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The EYWA project is a fusion of Identity Access Control through OAuth2.1 (+OIDC) and deployable, exportable, transportable Data Models. Once deployed, these models are immediately exposed through generic GraphQL queries and mutations.


Because it makes my day better. It won't fit every situation or scenario, but it can contribute at any point. Starting a new project often comes with repetitive requirements: user management and database design. Why not handle both simultaneously to take you as far as possible, as quickly as possible?

This is all available through a graphical UI. Visualizing how your data is structured, understanding relationships, and being able to share this view with your teammates ensures the entire team is on the same page. This process has led to unexpected enhancements and saved us from many dead-end ideas.

When expanding the scope or redesigning data "tables" and "columns" don’t you want to see the impact your changes will have? Wouldn't it be better to see the differences between the current database state and the proposed future state? Do you really want to manually add or alter tables and columns?


The idea is simple: it all starts with data modeling. Data models consist of entities and relations, represented as Clojure records that implement protocols defined in the neyho.eywa.dataset.core namespace. These models work seamlessly with both Clojure and ClojureScript. This design ensures that data models are:

  • Exportable (via Transit)
  • Importable through the same engine

Both entity and relation records implement the ERDModelProjectionProtocol. One of the key methods is project, which projects this onto that.

Imagine you have a globally active data model (this) and a new model (that). By projecting one onto the other, the projection highlights differences:

  • Was something added?
  • Was something removed?
  • Does something have a diff?

From this point, it's just a matter of implementing the DB DDL to take control of the database.


Great, now there are tables or spaces where data can be stored, and the structure is well-defined. What’s next? Interaction with the database through a few generic methods:

  • sync: Save data exactly as provided (data not provided remains unchanged).
  • stack: Similar to sync, but stacking preserves related data.
  • slice: Removes relations between entities.
  • delete: Deletes specific records.
  • purge: Mass delete—works like "search & destroy."
  • get: Retrieves data starting from an exact record.
  • search: Retrieves data based on multiple records matching a condition.
  • get-tree: Retrieves data by traversing a recursive relation.
  • search-tree: Retrieves data by traversing a recursive relation for multiple matching records.

Each entity can be managed using the methods above. For each entity, a corresponding GraphQL query or mutation is exposed when the data models are deployed.


EYWA is designed for extensibility. Even eywa-core extends itself for tasks not covered by the generic methods, such as deploying data models and subscribing to datamodel changes. To extend GraphQL with custom fields, types, queries, or mutations, take a look at:


It can be imported and integrated into global GraphQL schema by using neyho.eywa.lacinia/add-shard function.

EYWA simplifies complex workflows by combining identity management and data modeling, providing a foundation for rapid development with minimal overhead.

Clojars Project



Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile eywa_cli_install.ps1
rm eywa_cli_install.ps1

Add %USERPROFILE%\.eywa\bin to PATH environment variable

Linux and MacOs
curl -s | bash


Currently supported database is Postgres, although support for MySQL, SQLite and others is on roadmap.

Requirement is to have Postgres, so if you don't have installation i recommend using docker to download Postgres image and afterwards run:

docker run --name EYWA_DEV -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password postgres

This will spin up container with port forwarding so that you can connect to database on localhost using postgres user.

Following steps are enough to initialize EYWA.

EYWA will try to setup environment based on configuration file or environment variables. EYWA requires credentials and DB endpoint data so it can connect to Postgres DB. Configuration file can be generated by running

eywa core gen-config -j # for JSON configuration
eywa core gen-config -e # for EDN configuration

Both configuration formats are valid. For more information about how EYWA prioritizes environment setup run

eywa core gen-config

Since configuration file will contain confidential data in plaintext it is recommended to add


to .gitignore file in your project.

To see what options are available to manage configuration file use:

eywa core config-schema

Lets get back on track, so we have running docker container and eywa cli application installed. As well as local environment configured in configuration file and set as default environment for eywa cli.

Now we need to install EYWA Core jar file. Run

eywa core -l

And output should look something like this
❯ eywa core -l          
List of available versions. '*' installed, '-' not installed

[-] 0.3.1
[-] 0.3.0

To install some version run

eywa core -s 0.3.1

Ok EYWA Core server is installed, now we need to initialize EYWA IAM and Datacraft. So we should run:

eywa core init

If above command didn't throw any error that implies that initialization was successfull and DB is initialized. So everything is ready to start EYWA server, except there is no user that can login to EYWA.

eywa core super -s admin

Will prompt for password for admin password, and when supplied admin user will be created with target password. Now run

eywa core start

And navigate to and login screen should be waiting for you. Use username and password from previous step to login.

