Feiertage is a Go/Golang library for calculating German and Austrian bank holidays. It includes the calculation of the date of Easter and, more importantly, offers ways to retrieve public holidays for a state of Germany or Austria (=Bundesland).
The library is probably useful only for people realizing use cases with special requirements inside of Austria or Germany, such as shift schedules or capacity calculation.
See https://godoc.org/github.com/wlbr/feiertage
There are four types of functions:
and<region>(year optional:IncludingSundays:true)
GetRegionFromString(region, year)
CheckIfIsBankHolidayIn(date, state)
returns an extended time
object (type feiertag
). It carries the date of the holiday
in the requested year plus the name of the holiday. <feiertag>
may be any of the following:
Neujahr |
Epiphanias |
HeiligeDreiKönige |
Valentinstag |
InternationalerTagDesGedenkensAnDieOpferDesHolocaust |
Josefitag |
Weiberfastnacht |
Karnevalssonntag |
Rosenmontag |
Fastnacht |
Aschermittwoch |
InternationalerFrauentag |
Palmsonntag |
Gründonnerstag |
Karfreitag |
Ostern |
BeginnSommerzeit |
Ostermontag |
Walpurgisnacht |
TagDerArbeit |
TagDerBefreiung |
Staatsfeiertag |
InternationalerTagDerPressefreiheit |
Florianitag |
Muttertag |
Handtuchtag |
ChristiHimmelfahrt |
Vatertag |
Pfingsten |
Pfingstmontag |
Dreifaltigkeitssonntag |
Fronleichnam |
TagDesMeeres |
MariäHimmelfahrt |
SystemAdministratorAppreciationDay |
Rupertitag |
InternationalerKindertag |
Weltflüchtlingstag |
TagDerDeutschenEinheit |
TagDerVolksabstimmung |
Nationalfeiertag |
Erntedankfest |
Reformationstag |
Halloween |
BeginnWinterzeit |
Allerheiligen |
Allerseelen |
Martinstag |
Karnevalsbeginn |
Leopolditag |
Weltkindertag |
BußUndBettag |
Thanksgiving |
Blackfriday |
Volkstrauertag |
Nikolaus |
MariäUnbefleckteEmpfängnis |
MariäEmpfängnis |
Totensonntag |
ErsterAdvent |
ZweiterAdvent |
DritterAdvent |
VierterAdvent |
Heiligabend |
Weihnachten |
Christtag |
Stefanitag |
ZweiterWeihnachtsfeiertag |
Silvester |
returns an object of type region
. It offers a list of public holidays valid in the specified state as well as the name and the shortname of the state as attributes.
may be any of:
BadenWürttemberg |
Bayern |
Berlin |
Brandenburg |
Bremen |
Hamburg |
Hessen |
MecklenburgVorpommern |
Niedersachsen |
NordrheinWestfalen |
RheinlandPfalz |
Saarland |
Sachsen |
SachsenAnhalt |
SchleswigHolstein |
Thüringen |
Deutschland |
Burgenland |
Kärnten |
Niederösterreich |
Oberösterreich |
Salzburg |
Steiermark |
Tirol |
Vorarlberg |
Wien |
Österreich |
All |
The optional region function argument includingSundays
switches the behavior of the region function to include "gesetzliche Feiertage" that fall on Sundays in its output. This is important in Brandenburg, particularly for Easter and Pentecost Sunday. If you are calculating shift costs you will need to know even the holidays "hidden by Sunday".
The region functions return the public holidays ("gesetzliche Feiertage"). The function all
returns all defined "special dates", such as Penance Day (Buß- und Bettag) or the begin/end of daylight saving time.
The regional functions for Austrian Bundesländer include saints' days which are state-level holidays, meaning
schools etc. are generally closed but workers don't get the day off by default. If you don't want to
include these days in your planning, it's okay to reference Österreich
instead, as legal holidays are
(more or less) synchronised across all Austrian states (Bundesländer).
GetRegionFromString tries to match a string to a region from Germany or Austria. Because a reagion already contains the feiertage, a year
is needed to calc theese.
CheckIfIsBankHolidayIn checks if the given date
is a Bank holiday in the region
, Sundays are only positve in case they are on a feiertag for the region as well.
--> 27.03.2016 Ostern
--> 16.11.2016 Buß- und Bettag
--> Brandenburg (BB)
01.01.2016 Neujahr
25.03.2016 Karfreitag
27.03.2016 Ostern
28.03.2016 Ostermontag
01.05.2016 Tag der Arbeit
05.05.2016 Christi Himmelfahrt
15.05.2016 Pfingsten
16.05.2016 Pfingstmontag
03.10.2016 Tag der deutschen Einheit
31.10.2016 Reformationstag
25.12.2016 Weihnachten
26.12.2016 Zweiter Weihnachtsfeiertag
fmt.Println(Brandenburg(2016, false))
--> Brandenburg (BB)
01.01.2016 Neujahr
25.03.2016 Karfreitag
28.03.2016 Ostermontag
01.05.2016 Tag der Arbeit
05.05.2016 Christi Himmelfahrt
16.05.2016 Pfingstmontag
03.10.2016 Tag der deutschen Einheit
31.10.2016 Reformationstag
25.12.2016 Weihnachten
26.12.2016 Zweiter Weihnachtsfeiertag
region, _ := GetRegionFromString("Brandenburg",2016)
--> Brandenburg (BB)
01.01.2016 Neujahr
25.03.2016 Karfreitag
28.03.2016 Ostermontag
01.05.2016 Tag der Arbeit
05.05.2016 Christi Himmelfahrt
16.05.2016 Pfingstmontag
03.10.2016 Tag der deutschen Einheit
31.10.2016 Reformationstag
25.12.2016 Weihnachten
26.12.2016 Zweiter Weihnachtsfeiertag
fmt.Println(CheckIfIsBankHolidayIn(time.Date(2016,1,1,0,0,0,0,time.UTC),Brandenburg(2016, false)))
--> true
A little command line tool is included as well. It can be compiled using make buildcmd
or go build cmd/feiertage/feiertage.go
This will create an executable feiertage
See https://github.com/wlbr/feiertage/releases/latest for downloads.
feiertage: [options] year
- -asTaskjugglerCode (default false)
- Print the result as valid source code (`leave x y`) for the Taskjuggler planning tool.
- -inklusiveSonntage (default false)
- Should public holidays on a Sunday be included?
- -region <regionstring> (default "All")
- Return public holidays for region ``.
- <regionstring> may be (case insensitive, plus some other tricks to make it more tolerant):
- Documentation: https://godoc.org/github.com/wlbr/feiertage
- Lint: http://go-lint.appspot.com/github.com/wlbr/feiertage
- Continuous Integration:
- Test Coverage:
- Metrics: