Title:- Fabrica
Description:- Fabrica is a clone of webiste called "Columbia.com" which is an apparel and footwear company. It designs, develops, markets, and distributes apparel, footwear, accessories and equipment for men, kids, women and youth.
It is a collaborative project with a team of 5 members, under the guidance of our IA Manager.
IA Manager:- Adarsha Khatua
Team Lead:- N Mohammed Nawaz - (fw23_0802)
Team Members:- Faizan Shaikh - (fp09_060) Madhura Vinod Tatte - (fw22_0294) Satyanand Shrivastava - (fw24_732) Fija Jahangir Shaikh - (fp08_122).
How to Install:-
Website Link: https://fabricacom.netlify.app/
Texh stack Used:- HTML CSS JAVASRIPT
Backend:- JSON Server localStorage