#Delphi TBroadcastReceiver Component
🇺🇸 - A Delphi component for send and receive Android Intent Broadcast messages, for you can easy integrate your applications with devices native SDK.
🇧🇷 - Um componente Delphi para enviar e receber mensagens Android Intent Broadcast, para que você possa integrar facilmente seus aplicativos com SDK nativos de dispositivos.
1)Install DPK in your Delphi 2)Add the paths to your source path in Delphi
- Put component in your project
- Initialize the receiver with method "RegisterReceive":
- Add the broadcasts message(s) that you want to monitor
BroadcastReceiver1.Add('scan.rcv.message'); //monitor messages from a intent sending of a barcode scan SDK
- When a message is received, you can interact via OnReceive event
procedure THeaderFooterForm.BroadcastReceiver1Receive(csContext: JContext;
csIntent: JIntent);
barocode: System.TArray<System.Byte>;
barcodeStr: String;
barocodeLen: Integer;
//Receive the message from listener
//You can catch message string with csIntent.getAction
//You can catch message data with, form example: csIntent.getByteArrayExtra('name');
//in this example we receive a message from Barcode Scanner
if JStringToString(csIntent.getAction).Equals('scan.rcv.message') then
barocode:= TAndroidHelper.TJavaArrayToTBytes(csIntent.getByteArrayExtra(StringToJString('barocode')));
barocodeLen:= csIntent.getIntExtra(StringToJString('length'),0);
barcodeStr:= BroadcastReceiver1.getStringFromByteArray(barocode); //convert a byte array to string
- You can delete one or more messages from listener with "Delete" method
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Created by Nilcemar Ferreira - .BAT Tecnologia Made in Brazil 🇧🇷
instagram: @battecnologia site: https://www.battecnologia.com blog: nilcemar.blogspot.com