Record and calculate royalty payments owed to Rights Owners based on viewing activity of customers.
- Install Docker Compose
- Run
docker-compose build --pull --no-cache
to build fresh images - Run
docker-compose up -d
(the containers will be running an you can still using the same terminal)
In order to load testing data into the database, you have to run this command:
$ docker exec -i royaltymanager-api-demo_php_1 sh -c "make database"
The command above, loads sample data into "royaltymanager_api" and "royaltymanager_api_test" databases. First one is intended to work with dev environment, while second one, is intended to work with test environments. This way, "real" database data are not affected when Functional Tests are executed.
Please, refer to the following link to view the API docs and endpoints available:
IMPORTANT: If you are using Postman, and get this error making any request to the endpoints: "SSL Error: Unable to get local issuer certificate" you have to disable SSL certificate verification in Postman
In order to run tests, you have to run the fallowing command:
docker exec -i royaltymanager-api-demo_php_1 sh -c "php /srv/app/bin/phpunit"
You can configure any database client of your choice to get access to the database.
The API use PostgreSQL as database system, so you have to use that driver in the connection settings.
Database name: royaltymanager_api
Host: localhost
Port: 5432
Username: royaltydemo
Password: royaltydemo
Database name: royaltymanager_api_test
Host: localhost
Port: 5432
Username: royaltydemo
Password: royaltydemo