This Library is now hosted directly in functional. For the latest version look there.
A library for constructing JsonSchemas and TypeScript types simultaneously.
This library is a collection of combinators that can be used to construct json schemas and their associated TypeScript types at the same time. It follows the pattern laid down by gcanti in io-ts. Following is the simple usage case:
import * as J from "";
* Declare the type using json_schema combinators
const MyType = J.type({
foo: J.partial({
bar: J.array(J.literal(1, 2)),
* Derive the TypeScript from the JsonSchema instance
* Equivalent to:
* type MyType = {
* foo: Partial<{
* bar: readonly (1 | 2)[];
* }>;
* }
type MyType = J.TypeOf<typeof MyType>;
* Print the stringified json schema
* Equivalent to:
* {
* "definitions": {},
* "properties": {
* "foo": {
* "properties": {
* "bar": {
* "items": {
* "enum": [
* 1,
* 2
* ]
* },
* "type": "array"
* }
* },
* "type": "object"
* }
* },
* "required": [
* "foo"
* ],
* "type": "object"
* }
There is also an export of a Schemable for use with fun.
If you use the functional Schemable make
function to create a Schemable
you can use
that to generate a jsonschema as well.
import * as J from "";
import * as S from "[email protected]/schemable/schemable.ts";
* Declare the type using schemable combinators
const MyType = S.make((s) =>
foo: s.partial({
bar: s.array(s.literal(1, 2)),
* Derive the TypeScript from the Schemable instance
* Equivalent to:
* type MyType = {
* foo: Partial<{
* bar: readonly (1 | 2)[];
* }>;
* }
type MyType = S.TypeOf<typeof MyType>;
* Generate the JsonSchema from the Schemable
const MyTypeJsonSchema = MyType(J.Schemable);
* Print the strigified json schema
* Equivalent to:
* {
* "definitions": {},
* "properties": {
* "foo": {
* "properties": {
* "bar": {
* "items": {
* "enum": [
* 1,
* 2
* ]
* },
* "type": "array"
* }
* },
* "type": "object"
* }
* },
* "required": [
* "foo"
* ],
* "type": "object"
* }
console.log(JSON.stringify(J.print(MyTypeJsonSchema), null, 2));
As you can see, there is very little difference. The benefit is that
a Schemable
can also be used to generate a fun decoder.
Lastly, this library properly handles recursive types/schemas with the lazy
combinator. Unfortunately,
the recursive type must be defined as a typescript type since type inference can't name recursive types for you.
import * as J from "";
type Foo = {
foo?: Foo;
bar: string;
const Foo: J.JsonSchema<Foo> = J.lazy("Foo", () =>
J.intersect(J.partial({ foo: Foo }), J.type({ bar: J.string }))
console.log(JSON.stringify(J.print(Foo), null, 2));
// Prints
// {
// "$ref": "#/definitions/Foo",
// "definitions": {
// "Foo": {
// "allOf": [
// {
// "properties": {
// "foo": {
// "$ref": "#/definitions/Foo"
// }
// },
// "type": "object"
// },
// {
// "properties": {
// "bar": {
// "type": "string"
// }
// },
// "required": [
// "bar"
// ],
// "type": "object"
// }
// ]
// }
// }
// }
Additionally, mutual recursion is also possible:
import * as J from "";
const Bar = J.lazy("Bar", () =>
foo: Foo,
type Bar = J.TypeOf<typeof Bar>;
type Foo = {
bar: Bar[];
baz: string;
const Foo: J.JsonSchema<Foo> = J.lazy("Foo", () =>
bar: J.array(Bar),
baz: J.string,
console.log(JSON.stringify(J.print(Foo), null, 2));
// {
// "$ref": "#/definitions/Foo",
// "definitions": {
// "Foo": {
// "properties": {
// "bar": {
// "items": {
// "$ref": "#/definitions/Bar"
// },
// "type": "array"
// },
// "baz": {
// "type": "string"
// }
// },
// "required": [
// "bar",
// "baz"
// ],
// "type": "object"
// },
// "Bar": {
// "properties": {
// "foo": {
// "$ref": "#/definitions/Foo"
// }
// },
// "required": [
// "foo"
// ],
// "type": "object"
// }
// }
// }
Type | Notes |
JsonSchema<A> |
An alias of the State Monad that evaluates to a [Json.Type, Json.Definitions] |
TypeOf<T> |
A type extraction tool used to get the TypeScript type representation of a JsonSchema<A> |
import * as Json from "./types.ts" |
Partial TypeScript type implementations of actual Json Schema |
Combinator | Description | Example |
nullable | Takes in a JsonSchema<A> and returns a JsonSchema of the union A and null |
J.nullable(J.string) |
literal | Takes in a variadic number of Primitive values and a union of those literals |
J.literal(1, 2, 3, "a", "b", "c") |
string | Returns a JsonSchema<string> |
J.string |
number | Returns a JsonSchema<number> |
J.number |
boolean | Returns a JsonSchema<boolean> |
J.boolean |
type | Takes in a Record<string, JsonSchema<any> and returns a JsonSchema object with the same shape with all fields required |
J.type({ foo: J.string, bar: J.number }) |
partial | Takes in a Record<string, JsonSchema<any> and returns a JsonSchema object with the same shape |
J.partial({ foo: J.string, bar: J.number }) |
array | Takes in a JsonSchema<A> and returns a JsonSchema<Array<A>> |
J.array(J.string) |
record | Takes in a JsonSchema<A> and returns a JsonSchema<Record<string, A>> |
J.record(J.string) |
tuple | Takes in a variadic number of args like JsonSchema<string>, JsonSchema<number> and returns a JsonSchema<[string, number]> |
J.tuple(J.string, J.number) |
union | Takes in a variadic number of and returns thier union | J.union(J.number, J.string) |
intersect | Takes in exactly two schemas and returns their intersection | J.intersect(J.partial({ foo: J.number }), J.type({ bar: J.string })) |
sum | Takes in a tag and a record of JsonSchema that each contain a key with tag as the name and returns a union of the members |
J.sum('myTag', { foo: J.type({ myTag: J.literal('foo') })}) |
lazy | Takes in a key and a function that returns a JsonSchema and returs a Json Schema $ref |
J.lazy('Foo', () => J.type({ foo: J.string })) |
Takes in a JsonSchema<A> and returns the actual Json Schema representation |
J.print(J.string) |
is a type from fun schemable that abstracts the combinator pattern used in jsonschema.ts
. Effectively, instead of using jsonschema.ts combinators directly, one can define a Schemable
instance using the make
function from hkts schemable
and then derive the actual json schema from that.