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sandboxTheme : object

Sandbox Theme Frontend JS Revealing Module

Gives you all you need to deal with frontend/client/browser interactions

  • feature methods API to easy develop fast forward features
  • global API methods to access page data and information about the current page
  • global namespace of the lib in the window object
  • you can change the name with search/replace


Kind: global namespace : object

gerneral purpose data storage, gets extracted from init data "info" key values and gets extended by features informations

can be also filled and extended like the page data

Kind: static property of sandboxTheme : object

page data storage, gets extracted from init data with every key/value pairs except for the "info" key

WordPress usual contents with the sandboxTheme_data:

  • ID: number
  • name: string the slug/permalink name of that page/post/content
  • meta: object other field contents, in WordPress filled with "get_post_custom()"
  • verify: nonce value used for admin-ajax requests filled with "wp_create_nonce('sandbox_ajax_call')"
  • urls: object contains addresses where your script can communicate with -- admin-ajax: address to access ajax responder functions -- rest: rest endpoint for that page -- template: Template root folder URL

Drupal usual contents of window.drupalsettings:

  • ajaxTrustedUrl: object
  • data: object contains informations about external links and other stuff
  • path: object contains relevant data -- baseUrl: string root of the website -- currentLanguage: string 2 letter ISO language code -- currentPath: string the node path, example "node/1" also useable as ID -- currentPathIsAdmin: Boolean -- isFront: Boolean -- pathPrefix: string "" -- scriptPath: string/null
  • there are even more keys there, to see all look at UNFORTUNATLY there is no documentation for Drupal what default values are inside of "drupalssettings" also it may be subject to change

Shopify usual contents of window.sandboxTheme_data

  • handle: string the slug/permalink name of that page/post/content
  • template: string the used template root file name
  • shopCurrency: string ISO currency name
  • moneyFormat: string template to display an ammount, example: "€{{amount}}"

you can add more values in a similar way as WordPress or you can also use the global window.Shopify object as data source, but thats then not extendable. UNFORTUNATLY there is no documentation for Shopify what default values are inside of "window.Shopify" also it may be subject to change

Kind: static property of sandboxTheme

sandboxTheme.$body : jQuery_DOMelement

never again select $('body') just use sandboxTheme.$body or document.body

Kind: static property of sandboxTheme


sandboxTheme.features : namespace

place to add your features.

Kind: static property of sandboxTheme


init method

use to initiate the lib. you can fill the first param "data" it with a handed over localization script in JSON format

Kind: static method of sandboxTheme

Param Type Description
data object named usually "sandboxTheme_data" WordPress: use wp_localize_script to add data. See /theme/wordpress/functions.php for detailed possibilities Drupal: use the global "window.drupalsettings" data stack See for implementations Shopify: use "window.theme"


// only prepared data

// get more data from the WordPress REST API
// Don't forget to add "'show_in_rest' => true," when registering a custom post type
var siteData = $.getJSON(;

  if ( $.isPlainObject(pageData) ) {
    sandboxTheme.init($.extend(sandboxTheme_data, pageData));
  } else {


is_page method

use to determine if this is a "page", in WordPress this means if it has the post_type "page"

Kind: static method of sandboxTheme

Param Type Description
[ID] number when an ID gets provided is_page() checks if you are on a post/page/content with that ID


if ( sandboxTheme.is_page(8) { 
  // on page with the ID 8


get_page method

returns you all page properties in or single properties if a propertyname is provided

Kind: static method of sandboxTheme

Param Type Description
[property] string inspect for possible values. Throws an error if the property does not exist.


var ajax_url = sandboxTheme.get_page('urls').ajax;

if ( sandboxTheme.get_page('url_params').get('view') === 'student' ) { 
  // URL has "?view=student"

sandboxTheme.get_feature([feature_name]) ⇒ namespace | object


returns you all registered features or a single feature if a featurename is provided

Kind: static method of sandboxTheme
Returns: namespace | object - all registered features or a single feature if a featurename is provided

Param Type Description
[feature_name] string inspect sandboxTheme.featrues for possible values. throws an error if the feature does not exist.


var scrolled_feature = sandboxTheme.get_feature('scrolled');

//['feature-scrolled'] true when setup() of that feature returned true
// typeof scrolled_feature.ready === 'function' check if that optional method exists
if (['feature-scrolled'] && typeof scrolled_feature.ready === 'function' ) {

sandboxTheme.trigger(eventName, [eventData])

trigger method

use to trigger an internal event. all features methods with the same name as the event name will be executed.

only event names in the list of the internal "eventNames" array are allowed.

Default event names:

  • 'resize'
  • 'scroll'
  • 'ready'
  • 'load'
  • 'sticky'

you can easily extend that list to allow more event names.

Kind: static method of sandboxTheme

Param Type Description
eventName string name of the event to trigger
[eventData] object pass additional data to the event handlers


element.addEventlistener('click', function(event){
  if ( document.body.classList.contains('active') ) {
    // all present "disable_element()" methods of all features get executed
    sandboxTheme.trigger('disable_element', element);
  } else {
    // all present "enable_element()" methods of all features get executed
    sandboxTheme.trigger('enable_element', element);


Sanitize HTML class

Clone of WordPress PHP API method sanitize_html_class for best compatibility.

Use it to get save sanitized html classNames

Kind: static method of sandboxTheme

Param Type Description
class_name string required string you want to be a class name


var text = element.textContent, // hello world
    class_name = sandboxTheme.sanitize_html_class(text); // hello-world


Javascript for front end theme actions







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