Fusee Launcher for the adafruit trinket m0 board. Based on sam fusee launcher.
Build and tested with Arduino SDK.
- Download and extract the firmware: CTCaer Hekate 3.2, SXLoader 1.0
- Connect the Trinket M0 and press the reset button twice
- Open the TRINKETBOOT device and copy the extracted files on the device
Go through trinket m0: arduino-ide-setup and trinket m0: arduino-ide-setup2
- Download and install arduino IDE http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software
- In Arduino: go to "Prefences" and add to "Additional Board Manager URLs" followin URL:
- go to "Tools > Board > Board Manager" and select Type: All and
- Install "Adafruit SAMD Boards" and "Arduino - Boards SAMD"
- Select the Trinket M0 with "Tools > Board > Adafruit Trinket M0"
Go to Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries Install USBHOst, Adafruit DotStar and FlashStorage.
Connect the Trinket m0 to your computer and double Click on the Reset Button. Your computer should detect the Trinket m0 automatically (On win7 install this driver)
Got to Tools > Port and select your conneted trinket m0
Download this Repository, open main/main.ino with Arduino IDE.
Then Verify/Compile (Ctrl + R) If no errors appear Upload (Ctrl + U).
The trinket is ready for use.
LED is:
- blinking orange -> searching for Switch in RCM mode
- red -> no Switch found
- off (except the power LED) -> finished successfully
download your favorit payload as a .bin
run the python script tools/binConverter.py
with the path to the file as an argument:
python binConverter.py "C:\pathToMyPayload\hekateNew.bin
or just drag the .bin file on the script
in the same folder as the .bin file is located, a new .h file should appear. Copy the new file to the main folder and in the main.ino go to line 6 #include "hekate_ctcaer_2.3.h"
and rename it to your new file #include "hekateNew.h"
Then just compile and upload.
trinket m0 + liPoly charger + Button + 150mAh LiPoly Battery
Power consumption:
- Idle with error and power LED: 3.5mA
- Idle with only power LED: 1.3mA
- Running: 12.7mA
Micro USB to USB C converter