git clone
cd clicker
npm install # or `npm run reinstall` if you get an error
npm start # start the application (ionic serve)
npm test # run unit tests
npm run karma # start karma in debug mode: mutli run Chrome, hit `debug` to get going.
# e2e (aka. end-to-end, integration) - In two different shell windows
# Make sure you don't have a global instance of Protractor
npm start
npm run e2e
Issues and PRs are welcome, see the roadmap sticky
- This started out as a fork of Angular 2 Seed and would not be possible without it
- @bengro for the lightweightify inspiration (#68)
- @ric9176 and @DanielaGSB for E2E tests (#50)
- Everyone else for the advice, help, PRs etc
See the changelog here
- @Angular: 2.0.0-rc.1
- Ionic: 2.0.0-beta.7
External dependencies are listed here to justify their inclusion and to allow for their removal if your project isn't using the related functionality.
- browserify: peer dependency of karma-browserify
- browserify-istanbul: coverage transformer for karma-browserify
- sending unit test coverage reports to
- gulp-tslint: access tslint from gulp
- gulp-typescript: transpile typescript in gulp
- isparta: ES6 unit test coverage reporter
- jasmine-core: jasmine coverage reporter
- jasmine-spec-reporter: e2e coverage reporter for jasmine
- karma: unit test runner
- karma-browserify: transpile and bundle typescript in Karma
- karma-chrome-launcher: allows using chrome with Karma - chrome is used in Travis
- karma-coverage: unit test coverage reporter
- karma-jasmine: jasmine framework for Karma
- karma-mocha-reporter: mocha progress reporter for Karma
- karma-phantomjs-launcher: allows using phantom with Karma
- phantomjs-prebuilt: phantom headless browser
- protractor: e2e test runner
- tsify: typescript plugin for karma-browserify
- ts-node: transpile gulpfile
- tslint: static code analysis for typescript
- tslint-eslint-rules: eslint rules plugin for tslint
- typescript: transpile e2e tests
- typings: type definitions manager