- CELP_bot is a Telegram inline calendar based on @createeventbot.
- This bot is private, only users with permissions can create hikes 🔐
- Idea: Organization administrators create hikes with this Telegram bot, and share it in a Telegram private channel. Members in this channel can join to the hike.
- Bot made for a hiking non-proffit organization: CELP - Centre excursionista de la Palma de Cervelló
El robot està pensat perquè només alguns administradors del centre excursionista puguin crear excursions, aquest és el motiu pel qual el robot és privat.
El robot es complementa amb un canal privat a Telegram, on es comparteixen les excursions generades amb el robot. Des del canal tots els membres poden accedir a la informació de l'excursió i poden informar de si tenen intenció de participar-hi o no.
Usage: @celp_bot [hike name]
- First, you need Python 3 (pre-installed on Ubuntu) and package manager:
$sudo apt-get install python-pip3
Copy source files to your local machine or server.
Then, you need to install requirements. Go to the directory where requirements.txt are, and run:
$sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Add your Telegram token
Add your allowed users id.
You can know it with some bots like @MyIDbot.
And finally launch the bot with (in the directory where bot.py are):
$python3 bot.py
Create-event-bot by Nickolay Chameev
Python packages:
- Parsedatetime by Mike Taylor
- Python-telegram-bot
- Requests by Kenneth Reitz
- TinyDB by Markus Siemens
- Validators by Konsta Vesterinen
To generate add.html page:
Leaflet&Leaflet plugins:
- Leaflet
- Leaflet.Control.Credits by Greg Allensworth
- Leaflet.Control.SidebySide by Digital Democracy
- Leaflet.Elevation by Felix Bache
- Leaflet GPX by Maxime Petazzoni
To generate gpx files:
Bot images:
- Calendar by Dafne Cholet (CC BY 2.0)
- Family hiking at Hart Prairie2 by Roderick Eime (CC BY 2.0)
- Valley by Ruben Holthuijsen (CC BY 2.0)
- Walk away by Iñaki Pérez de Albéniz (CC BY 2.0)
Landscape images (testing images in add.html page):
- Boots by the loch by Andrew Bowden (CC BY-SA 2.0)
- Cadí: Cadí by Albert Torelló (CC BY-SA 2.0)
- Collserola: Panorama_Tibidabo_2003 by Paco Rivière (CC BY-SA 2.0)
- Costa Brava: Calella de Palafrugell (Girona) by Asier Sarasua Aranberri (CC BY-SA 2.0)
- Delta de l'Ebre: delta de l'ebre, catalonia by manelsubirats (CC BY 2.0)
- Delta del llobregat: Llobregat by Jorge Franganillo (CC BY 2.0)
- Garraf: Paisatge by joan ggk (CC BY 2.0)
- Guilleries: Sau by Josep Enric (CC BY-SA 2.0)
- l'Albera: Munyanyes de Colera, les Alberes by Angela Llop (CC BY-SA 2.0)
- l'Ordal: paratges by Irinoko (CC BY 2.0)
- Montsant: P1010329 by vor0nve (CC BY-SA 2.0)
- Montsec: Montsec d'Ares by Sílvia Martín (CC BY 2.0)
- Montseny: Montseny by Börkur Sigurbjörnsson (CC BY 2.0)
- Montserrat: IMG_5042Montserrat_2400 by Gergely Csatari (CC BY-SA 2.0)
- Montsià: Mirando por la Foradada II by Oswaldo Rubio (CC BY 2.0)
- Montnegre: View from the restaurant by stvcr (CC BY-SA 2.0)
- Pedraforca: Pedraforca by Sílvia Martín (CC BY 2.0)
- Pirineus: Pirineus by Jordi Marsol (CC BY 2.0)
- Ports de Beseït: 20131023_153244 by Albert (CC BY 2.0)
- Sant Llorenç de Munt: la Mola, Sant Llorenç del Munt des de Montserrat by Angela Llop (CC BY-SA 2.0)
- ©️ CELP logo is a copyrighted logo, and can't be used without permissions.
- lakonfrariadelavila at gmail dot com