dntk is command line's multi-platform Interactive calculator, GNU bc wrapper.
✔︎ dntk means calculator in a japanese.
✔︎ dntk is gnu bc wrapper. so, syntax is equal to gnu bc. learn syntax more
✔︎ dntk is a NATIVE The Rust Programming Language application.
✔︎ dntk can move cursor, can delete char, can refresh buffer.
✔︎ dntk write color means,
color | means |
cyan | can caluclate & can output |
megenta | can't caluclate, can't output |
yellow | danger input char, output warning |
green | clean buffer message |
Download Page: https://github.com/nnao45/dntk/releases/latest
dntk support multi-platform 😊 mac, linux, freebsd, and windows!!!
- i686-osx
- x86_64-osx
- i686-linux
- x86_64-linux
- i686-windows
- x86_64-windows
- i686-freebsd
- x86_64-freebsd
$ brew install nnao45/dntk/dntk
$ wget https://github.com/nnao45/dntk/releases/download/v2.2.1/dntk-v2.2.1-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.zip
$ unzip dntk-v2.2.1-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.zip
$ wget https://github.com/nnao45/dntk/releases/download/v2.2.1/dntk-v2.2.1-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.zip
$ unzip dntk-v2.2.1-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.zip
$ wget https://github.com/nnao45/dntk/releases/download/v2.2.1/dntk-v2.2.1-x86_64-unknown-freebsd.zip
$ unzip dntk-v2.2.1-x86_64-unknown-freebsd.zip
$ cargo install dntk
$ zplug 'nnao45/dntk', as:command, from:gh-r
Can use dntk docker image,
Look!! Very light weight!!🚀
$ docker images nnao45/dntk
nnao45/dntk latest 3a37b5d989b5 2 hours ago 10.5MB
And run,
$ docker run -it --rm nnao45/dntk:latest
$ echo 'alias bc=dntk' >> ~/.bashrc
$ echo 'alias bc=dntk' >> ~/.zshrc
All OK!! 😎
❯❯❯ dntk -h
Command line's multi-platform interactive calculator, GNU bc wrapper.
-h, --help Prints help information
--once Run at only once
-q, --quiet No print information message
--show-limits Print the local limits enforced by the local version of bc, and quit
-V, --version Prints version information
-w, --white Set White color in a output
-b, --bc-path <bc_path> Use a specific bc command path [default: bc]
-i, --inject <inject> Pre-run inject statement to the dntk [default: ]
-s, --scale <scale> Number of truncated after the decimal point [default: 20]
$ echo "123 * 2" | dntk
behave, like bc
$ echo '( 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 51 ) / sqrt( 123 / 3 )' | pbcopy
$ pbpaste | dntk
You may install bc.exe and set PATH.
$ choco install gnuwin
$ # or
$ wget wget https://embedeo.org/ws/command_line/bc_dc_calculator_windows/bc-1.07.1-win32-embedeo-02.zip
$ unzip bc-1.07.1-win32-embedeo-02.zip
key | feature |
[, ← | cursor move to left |
], → | cursor move to right |
0~9 | Sendkey this number |
Ctrl+C, Enter | Finish dntk app |
Delete, Backspace | Delete current char |
@ | Clean buffer |
key | feature |
+ | plus |
- | minus |
* | multiplication |
/ | division |
^ | exponentiation |
% | remainder |
key | feature |
! | boolean, relational |
| | boolean |
& | boolean |
> | relational |
< | relational |
= | relational |
you can use under function.
function | key | feature |
(x) | () | Simple round bracket |
sin(x) | s() | Sin of trigonometric function |
cos(x) | c() | Cosin of trigonometric function |
atan(x) | a() | Tangent of inverse trigonometric function |
log(x) | l() | Logarithm function |
exp(x) | e() | Exponential function |
sqrt(x) | sqrt() | Return square root of the expression function |
j(n,x) | j() | The n-order Bessel function |
more detail 👉 https://www.gnu.org/software/bc/manual/html_mono/bc.html
$ make
$ make docker-build
Always Welcome!! 😄
Have a nice rust hacking days✨😉
dntk was writed by nnao45 (WORK:Infrastructure Engineer, Twitter:@nnao45, MAIL:[email protected]).
This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.