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niitMobileLab authored and niitMobileLab committed May 10, 2016
1 parent 2dd6903 commit bed8fda
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Showing 3 changed files with 137 additions and 189 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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Binary file not shown.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,111 +10,15 @@
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BreakpointExtensionID = "Xcode.Breakpoint.FileBreakpoint">
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filePath = "EmployeeDirectory/Utility.m"
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landmarkName = "-copyDatabaseIntoDocumentsDirectory:"
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BreakpointExtensionID = "Xcode.Breakpoint.FileBreakpoint">
Expand All @@ -125,9 +29,9 @@
timestampString = "483603239.526981"
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endingLineNumber = "58"
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landmarkName = "-getEmployeesData"
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Expand All @@ -137,13 +41,13 @@
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filePath = "EmployeeDirectory/Utility.m"
timestampString = "483603498.465718"
filePath = "EmployeeDirectory/LoginViewController.m"
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landmarkName = "-checkUser:password:"
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landmarkName = "-signInPressed:"
landmarkType = "5">
Expand All @@ -153,13 +57,13 @@
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filePath = "EmployeeDirectoryTests/DetailViewControllerTests.m"
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landmarkName = "-testThatViewConformsToUITableViewDelegate"
landmarkType = "5">
Expand All @@ -169,13 +73,13 @@
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filePath = "EmployeeDirectory/Network.m"
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filePath = "EmployeeDirectoryTests/DetailViewControllerTests.m"
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landmarkName = "-AuthenticateUser:password:onLine:"
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landmarkName = "-testThatViewConformsToUITableViewDataSource"
landmarkType = "5">
Expand All @@ -185,77 +89,13 @@
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filePath = "EmployeeDirectory/Network.m"
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filePath = "EmployeeDirectoryTests/ReportsViewControllerTests.m"
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landmarkName = "-AuthenticateUser:password:onLine:"
landmarkType = "5">
BreakpointExtensionID = "Xcode.Breakpoint.FileBreakpoint">
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startingLineNumber = "120"
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landmarkName = "-getEmployeesData"
landmarkType = "5">
BreakpointExtensionID = "Xcode.Breakpoint.FileBreakpoint">
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filePath = "EmployeeDirectory/LoginViewController.m"
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BreakpointExtensionID = "Xcode.Breakpoint.FileBreakpoint">
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continueAfterRunningActions = "No"
filePath = "EmployeeDirectory/Network.m"
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startingColumnNumber = "9223372036854775807"
endingColumnNumber = "9223372036854775807"
startingLineNumber = "43"
endingLineNumber = "43"
landmarkName = "-validateOnline:password:"
landmarkType = "5">
BreakpointExtensionID = "Xcode.Breakpoint.FileBreakpoint">
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continueAfterRunningActions = "No"
filePath = "EmployeeDirectoryTests/DetailViewControllerTests.m"
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endingLineNumber = "36"
landmarkName = "-setUp"
landmarkName = "-testTableViewNumberOfRowsInSection"
landmarkType = "5">
Expand All @@ -265,13 +105,13 @@
shouldBeEnabled = "Yes"
ignoreCount = "0"
continueAfterRunningActions = "No"
filePath = "EmployeeDirectoryTests/ReportsViewControllerTests.m"
timestampString = "483853676.025554"
filePath = "EmployeeDirectory/DetailViewController.m"
timestampString = "484565513.996414"
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landmarkName = "-testTableViewCellCreateCellsWithReuseIdentifier"
startingLineNumber = "68"
endingLineNumber = "68"
landmarkName = "-setUpActionsData"
landmarkType = "5">
Expand Down

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