railsdotjs is gem providing node.js environment in Rails applications, so that you don't need to keep seperate repository, take care of deployment or cron job for node application. Any suggestion of new features or bug reporting are appreciated.
- node.js
- Ruby on Rails
- Redis: supporting messaging between rails and node application
Add the following to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'railsdotjs'
and bundling application
$ bundle install
generating node working space
$ rails g rails_dot_js:install
now you can play with node stuff in app/nodejs
has two options. using set_config
and fetch_config
methods, you can set and fetch the config values.
If you will use default value of the option, you don't need to set the value
Option | Description |
:node_path | name of the directory where node scripts are (default: app/nodejs) |
:node_env | a value will be passed as NODE_ENV environment variable (default: ENV["RAILS_ENV"] |
you can just run node script use execute_node
method after include RailsDotJS
module. This is useful when you need to run the scripts as one time job or cron job.
Adding jobs to cron tab is very easy with whenever gem in ruby environment.
class NodeExecution
include RailsDotJs
def run(file_name)
In most of case, you will use node.js script as a server. For this case you can run node script as daemon with template. To generate template, you can run following command
# rails g rails_dot_js:daemon DAEMON_NAME
It will create two scripts in script
The content of the script DAEMON_NAME
should be like this. you need to specify your script from daemonize_node
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler/setup'
require 'railsdotjs'
class DaemonNameRunner
include RailsDotJs
def run
set_config(:node_path, "#{File.dirname __FILE__}/../app/nodejs")
## it replace current process with the command executed so that it can be managed by daemons gem
# daemonize_node("someNodeScriptHere.js")
And you can start, stop and restart the daemon with following command
$ bundle exec script/DAEMON_NAME_ctrl start
$ bundle exec script/DAEMON_NAME_ctrl stop
$ bundle exec script/DAEMON_NAME_ctrl restart
For deployment, you can just add hook in config/deploy.rb
namespace :deploy do
after :restart, :node_restart do
on roles(:web), in: :groups, limit: 3, wait: 10 do
within release_path do
execute :bundle, :exec, 'script/DAEMON_NAME_ctrl', 'restart'
So that you can automatically restart node application and it will be managed by monitor process which means automatically get restarted when the process got killed unexpectedly.
pids files of the process should be in tmp/pids
directory and log, STDIO, STDERR will redirect to log files in log/
RailsDotJs uses awsome Daemons gem to manage the process and we referred this article to make generator.
Fork, fix and make a pull request