To track what is happening open log file at location ~/.eywa/logs/system.log

If something went wrong or EYWA Core server isn't running as supposed to, run

eywa core doctor


eywa cli client can connect to EYWA server by running

eywa connect http://localhost:8080

You will have to complete device code flow for target user and after successfull connection client will use provided tokens to interact with EYWA server.

Client also supports executing scripts through

eywa run -c "py"

This will encapsulate running script process and by using one of supported client libraries script can interact with connected EYWA server with authorized EYWA user. The part above

For now we support:

EYWA can be controlled through environment variables as well. To see how, run:

eywa core -h


Control EYWA with environment variables.


It is possible to serve some folder out of the box, without changing server routes. Specify EYWA_SERVE environment variables to serve some folder. Folder is served as SPA. Interceptor responsible for serving files will try to find file if URL has extension (.js, .css, .html) and if it doesn't find file, interceptor will try to find index.html at every level. Like /level1/level2/level3/level4 will try to serve level4 index.html, then level3 index.html and so on.


Enforcing access is disabled by default. It is "annoying" to try something out and hack, or develop this project if you have to specify every detail. For this reason access enforcing is disabled by default and if you wan't to use it then set EYWA_IAM_ENFORCE_ACCESS=true

Enterprise Environment

Usually in enterprise environments there are two obstacles that will make EYWA harder to use. Enterprises use proxy to control http traffic so make sure to adjust http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables according to enterprise standards.

Second one is less likely but still occurs. If your enterprise uses internal Certificate Authority(CA) for signing SSL traffic use keytool to add CA to java keystore. Specify TRUST_STORE_PATH and TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD so that eywa can use keystore and check if this incoming traffic is signed by trusted certificate.

  EYWA_SERVE              Apsolute path to directory that will be served
  EYWA_HOME               working directory for EYWA
  EYWA_LOG_DIR            logging directory for EYWA server
  EYWA_CONFIG_DIR         configuration directory for EYWA server
  EYWA_GIT_DIR            Git directory for EYWA Robotics
  EYWA_BIN_DIR            bin directory for EYWA util executables
  EYWA_PRO_DIR            directory where EYWA Pro versions will be stored
  EYWA_PRO_SOURCE         prefix used to tap to custom pro source
  EYWA_ROBOTICS_ENDPOINT  endpoint for robotics module
  EYWA_LICENSE            license string used to connect to robotics module
  TRUST_STORE_PATH        SSL certificate trust store path
  TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD    SSL certificate trust store password
  EYWA_IAM_ENFORCE_ACCESS set to true to activate role based access to entities/relations/attributes
  EYWA_LOG_LEVEL          set default logging level (TRACE, DEBUG, WARN, INFO, ERROR)


  • - GraphQL Sync Mutation
  • - GraphQL Stack Mutation
  • - GraphQL Slice Mutation
  • - GraphQL Purge Mutation
  • - GraphQL Delete Mutation
  • - GraphQL Sync/Stack List mutation for batch insertion/update
  • - GraphQL Search Query
  • - GraphQL Get Query
  • - GraphQL SearchTree Query for recursive relations
  • - Aggregate fields for Query operations (count, avg, max, min, sum)
  • - Hash attribute type
  • - Encryption attribute type
  • - Currency attribute type
  • - Enforcing read, write, delete righths through IAM Roles
  • - Extend GraphQL schema with hooks
  • - Extend GraphQL schema fields with resolvers for mutations, queries and subscriptions

Supported DB

  • - PostgreSQL implementation
  • - MySQL implementation
  • - SQLite implementation
  • - CochroachDB implementation
  • - Datalevin
  • - XTDB implementation

OAuth & OIDC

  • - Authorization Code flow
  • - Device Code flow
  • - User Confirmation Page
  • - MultiFactor authentication
  • - Passkey authentication
  • - IAM Role Access Management
  • - IAM Client registration
  • - IAM API permission control
  • - External Identity Providers - module for easy onboarding
  • - Google Identity Provider
  • - Github Identity Provider
  • - AuthO Identity Provider
  • - Amazon Identity Provider
  • - AD/LDAP Identity Provider
  • - Persistent sessions
  • - Persistent tokens
  • - Persistent JWKS certificate pairs
  • - JWKS key rotation

CLI clients


  • - Explore module - dynamic visualization
  • - Documentation
  • - Use cases / examples


This project wouldn't be possible without Lacinia which powers backend and helix & shadow-css which power frontend. Many thanks to the people that created these projects as well as all other maintainers and contributors.