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removed vault, added secret
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nkiesel committed Nov 5, 2024
1 parent 9bd2062 commit ecb334d
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Showing 2 changed files with 64 additions and 93 deletions.
155 changes: 63 additions & 92 deletions src/main/kotlin/CertificateHelper.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ fun String?.hasContent() = !this.isNullOrEmpty()
fun BooleanArray?.hasContent() = this != null && this.isNotEmpty()

enum class InputFormat {

enum class OutputFormat {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -139,19 +139,16 @@ class CertificateHelper : CliktCommand(name = "ch") {

override fun help(context: Context): String = """
Reads or updates certificates from server, config, file, or vault. Examples:
Reads or updates certificates from server, config, file, or secret. Examples:
ch -f server
ch -f pem my_cert.pem

override fun helpEpilog(context: Context): String = """
Vault operations need a current vault token. This can be provided either via
the environment variable VAULT_TOKEN, or via the file `${'$'}HOME/.vault-token`.
The latter is automatically created when using the command "vault login". The
token (normally valid for 24 hours) can be generated after signing into the vault
and then using the "Copy Token" menu entry from the top-right user menu.
GSM operations need an access token. Run `gcloud auth application-default login`
to allow `ch` access to GSM.

private val inputOption by option(
Expand All @@ -163,8 +160,9 @@ class CertificateHelper : CliktCommand(name = "ch") {
private val hostName by option("-n", "--hostName", help = "CA bundle using partner server name from config").flag()
private val jwe by option("-j", "--jwe", help = "partner JWE info from config").flag()
private val tls by option("--tls", help = "own TLS info from config").flag()
private val bundle by option("-b", "--bundle", help = "partner CA bundle info from config").flag(default = true)
private val bundle by option("-b", "--bundle", help = "partner CA bundle info from config").flag(default = false)
private val key by option("-k", "--key", help = "partner config key")
private val secretName by option("-s", "--secretName", help = "partner-related secret name").default("")
private val port by option("-p", "--port", help = "partner server port").int().default(443)
private val output by option(
"-o", "--output", completionCandidates = CompletionCandidates.Path,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -216,12 +214,12 @@ class CertificateHelper : CliktCommand(name = "ch") {
input = inputArgument.ifBlank { inputOption }
useStdin = input == terminalIO

when (inputFormat) {
when (if (secretName.isNotBlank()) InputFormat.SECRET else inputFormat) {
InputFormat.PEM, InputFormat.BASE64 -> handlePEM()
InputFormat.SERVER -> handleServer()
InputFormat.JSON -> handleJson()
InputFormat.CONFIG -> handleConfig()
InputFormat.VAULT -> handleVault()
InputFormat.SECRET -> handleSecret()

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -377,114 +375,87 @@ class CertificateHelper : CliktCommand(name = "ch") {

private inner class Config(config: String) {
val jsonElement = parser.parseToJsonElement(config)

inline fun <reified T> extract(name: String): T {
try {
return parser.decodeFromString<T>(parser.encodeToString(jsonElement.jsonObject[name]))
} catch (_: Exception) {
error(input, "Cannot extract $name")

private fun handleConfig() {
val configKey = getConfigKey()
if (configKey.isNullOrBlank()) {
error(input, "Key is required for config files")

class Config(config: String) {
val jsonElement = parser.parseToJsonElement(config)

inline fun <reified T> extract(name: String): T {
try {
return parser.decodeFromString<T>(parser.encodeToString(jsonElement.jsonObject[name]))
} catch (_: Exception) {
error(input, "Cannot extract $name")

val config = Config(if (useStdin) readText() else Path(input).readText())
val gcpSecretManager = config.extract<GCPSecretManager>("gcp-secret-manager")
val projectName = ProjectName.of(gcpSecretManager.project)
val partner = config.extract<EAC>(configKey)

when {
hostName -> handleServer(partner.tls.hostName)
jwe -> secrets(projectName, partner.api?.partnerJWECertificates)?.forEach {
jwe || tls -> secrets(
if (jwe) partner.api?.partnerJWECertificates else partner.tls.ckTLSCertificates
)?.forEach { (name, value) ->
"$name from $projectName",

