- New Mexico
- www.neilmendoza.com
ofxCv Public
Forked from kylemcdonald/ofxCvAlternative approach to interfacing with OpenCv from openFrameworks.
C++ Other UpdatedOct 24, 2024 -
ofxLiquidFun Public
Forked from tado/ofxLiquidFunopenFrameworks wrapper for LiquidFun.
ofxACNSender Public
Forked from jordansnyder/ofxACNSenderSimple sACN sender for openFrameworks.
ofxCMake Public
Forked from bendavidsteel/ofxCMakeCMake build system for openFrameworks. Usage of the CLion IDE is possible
ofxGpuParticles Public
openFrameworks addon to aid creating particle systems in GLSL.
FlexIO_t4 Public
Forked from KurtE/FlexIO_t4Teensy 4 beta - WIP Flex IO support including Serial
C++ MIT License UpdatedApr 16, 2023 -
Marlin Public
Forked from MarlinFirmware/MarlinOptimized firmware for RepRap 3D printers based on the Arduino platform.
C++ GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedSep 19, 2021 -
ofxProfiler Public
Forked from elliotwoods/ofxProfilerTrack the timings of your application's individual activities.
C++ UpdatedNov 30, 2020 -
ofxARKit Public
Forked from sortofsleepy/ofxARKitA starting point for openFramworks and ARKit experimenting.
ofxPostProcessing Public
This openFrameworks addon gives you an easy way of putting together a chain of GLSL post-processing effects.
openFrameworks Public
Forked from openframeworks/openFrameworksopenFrameworks is a community-developed cross platform toolkit for creative coding in C++.
ofxTimeline Public
Forked from pierrep/ofxTimelinelightweight timeline tools for openFrameworks
ofxMIOFlowGLSL Public
Forked from memo/ofxMIOFlowGLSLUPDATED FOR GL3. // Optical Flow GPU Version - based upon Andrew Benson's solution
libwebsockets Public
Forked from warmcat/libwebsocketscanonical libwebsockets.org websocket library
C Other UpdatedJun 5, 2019 -
ofxStateMachine Public
openFrameworks state machine design pattern implementation.
ofxCorkCsg Public
A constructive solid geometry (mesh boolean) addon for openFrameworks.
ofxDelaunay Public
Forked from obviousjim/ofxDelaunayefficient triangule fill given a set of points
ofxAruco Public
Forked from arturoc/ofxArucoopenFrameworks addon for marker based AR using ArUco: www.uco.es/investiga/grupos/ava/node/26
ofxVoronoi Public
Forked from madc/ofxVoronoiSimple two-dimensional Voronoi diagrams
ofxFaceTracker2 Public
Forked from HalfdanJ/ofxFaceTracker2Landmark detection addon for openFrameworks using DLIB
ofxNearestNeighbour Public
A templated k-d tree nearest neighbour search addon for openFrameworks based on nanoflann.
ofxThreadedMidiPlayer Public
Forked from jvcleave/ofxThreadedMidiPlayerThreaded Midi File Player for openFrameworks
ofxPixelPusher Public
Forked from morphogencc/ofxPixelPusherA C++ library to control PixelPusher LED Controllers, designed with openFrameworks in mind.