JS (ES6) port of coffee-bone.
Boilerplate for single page app built on ES6, Backbone, Sass, Gulp, Browserify, amongst other things...
Although it technically works "out of the box" (-ish), really requires some configuration, and probably contains a lot of extra crap you don't need.
There is currently no easy way to integrate Backbone with ES6 classes, see GH issue here. In light of this, Backbone-derived modules are written using the Backbone extend
syntax, rather than ES6 class syntax.
Also note, ES7 classProperties
are currently enabled through babel, but this is an experimental feature based on a proposed spec, so it is subject to change. Class properties are only used within a few modules at the moment so removing them wouldn't be a huge issue if it came to that.
- Clone repo into
$ cd [DIR NAME]
$ [sudo] npm install
$ node install.js [APP NAMESPACE]
optional - just namespaces app in all js files$ gulp
$ gulp
- development mode- Watchify (browserify)
- Compile Sass
- Autoprefix CSS
- Minify XML templates
- Optimise images
- BrowserSync (local server)
- watch for changes in
and images, trigger repeat
- watch for changes in
$ gulp build
- pre-deploy build- Browserify
- Remove
s - Compile Sass
- Autoprefix CSS
- Combine media queries
- Minify CSS
- Minify XML templates
- Concatenate vendor JS
- Uglify JS (vendor + main application JS)
- Custom modernizr build based on refs used through app -- TO DO
- Iconizr -- TO DO
- Check
- each file corresponds to an individual gulp task
- Check
- capture / modify URL hashChange eventsNav.js
- list all available site routes, handle / delegate URL hashChange eventsAppView.js
- Core view, all UI bound here. Anything with a deeplink inWrapper
, any modal-only content inModalManager
- mapping for all site deeplinked views
- each view may be an
- handle management of deeplinked pages / modals based on view 'type' and history state
- trigger sub-route event changing
- URL based pages, built in methods for page transitions_ModalManager.js
- custom modal management (non URL-based popups)
- use to retrieve all endpointsUserData.js
- holds all user data, convenience methods to integrate with assumed user API endpoints (login / logout etc)Templates.js
- all application HTML is loaded via single XML file, this templates wrapper allows getter based on IDLocale.js
- all localised copy is expected in JSON file format, based on predefined (or detected) ISO-compatible locale code. This class offers wrapper to get localised string based on unique ID.Analytics.js
- Google Analytics custom event firing, requires custom JSON containing ID / event string mappings.Share.js
- Wrapper for sharing to various social networks in popup windows (except FB, this should be done viaFacebook.js
class)- Others - just look around :)
These come packaged in wrapper classes that load the SDKs asynchronously and have some helper methods for API interaction
- Facebook (
) - Google+ (
- Backbone (+ jQuery + Underscore + Backbone DeepModel)
- TweenLite.js (+ CSSPlugin + EasePack)
- Normalise
- Custom easing
- Various helpers + mixins