tls -> partner.tls.clientCertificateBase64?.let { chain(input, it.base64Decode().inputStream()) }
bundle -> chain(input, partner.tls.caBundleBase64?.base64Decode()?.inputStream())

private fun secrets(projectName: ProjectName, partnerRelatedSecret: PartnerRelatedSecret?): List<String>? {
if (partnerRelatedSecret == null) {
return null
SecretManagerServiceClient.create().use { client ->
return listOf(partnerRelatedSecret.current,
.map { it.latest(projectName) }
.map { client.accessSecretVersion(it) }
.map { it.payload.toString() }
fun PartnerRelatedSecret(key: String) = PartnerRelatedSecret(
current = GSMReference("user", key),
next = GSMReference("user", key)

private fun getVaultKey(): String? {
val configKey = key
return when {
configKey.isNullOrBlank() -> null
"/quick-apply/" in configKey -> configKey
else -> "/v1/secret/member/quick-apply/$configKey"
private fun handleSecret() {
if (secretName.isBlank()) {
error(input, "Secret name is required")

private fun getEnv(name: String) = System.getenv(name).takeUnless { it.isNullOrBlank() }

private fun getVaultHost(): String {
return when {
!useStdin -> input
else -> getEnv("VAULT_ADDR") ?: ""
val config = Config(if (useStdin) readText() else Path(input).readText())
val gcpSecretManager = config.extract<GCPSecretManager>("gcp-secret-manager")
val projectName = ProjectName.of(gcpSecretManager.project)
secrets(projectName, PartnerRelatedSecret(secretName))?.forEach { (name, value) ->
"$name from $projectName",

private fun getVaultToken(): String {
return getEnv("VAULT_TOKEN") ?: Path(System.getenv("HOME"), ".vault-token").readText()

private fun handleVault() {
val host = getVaultHost()
val vaultKey = getVaultKey()
if (vaultKey.isNullOrBlank()) {
info(input, "Key is required for vault")
val vaultToken = getVaultToken()
if (vaultToken.isBlank()) {
info(input, "Token is required for vault")

val request = Request(Method.GET, Uri.of(host).appendToPath(vaultKey))
.header("X-Vault-Token", vaultToken)
// We currently have to use the insecure client because the vault certificate issuer is not in our
// list of trusted root certificates
val client = OkHttp(PreCannedOkHttpClients.insecureOkHttpClient())
val response = client(request)
if (response.status.code != 200) {
info(input, "Vault did not return data")
val json: JsonElement = parser.parseToJsonElement(response.bodyString())
val data = json.jsonObject["data"]?.jsonObject?.get("value")?.jsonPrimitive?.content
if (data == null) {
info(input, "Vault did not return expected JSON")
private fun secrets(projectName: ProjectName, partnerRelatedSecret: PartnerRelatedSecret?): Map<String, String>? {
if (partnerRelatedSecret == null) {
return null

with(writer) {
when (outputFormat) {
OutputFormat.BASE64 -> println(data)
OutputFormat.PEM -> println(data.base64Decode().decodeToString())
else -> chain(input, data.base64Decode().inputStream())
try {
SecretManagerServiceClient.create().use { client ->
fun value(secret: GSMReference): Pair<String, String> =
secret.key to (client.accessSecretVersion(secret.latest(projectName))
?: "")

val current = value(partnerRelatedSecret.current)
if (partnerRelatedSecret.current.key == {
return mapOf(current)
} else {
val next = value(
return if (current.second == next.second) {
mapOf("${current.first} and ${next.first}" to current.second)
} else {
mapOf(current, next)
} catch (e: Exception) {
error(input, "Could not read secrets from ${projectName.project}: ${e.message?.lines()?.get(0)}")

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/main/kotlin/EAC.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ data class GSMReference(
@SerialName("_source") val source: String,
@SerialName("_key") val key: String,
) {
fun latest(project: ProjectName): SecretVersionName = SecretVersionName.of(project.project, source, "latest")
fun latest(project: ProjectName): SecretVersionName = SecretVersionName.of(project.project, key, "latest")

Expand Down

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