8x8 Matrix led example
This code shows a series of sequences for 8x8 led matrix format designed to be used as a bicycle's backlight. It's serial controlled using: L / H / R / A / V / B / S commands
Youtube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YXSK_jz2z0
Thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3816977
- Arduino nano vX.0
- 8x8 Matrix Led
- HC-05 or HC-06 (Bluetooth device)
- Photoresistor 10K/100K (don't really care) - Connect to: VIN and A4 (SENSOR_PIN)
- A resistor 10 times bigger than the photoresistor - Connect to: GND and A4 (SENSOR_PIN)
- 8 220ohm~1k Ohm (to Rows or Cols, don't use directly)
Hold [H]: Runing
Left [L]: Turn Left
Right [R]: Turn Right
Stop [A]: ...before i crash/die
[S]: Serial On/Off
[V]: Needs less light to turn on
[B]: Needs more light to turn on
All comands must be sended using the serial port on pin 10 (RX) and 11 (TX), you could connect a wifi or bluetooth to control it:
SoftwareSerial SerialBT(10, 11); // RX, TX
// Define all columns and rows pins
#define COL_1 0
#define COL_2 1
#define COL_3 12
#define COL_4 13
#define COL_5 A0
#define COL_6 A1
#define COL_7 A2
#define COL_8 A3
#define ROW_1 2
#define ROW_2 3
#define ROW_3 4
#define ROW_4 5
#define ROW_5 6
#define ROW_6 7
#define ROW_7 8
#define ROW_8 9
#define SENSOR_PIN A4
This project use a photoresistor in pin A4 to turn on/off the matrix it can be controled using V and B command to ajust the intensity in real:
int sensorValue = analogRead(SENSOR_PIN);
Note: i aren't use EEPROM, if you want to save the config you must programm that feature.
Note2: You need to send all command without any kind of new line