Debug iOS apps directly from VS Code.
- Install and launch apps for debugging automatically based on the VS Code launch config.
- Debugging on both iOS devices and simulators.
- Pick a connected device or installed simulator for debugging.
- Seamlessly debug on locally connected devices when working using VS Code Remote Development.
- All other debugging features supported by CodeLLDB extension.
- MacOS X with full Xcode installation
Here is a minimal launch configuration to get you started
"name": "Launch App",
"type": "lldb",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/build/Debug-${command:ios-debug.targetSdk}/<app name>.app",
"iosBundleId": "<app bundle identifier>",
"iosTarget": "select",
Look at the examples/Sample App/.vscode for a working example of VS Code config for a sample app.
In addition to the launch config, lldb.library needs to be set in your VS Code settings to appropriate LLDB location. Here is an example
"lldb.library": "/Applications/"
The extension depends on CodeLLDB for most debugging features and extends the same to support launching and attaching to iOS targets.
Here are some of the common options used for setting up the launch config for debugging on iOS.
When request
is set to launch
, the app is launched on the iOS device or simulator and attached for debugging. When request
is set to attach
, the debugger tries to attach to the app already launched on the iOS device or simulator.
parameter | type | req | |
name | string | Y | Launch configuration name. |
type | string | Y | Set to lldb . |
request | string | Y | Set to launch or attach . |
program | string | Y | Path to the built <name>.app file for your app. |
iosBundleId | string | Y | App bundle identifier for the specified app. |
iosTarget | string | Y | If this config should target iOS.
iosInstallApp | string | Whether to install the app on target before launching. Only available with request = launch .
args | [string] | Command line parameters to pass while launching the app. Only available with request = launch . |
env | dictionary | Additional environment variables when launching the app. Only available with request = launch . |
If you specify "iosTarget": "select"
in your launch config, the target picket will be shown when you start the debugging.
If you want to select or change target otherwise, you can do that by the following methods.
- From the status bar item showing the previously selected target or "Select target".
- Accessing
Select iOS Target
command from the command palette.
The extension exposes a few commands that can be used in tasks or launch config as parameters. You can use ${command:ios-debug.<command>}
inside your launch configs or task definitions, which will be resolved to the return value of the command.
- Selected target's UDIDios-debug.targetType
- Selected target's type. Either "Simulator" or "Device"ios-debug.targetName
- Selected target's name.ios-debug.targetSdk
- Selected target's sdk type. Either "iphonesimulator" or "iphoneos"
Remote development using this method is not supported on devices with iOS 17+
The extension supports debugging on locally connected devices when using VS Code Remote Development. If the setup is correct, the locally connected devices will automatically be listed in the target picker.
iOS Debug Companion extension is required for this to work. It'll automatically prompt to install this extension when needed.
configuration can be tweaked to control whether to allow debugging on local devices or not based on your requirements.
Your local machine may need additional setup for this to work depending on the OS.
- macOS: No additional setup should be required.
- Windows: iTunes needs to installed. Make sure "Apple Mobile Device Service (AMDS)" is running if the local devices are still not visible.
- Linux: usbmuxd needs to be installed and running.
- UI debugging features (e.g. Debug View Hierarchy, etc.) for iOS are out-of-scope for now. You need to use Xcode for that.
- "Restart" debugging doesn't work reliably from VS Code. You need to stop and start debugging again.