- App for users to search their favorite movies, add them to a watchlist, and create organized movie nights
- Add snacks to a db and also add to a watch party
- Searchable via the IMDb API
- Models: User, WatchParty, Movie
- Subdocuments: Snack
The app was created using HTML, CSS, node.js, JavaScript, Liquid templating language, mongoDB, and Mongoose ODM. It is deployed using mongoDB Atlas for the database, and hosted with Heroku.
- You will need a free API_KEY from the IMDB-API website
- You will need a DB_URI from Mongo or elsewhere
- You will need a session SECRET
You will need to install (npm i) the following node modules (included in package.json):
- mongoose
- connect-mongo
- dotenv
- express
- express-session
- liquidjs
- liquid-express-views
- method-override
- bcryptjs
- node-fetch
- morgan
RESTful routes | Route | Path | HTTP Verb |
Create WatchParty Form | New | /party/new | GET |
Create WatchParty | Create | /party | POST |
View all WatchParties | Index | /party | GET |
View single WatchParty | Show | /party/:id | GET |
Edit WatchParty form | Edit | /party/:id/edit | GET |
Update WatchParty | Update | /party/:id | PUT |
Delete WatchParty | Delete | /party/:id | DELETE |
RESTful routes | Route | Path | HTTP Verb |
Set party to archived status | Update | /archives/id | PUT |
Unset party from archived status | Update | /archives/id/unarchive | PUT |
View all archives | Show | /archives | GET |
View one archive | Show | /archives/id | GET |
RESTful routes | Route | Path | HTTP Verb |
Create new snack | Create | /snack/id | POST |
Delete snack | Delete | /snack/partyID/id | DELETE |
RESTful routes | Route | Path | HTTP Verb |
Delete movie from one party | Delete | /movies/id/partyID/index | DELETE |
RESTful routes | Route | Path | HTTP Verb |
Create User Form | New | /user/register | GET |
Create User | Create | /user | POST |
User Stories:
- Create an account and log in
- View an index of upcoming watch parties
- Create a new watch party with name and date
- Have visual indicator if watch date has passed
- Search IMDb database for movies
- fetch /api/SearchMovie/
- Browse search results
- Add movies from search results to a watch party
- fetch api/Title/{ttid pulled from SearchMovie results}
- View the watch party and list of movies
- Edit an existing watch party
- Delete a watch party
- Add a snack to a watch party
- Delete a snack from a watch party
- Mark a watch party as complete
- View a read-only archive of completed watch parties
MongoDB Collections
- users
- watchparties
- snacks
- archive
Packages/Modules to be Used:
- mongoose
- connect-mongo
- dotenv
- express
- express-session
- liquidjs
- liquid-express-views
- method-override
- bcryptjs
- node-fetch
- morgan
Other Technologies/Frameworks: Bootstrap
- How to associate a search with a specific watch party
- Managing fetch requests (100 per day)
- Parsing and limiting search terms for the best information
- Movies and snacks don't feel like good models or even that they need schemas
Stretch Goals:
- Add search results to Favorites
- View Favorites on a custom ‘show’ page
- Click on favorites for more details
- Add a Favorite to a Watch Party
- Mark a favorite as watched
- Sort favorites by watched/unwatched