👋 Hi, I’m @niyonkuruelisa
👀 I’m interested in Full-stack Software Development with C# .net 6+, C++, Dart, Bash, Typescript as my goto Languages and SignalR, Redis, Docker, event bus with Azure service bus & RabbitMQ just to make life Easier.
I'm using different databases such as CosmosDB,PostgeSQL,SQLite and Cassandra to make one-of-a-kind and unforgettable memories today!. -
🌱 I’m currently working with different Monolithic and Microservice software projects with CI/CD On Linux VPS & Azure Cloud Infrastructure wih Seucurity, software development standard and archtecture.
💞️ I’m making the world a better place with software engineering.
📫 How to reach me Email: [email protected] Phone: +250785290539
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