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nicolasgoutaland committed May 4, 2017
2 parents ab89dbc + 444896a commit d1cd4dc
Showing 1 changed file with 37 additions and 37 deletions.
74 changes: 37 additions & 37 deletions
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@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# GONMarkupParser
Easily build NSAttributedString from XML/HTML like strings.

## Demo

## TL;DR;
NSString *inputText = @"Simple input text, using a preconfigured parser.\n<color value=\"red\">This text will be displayed in red</>.\n<font size="8">This one will be displayed in small</>.\nNow a list:\n<ul><li>First item</><li>Second item</><li><color value="blue">Third blue item</></><li><b><color value="green">Fourth bold green item<//>";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,58 +55,58 @@ Need a more complex example ?
## Description
Creating rich text under iOS can be cumbersome, needing a lot of code.<br/>
The main goal of GONMarkupParser is to provide an easy to use syntax, near XML/HTML, but more flexible.<br/>
Some others projects exists, allowing you to build NSAttributedString from HTML, but my main goal here was to focus on text semantic. In fact, the parser will detect registered markups and apply style on text.<br/>
The purpose of this was to be able to generate different outputs from the same input string, without editing its content, but editing the markups style.<br/>
GONMarkupParser is **not** an out of the box solution to parse HTML files.
## Installation
`pod 'GONMarkupParser'`<br/>
__Manual__: Copy the __Classes__ folder in your project. You will also need to __manually__ install [NSString+Color]( Seriously, consider using [cocoapods]( instead ;) <br/>
Import wanted headers in your project. .pch is a good place ;)<br/>
__GONMarkupParser_All.h__ will reference all library headers, whereas __GONMarkupDefaultMarkups.h__ only references default markup classes.
## Usage
- instantiate a new __GONMarkupParser__ or use the __+ GONMarkupParserManager sharedParser__ one.
- configure your parser adding supported tags, default ones, custom ones, etc...
- parse input string and retrieve result __NSMutableAttributedString__ using __- attributedStringFromString:error:__ method from __GONMarkupParser__
- you can also set text on __UILabel__ / __UITextField__ / __UITextView__ / __UIButton__ by using [__setMarkedUpText:__](#available-uikit-categories) methods
##How does it work ?
## How does it work ?
To fully understand how style will be applied to string, you have to imagine a [LIFO stack]( composed of style description.<br/>
Each time a new markup is found, current style configuration will be saved then stacked. New configuration will be the previous one, updated by current markup configuration.<br/>
Each time a closing markup is found, current style configuration is popped out, and previous one restored.
## Syntax
Syntax is pretty easy. It's like XML, but non valid one, to be easier and faster to write.
- Each markup should be contained between __<__ and __>__ characters
- __&lt;strong&gt;__
- Like XML, closing markup should start with __/__ character. You can omit markup name in closing tag. If closing tag isn't matching currently opened one, an error will be generated, no crash will occur and generated text may not be be as expected
- __&lt;/strong&gt;__, __</>__
- You can also close all opened markup by using __<//>__
### Examples
This is a <strong>valid</strong> string with some <color value="red">red <b>bold text</b></color>.
This is a <strong>valid</>string with some <color value="red">red <b>bold text</></>.
This is a <strong>valid</Hakuna> string with some <color value="red">red <b>bold text</mata></ta>. // Will work but generates an error
This is a <strong>valid</> string with some <color value="red">red <b>bold text<//>.
## Parser
### Constructor
__GONMarkupParser__ class provide two class constructors.
- __+ defaultMarkupParser__ is a parser with all default tags registered (See [Default tags summary](#default-tags) for more information)
- __+ emptyMarkgiupParser__ is a parser without any registered tags
### Properties
A parser can have a pre / post processing block, that will be called prior and after parsing. This allows you to perform some string replace before parsing for example.
Parsers have two interesting properties :
Expand All @@ -119,24 +119,24 @@ For debugging purpose, you can configure __debugLevel__ property.
__assertOnError__ property is also available to generate an assert when an error is encountered.
### Configuration
A parser must have some registered markups to correctly handling strings.<br/>
Use __- addMarkup:__, __- addMarkups:__, __- removeMarkups:__ and __- removeAllMarkups__ methods for that purpose.<br/>
__A markup can be added to only one parser at a time.__
###Registered fonts
### Registered fonts
To simplify fonts uses, you can register then using __- registerFont:forKey:__ method, then referencing them using given key.<br/>
Very useful with __&lt;font&gt;__ markup, allowing you to directly use code instead of full font name. You can also use codes such as __mainFont__, __titleFont__ to easily update them later throught all your strings.
## GONMarkupParserManager
### sharedParser
A shared parser is available, so you don't have to create one and reference it throught all your application.<br/>
Shared parser is configured with all default markups.
###parsers registration
### Parsers registration
You can register some parser to this class, allowing you to use them from different places in your application.
##Available UIKit Categories
## Available UIKit Categories
2 methods were added to UILabel, UITextField and UITextView, allowing you to easily update its attributed string using a markedup one.<br/>
- __- setMarkedUpText:(NSString *)text parser:(GONMarkupParser *)parser__ will use given parser to handle string and generate attributed one.
Expand All @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ If no parser default configuration is set for __NSForegroundColorAttributeName__
You are strongly encouraged to use these methods if you want to use your component style as default parser configuration.
##Anchor support
## Anchor support
Anchor support is supported using __&lt;a href="..."&gt;__ markup.<br/>
If __NSAttributedString__ is displayed in a UITextView, you can handle user clicks on it.<br/>
Be sure your UITextView is __non editable__, __selectable__ and have its __delegate__ set.<br/>
Expand All @@ -156,8 +156,8 @@ method.
Color style won't be applied to links. You have to use __linkTextAttributes__ attribute from your __UITextView__ to set it.
##Default tags
## Default tags
### Summary
| Tag | Class | Parameters | Effect |
|:-------------:|-------------| -----|---|
| **left** | GONMarkupAlignment | none | Force text alignment to left |
Expand All @@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ Color style won't be applied to links. You have to use __linkTextAttributes__ at
| **ul** | GONMarkupList | none | Create an unordered list |
| **ol** | GONMarkupList | none | Create an ordered list |
| **li** | GONMarkupListItem | none | Add a list item to current list |
| **p** | GONMarkupParagrap | none | Specify a paragraph. A paragraph will automatically insert a new blanck line after it |
| **p** | GONMarkupParagraph | none | Specify a paragraph. A paragraph will automatically insert a new blanck line after it |
| **inc** | GONMarkupInc | **value** | Increment text font size. If __value__ is missing, font will be increased by one point |
| **dec** | GONMarkupDec | **value** | Decrement text font size. If __value__ is missing, font will be decreased by one point |
| **reset** | GONMarkupReset | **all** | All enclosed text will use default parser configuration |
Expand All @@ -187,22 +187,22 @@ Color style won't be applied to links. You have to use __linkTextAttributes__ at
| **a** | GONMarkupAnchor | __href__ link value | Support an anchor link. See [Anchor support](#anchor-support) for more information. |
| **N/A** | GONMarkupBlock | none | When encountered executes associated block |
### Reset
Reset is a special tag, allowing you to protect some parts of a string. You can also force markup to ignore default parser configuration by setting __all__ attribute.
##How to add new markup
## How to add new markup
You can add new markup in your application, to add new style, or to just add some semantic to your text, allowing you to update rendering, without changing input string.<br/>
There is 3 ways to do it.
###Adding a new simple marker
### Adding a new simple marker
The simpler way to add a new markup in your application is to use one of theses 3 following classes :
- __GONMarkupNamedColor__, allows you to add a markup that updates text color
- __GONMarkupNamedFont__, allows you to add a markup that updates text font
- __GONMarkupSimple__, allows you to add a markup that updates all text attributes. Dictionary is intended to be the same as you may pass to configure an __NSMutableAttributedString__ using -setAttributes:range: method.
#### Example
// Retrieve shared parser
GONMarkupParser *parser = [GONMarkupParserManager sharedParser];
Expand All @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ The simpler way to add a new markup in your application is to use one of theses

