In case if you want to pass variable from command you can do it by
terraform plan -var "username=NitishKumar"
In case if you want to pass multiple values through cmd**
terraform plan -var "username=NK" -var "xyz=NitishKumar"
terraform apply
terraform apply --auto-approve
terraform destroy
terraform destroy --target SOURCE_TYPE.localValue
terraform plan
terraform validate
terraform refresh
terraform show
terraform output
terraform console (for debugging)
terraform fmt
terraform providers
- ssh-key -> first-key
- assign first key to newly created instance.
- create a security group
- assign that group to instance.
- terraform init
- value = file("${path.module}/file.txt") -to read the content of the file
- ssh -i id_rsa ubuntu@ip-address
- sudo -i
- apt-get update
- apt-get install nginx
- cd /var/www/html/
- echo "This is Nitish" > index.nginx-debian.html
#TASK 2-
nginx install
/var/www/html/index.nginx-debian.html -> This is Nitish
terraform taint aws_security_group.my_security_group (to taint any resource)
terraform graph | dot -Tpdf > graph.pdf #Graphviz should be installed in your system
- terraform workspace -help
- terraform plan --var-file dev-terraform.tfvars
- terraform workspace show
- terraform workspace new dev
- terraform workspace select dev
- terraform workspace list
- terraform workspace delete prod
- terraform apply --auto-approve --var-file dev-terraform.tfvars
- terraform workspace delete dev
- terraform init
- The module installer supports installation from a number of different source types, as listed below. 1 Local paths 2 Terraform Registry 3 GitHub 4 Bitbucket 5 Generic Git, Mercurial repositories 6 HTTP URLs 6 S3 buckets 7 GCS buckets 8 Modules in Package Sub-directories
- URL requires of above sources in module source parameter.
- aws configure
- /Users/nitishkumar/.aws
- cat credential
- Provided S3 Full Permission in IAM
- Comment out the backend section of code
- terraform init -migrate-state
- dynamodb_table = "nitish-table-tf"