- Setup Release Drafter github action to automate the creation of release drafts @cscarpitta (#56)
- Remove duplicate import "readline" @cscarpitta (#52)
- Improve documentation @cscarpitta (#22)
- Fixes by autopep8 action @github-actions (#48)
- Add scripts to .gitignore @cscarpitta (#39)
- Fix ArangoDB port @cscarpitta (#38)
- fix docker build @zvfvrv (#33)
- fix docker build @zvfvrv (#29)
- Fixes by autopep8 action @github-actions (#31)
- Dockerized @zvfvrv (#20)
- rose venv @giulio-sido (#17)
- Fix bugs @cscarpitta (#9)
- Controller @cscarpitta (#1)
🚀 Features
- Implement arguments tab-completion in Controller CLI @cscarpitta (#47)
- Implement persistent command history for the Controller CLI @cscarpitta (#49)
- Add LICENSE file @cscarpitta (#50)
- Integrate topology extraction and ArangoDB functionalities in the controller @cscarpitta (#25)
- Clean and improve code @cscarpitta (#30)
- Improve setup of dependencies and fix import paths @cscarpitta (#27)
- Improve controller and node manager configuration settings @cscarpitta (#28)
- Add srv6 pm functionalities @cscarpitta (#26)
- Add a CLI for the controller @cscarpitta (#24)
- Fix wrong proto_path and controller_path in srv6 controller scripts @cscarpitta (#12)
- Check root privileges in srv6_manager @cscarpitta (#13)
- Add command-line arguments to SRv6 Controller @cscarpitta (#15)
- Add support for IPv4 addresses to gRPC client and server @cscarpitta (#11)
- Separate venv for node-manager and controller @cscarpitta (#16)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fix wrong default ArangoDB URL in controller.env @cscarpitta (#51)
- Fix an issue of the controller CLI getting terminated when an exception is raised @cscarpitta (#44)
- Fix a problem of CLI subsection terminated after command execution @cscarpitta (#46)
- Fix an issue of the topology extraction algorithm entering a endless extraction loop when the controller is not able to reach the nodes @cscarpitta (#45)
- Fix wrong module names for controller and node manger @cscarpitta (#32)
- Improve setup of dependencies and fix import paths @cscarpitta (#27)
- Fix wrong proto_path and controller_path in srv6 controller scripts @cscarpitta (#12)
- Fix bugs @cscarpitta (#8)