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Releases: nightcycle/synthetic

9.3.8 Re-Release

01 Aug 19:27
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Accidentally used the same version as the prior for the release, breaking some workflows and causing it to fail to publish.

Full Changelog: 9.3.6...9.3.8

Snackbar Optional Parameter Patch

01 Aug 19:11
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Snackbars all have optional action buttons & close buttons - to make them not appear, you need to provide a nil as the associated parameter. Some of the default values caused this to never be true, they have been modified to be nil as well.

Full Changelog: 9.3.6...v9.3.6

Slider Themed Constructor Patch

31 Jul 12:43
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I don't know how I messed up this component so badly, but I just didn't hook up most of the themed parameters.

Full Changelog: v9.3.5...9.3.6

Slider Hotfix III

31 Jul 12:22
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Slider Increment / Min Range Patch

31 Jul 11:56
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Fixed an edge case where it bugs out when the min of the range isn't cleanly divisible by the increment.

Full Changelog: v9.3.3...v9.3.4

Slider Min / Max Bounds Hotfix

30 Jul 17:50
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Putting the min / max values at anything other than 0 and 100 would cause various bugs in the slider handling

Full Changelog: v9.3.2...v9.3.3

Circular Progress Indicator Hotfix

30 Jul 07:21
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v9.3.1 Hotfix

26 Jul 04:24
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Due to the build process happening after the linting / type checking, it didn't catch some internal issues that were caused by various components being dependent on other components being listed under "ColdFusion", thus breaking any non-main workflows.

I've modified the workflow to better catch this, hopefully avoiding this issue in the future.

Full Changelog: v9.3.0...v9.3.1

Type Complexity Reductions

26 Jul 03:43
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To allow for faster type-checking, I've modified the release workflow to publish multiple copies of the library - each focusing on a specific workflow. They are as follows:

  • synthetic-roact
  • synthetic-wrapper
  • synthetic-cold-fusion
  • synthetic-fusion

The original synthetic package will remain available that contains all workflows. Definitely make an issue if you run into any troubles!

Full Changelog: v9.2.4...v9.3.0

Exporting pseudo-enums

23 Jul 03:59
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