Please note: This project is in early development stages
Code generator for generating various parts of a web project using the DNA project base.
All of the below are generated into the project's 12-factor app and deployed side by side with each other at different nginx locations, sharing project codebase.
- Yii 1 models based on your database schema
- Yii 1 behavior/traits/rules/relations configuration, as well as labels, hints etc based on the metadata defined in a Google Spreadsheet or your account at
- Yii 2 models based on your database schema
- Yii 1 workflow/wizard-based CMS UI for producing rich translatable content based on your content model metadata
- Yii 2 CRUD for all database tables (thanks to Phundament)
- RESTful Content Delivery and Management API
- AngularJS CRUD Modules for content item types
Install DNA Code Generator using composer:
mkdir -p tools/code-generator
composer global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:~1.0.3"
composer create-project --stability=dev neam/dna-code-generator tools/code-generator
When that is in place, run the code generator setup:
tools/code-generator/yii app/setup
You should then be able to start using the code generator.
Follow the instructions under
docker-stack local run phpfiles /bin/bash
This is the metadata about item types, attributes, their labels hints, workflow/wizard steps, if they are translatable etc.
Requires an account at for visually managing the content model metadata. In the example below, Content Model Metadata with id 1 is used as an example. Update the links with the id of the content model you are using in your project.
It is possible to maintain the metadata in a Google spreadsheet and copy paste back and forth between and Google Spreadsheets in order to keep them in sync. This is useful when collaboratively defining/enriching the metadata.
The metadata is used when generating or rendering user interfaces and can be accessed in two ways:
- From the PHP code it to use the public methods found in model methods and the static methods of the ItemTypes helper class
- By parsing dna/content-model-metadata.json
The behaviors/traits/rules/relations configuration for specific extensions commonly used dna-based projects is generated into each model's metadata trait. This makes it easy to see what extensions a specific model is actually using as well as to customize the configuration post code-generation.
Main content model code metadata generation workflow goes as follows:
- Discuss content model and collaborate by editing in the google spreadsheet with the metadata
- Perform db schema changes (adding migrations as necessary)
- Update list of item types and save changes
- Copy relevant parts from the google spreadsheet to and save changes
- Optionally tweak metadata for item type attributes and item types using the producer pages (don't forget to copy back to google spreadsheet for changes to be reflected there as well)
- Generate
- Generate item types helper class and model traits
- Generate models
From here, keep generating migrations, models and/or UI based on the current content model.
curl -O- | jq '.' > dna/content-model-metadata.json
Requires an up to date dna/content-model-metadata.json
Updating the pristine generated helper class:
tools/code-generator/yii gii/content-model-metadata-helper --template=yii --jsonPathAlias=@project/dna/content-model-metadata.json --overwrite=1 --interactive=0
Move generated helper class to dna:
mv tools/code-generator/helpers/*.php dna/config/
Updating the pristine generated model traits:
tools/code-generator/yii gii/content-model-metadata-model-trait --template=yii --jsonPathAlias=@project/dna/content-model-metadata.json --itemType='*' --interactive=0 --overwrite=1
Move generated model traits to dna:
mkdir -p dna/legacy-yii-models/metadata/traits/
mv tools/code-generator/models/metadata/traits/*Trait.php dna/legacy-yii-models/metadata/traits/
Before committing, make sure to autoformat all code in dna/legacy-yii-models directory.
Operates on item types marked as "generate_phundament_crud" and "is_preparable". (currently also qa state models todo remove legacy dep)
Requires an up to date generated item types helper class.
Updating the pristine generated models and copying base and metadata models to dna:
mkdir -p dna/legacy-yii-models/base/
mkdir -p dna/legacy-yii-models/metadata/
tools/code-generator/yii dna-model-batch
tools/code-generator/vendor/neam/gii2-dna-project-base-model-generators/yii1_model/ dna/legacy-yii-models
Operates on item types marked as "generate_yii_rest_api_crud".
Updating the pristine generated files:
tools/code-generator/yii dna-rest-api-batch
Move generated yii rest api controllers to rest-api:
cp -r tools/code-generator/modules/yiirestapi/controllers/* external-apis/rest-api/app/modules/v0/controllers/
rm -r tools/code-generator/modules/yiirestapi/controllers/*
Move generated yii rest api models to rest api:
tools/code-generator/vendor/neam/gii2-restful-api-generators/yii1_rest_model/ external-apis/rest-api/app/modules/v0/models
Now use git (SourceTree recommended) to stage the relevant generated changes and discard the changes that overwrote customly crafted parts that is not generated.
Operates on item types marked as "generate_yii_workflow_ui_crud".
Requires up to date content model metadata helper class and model traits.
Updating the pristine generated files:
export CODE_GENERATOR_BOOTSTRAP_INCLUDE_ALIAS=@project/ui/yii-dna-cms/app/config/code-generation/provider-bootstrap.php
tools/code-generator/yii dna-yii-workflow-ui-batch
Move generated yii controllers to cms:
mv tools/code-generator/modules/ywuicrud/controllers/* ui/yii-dna-cms/app/controllers/
Move generated yii views to cms:
cp -r tools/code-generator/modules/ywuicrud/views/* ui/yii-dna-cms/app/views/
rm -r tools/code-generator/modules/ywuicrud/views/*
Now use git (SourceTree recommended) to stage the relevant generated changes and discard the changes that overwrote customly crafted parts that is not generated.
Updating code-generation logic is done by adding/tweaking/enhancing providers and configure what providers is used where by modifying ui/yii-dna-cms/app/config/code-generation/provider-bootstrap.php
Operates on item types marked as "".
Requires up to date content model metadata helper class and model traits.
Updating the pristine generated files:
export CODE_GENERATOR_BOOTSTRAP_INCLUDE_ALIAS=@project/ui/angular-frontend-code-generation/provider-bootstrap.php
tools/code-generator/yii dna-angular-workflow-ui-batch
Move generated angular modules to angular frontend:
mv tools/code-generator/modules/wuingcrud/crud/* ui/angular-frontend-dna/app/crud/
Now use git (SourceTree recommended) to stage the relevant generated changes and discard the changes that overwrote customly crafted parts that is not generated.
Updating code-generation logic is done by adding/tweaking/enhancing providers and configure what providers is used where by modifying ui/yii-dna-cms/app/config/code-generation/provider-bootstrap.php
Operates on item types marked as "generate_phundament_crud".
Updating the pristine generated files:
export CODE_GENERATOR_BOOTSTRAP_INCLUDE_ALIAS=@project/ui/yii2-phundament/config/code-generation/provider-bootstrap.php
tools/code-generator/yii dna-yii2-db-frontend-batch
Move generated controllers to internal db frontend:
mv tools/code-generator/modules/crud/controllers/* ui/yii2-phundament/modules/crud/controllers/
Move generated yii2 models to internal db frontend:
mv tools/code-generator/models/*.php ui/yii2-phundament/models/
Move generated views to internal db frontend:
cp -r tools/code-generator/modules/crud/views/* ui/yii-dna-cms/app/views/
rm -r tools/code-generator/modules/crud/views/*
Now use git (SourceTree recommended) to stage the relevant generated changes and discard the changes that overwrote customly crafted parts that is not generated.
Updating code-generation logic is done by adding/tweaking/enhancing providers and configure what providers is used where by modifying ui/yii2-phundament/config/code-generation/provider-bootstrap.php