###Adding a new block based marker
### Adding a new block based marker
For more complexe markup, you can add __GONMarkupBlock__ instances.<br />

It have blocks 5 parameters :
Expand All @@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ It have blocks 5 parameters :
- __prefixStringForContextBlock__, called right after __openingMarkupBlock__, allowing you to return a prefix
- __suffixStringForContextBlock__, called right after __openingMarkupBlock__, allowing you to return a suffix

#### Example
// Retrieve shared parser
GONMarkupParser *parser = [GONMarkupParserManager sharedParser];
Expand All @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ It have blocks 5 parameters :
[parser addMarkup:markupBlock];
###Creating a new GONMarkup subclass
### Creating a new GONMarkup subclass
You can add a custom markup by subclassing __GONMarkup__ class.
Adding a new markup by subclassing is useful if you want to reuse your markups between several projets, or to implement more complex behavior. When subclassing, you have access to a shared object, allowing you to persists data and share it between each markup handling.
Expand All @@ -265,28 +265,28 @@ For examples, have a look a currently defined markups ;)
See __GONMarkupList__ and __GONMarkupListItem__ for an implementation using shared context.
## Troubleshooting
###Some text is missing
### Some text is missing
Check that your markup is correctly registered and that your tags are right balanced.
###When using &lt; / &gt;, some text is missing
### When using &lt; / &gt;, some text is missing
Use &amp;lt; and &amp;gt; in text.
###Text color is still applied after my tag is closed.
### Text color is still applied after my tag is closed.
This is caused by __NSAttributedString__ internal behavior. Once a color is set, it is applied until a new one is set.<br/>
To prevent this problem, be sure to have set a default text color in your parser (__defaultConfiguration__ / __NSForegroundColorAttributeName__ key). You can use __setMarkedUpText:__ on __UILabel__ / __UITextField__ to use default component configuration.
###Text style isn't applied to my link
### Text style isn't applied to my link
See [Anchor support](#anchor-support) for more information.
###I am encountering some crashes when using custom font
### I am encountering some crashes when using custom font
Be sure to use correct font name, or that font code you are using is correctly registered to your parser. <br/>
Want to dump all available fonts on your device and check real names ?<br/>
Have a look [at DUMP_FONT_LIST() here](
###No new lines are inserted using __&lt;br&gt;__
### No new lines are inserted using __&lt;br&gt;__
*__&lt;br&gt;__* alone is not valid in __GONMarkupParser__. Be sure to use __&lt;br/&gt;__.
###Color isn't applied
### Color isn't applied
Check that you color value synthax is correct.<br/>
For more information on supported synthax, have a look at [NSString+UIColor here](, that is used to compute colors from your string values.
Expand All @@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ No, definitely not. I was still able to push to GitHub yesterday.
## Contributors
See the [Contributors page]( on github.
## Versions
__0.7.2__ : Fixed bug #21<br/>
__0.7.1__ : Fixed warning #18<br/>
__0.7.0__ : Fixed bug #15<br/>
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