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nflreadr 1.1.1

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@tanho63 tanho63 released this 05 Oct 18:39
· 314 commits to main since this release

New Data and Functions

  • clean_player_names() and clean_team_abbrs() added - these help standardise player names and team abbreviations based on internal dictionaries.
  • load_ff_rankings() now has a type argument and can return "draft" or "week" rankings from the DynastyProcess/data repo.
  • clean_homeaway() converts a dataframe of games with columns prefixed with home_ and away_ to a dataframe of teams, renaming to team_ and opponent_ and doubling the rows.
  • Added load_pfr_advstats() which provides pass, rush, rec, def additional data for each week.

Bug Fixes

  • Add Rcpp and RcppParallel minimum dependencies to fix qs issues.
  • Added a message that reminds the user of the caching behavior. The message will be displayed once every 8 hours if the session is interactive.
  • Adjusted file location of snap count data

Thank you to @ajreinhard, @brunomioto, @jthomasmock, @mrcaseb, @SCasanova, and @tanho63 for their feedback and contributions to this package!