplesApi | chatbotChatbotIDRegexTestPost | POST /chatbot/{chatbotID}/regex/test | Test all regex in test examples |
TestExamplesApi | chatbotChatbotIDTestsDelete | DELETE /chatbot/{chatbotID}/tests | Delete all test examples |
TestExamplesApi | chatbotChatbotIDTestsExampleIDDelete | DELETE /chatbot/{chatbotID}/tests/{exampleID} | Delete a specific Test example |
TestExamplesApi | chatbotChatbotIDTestsExampleIDGet | GET /chatbot/{chatbotID}/tests/{exampleID} | Get a specific Test example |
TestExamplesApi | chatbotChatbotIDTestsExampleIDRunPost | POST /chatbot/{chatbotID}/tests/{exampleID}/run | Run a specific test examplee |
TestExamplesApi | chatbotChatbotIDTestsGet | GET /chatbot/{chatbotID}/tests | Returns all test examples |
TestExamplesApi | chatbotChatbotIDTestsPost | POST /chatbot/{chatbotID}/tests | Create a specific Test example |
TestExamplesApi | chatbotChatbotIDTestsRunPost | POST /chatbot/{chatbotID}/tests/run | Run all test examples |
TrainingApi | chatbotChatbotIDTrainPost | POST /chatbot/{chatbotID}/train | Train a chatbot |
TrainingApi | chatbotChatbotIDTrainStatusGet | GET /chatbot/{chatbotID}/train/status | Check if the training process is completed. |
UserManagementApi | projectProjectIDInviteGet | GET /project/{projectID}/invite | Get all invites |
UserManagementApi | projectProjectIDInviteUserPost | POST /project/{projectID}/invite/user | Invites a person to create an account |
UserManagementApi | projectProjectIDInviteeInviteIDDelete | DELETE /project/{projectID}/invitee/{inviteID} | Delete a sepcific invite |
UserManagementApi | projectProjectIDInviteeInviteIDGet | GET /project/{projectID}/invitee/{inviteID} | Get a specific invite |
UserManagementApi | projectProjectIDUsersGet | GET /project/{projectID}/users | Returns all users |
UserManagementApi | projectProjectIDUsersUserIDDelete | DELETE /project/{projectID}/users/{userID} | Delete a specific user |
UserManagementApi | projectProjectIDUsersUserIDGet | GET /project/{projectID}/users/{userID} | Returns a specific user |
UserManagementApi | projectProjectIDUsersUserIDRolePut | PUT /project/{projectID}/users/{userID}/role | Modifies the role of an user |
UserManagementApi | userMeGet | GET /user/me | Returns your user object |
UserManagementApi | userUserIDGet | GET /user/{userID} | Returns a user |
- BusinessRule
- BusinessRuleString
- ChatInput
- Chatbot
- CompleteChatbot
- Conversation
- ConversationTurn
- EmptyChatbot
- Entity
- Expression
- Invitation
- KTOProps
- KTOQuestion
- KTOResult
- LanguageModel
- LoginCredentials
- NewPassword
- NewRoleDict
- Password
- Permission
- Project
- ProjectIdentification
- ProjectWithRole
- PublicChatInput
- PublicCreateSession
- RegexFeature
- Registration
- RoleDict
- TestExample
- TestRegexResult
- TestResult
- Token
- TrainingExample
- TrainingStatus
- UpdateChatbot
- UpdateRoleDict
- User
- UserSpec
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header